What to do??

by RichieRich 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • thom

    I tend to wonder what God is going to do. With everyone at peace, no war, no death, won't he get bored?
    He won't be able to rain down fire on entire cities. Won't be able to kill firstborn children. Won't be any stonings. I wonder if he's thought this out?
    I know killing billions of people might be satisfying for a while, but I really think he's going to get bored after a while and then what's he going to do?
    I really think he would have put more thought into this.

  • tabbycat

    One of my 'guilty pleasures' when I was a JW was the hilarity of a 'householder' reponding to the 'Would you like to live forever in paradise on earth' question with a firm "Oh, no, I can't think of anything worse.' You can't really argue with that, can you? There's no proverbial 'carrot' to get 'em hooked!

    PS. Now I'm not a JW my guilty pleasures are much more exciting. I can watch 15 cert movies for a start!

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Hmm, everybody forever young, in perfect health, living in those communal houses pictured in the mags. I think I could get up for that.

  • crazyblondeb

    Sounds like what someone said on another thread--it'd be the "village of the damned!"


  • Finally-Free

    Just think, the animals will be at peace with one another, and humans will no longer eat meat. That means there will be no natural predators, so the populations of all species will explode. This will result in all vegetation on the earth being consumed very quickly. Without vegetation, all land will soon erode into the oceans. The air will be thick with insects.

    Then Jehovah will recall the scripture that says "God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth", and he will realize that he is responsible for the entire bloody mess.

    Justice will demand that he execute himself.


  • Legolas
    Just think, the animals will be at peace with one another, and humans will no longer eat meat. That means there will be no natural predators, so the populations of all species will explode. This will result in all vegetation on the earth being consumed very quickly. Without vegetation, all land will soon erode into the oceans. The air will be thick with insects.

    Then Jehovah will recall the scripture that says "God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth", and he will realize that he is responsible for the entire bloody mess.

    Justice will demand that he execute himself.


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    The thing that made the idea of a paradisaic earth appeal to me when I was a dub was the thought that I would never again have to go out in field service anymore. Now, I would rather have a frozen dishrag drug through my urethra than live forever with a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses! NO WAY!!!!!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    In response to a couple of things I noticed.


    During the 1000 year reign, those who don’t want to join the club will be put to death. Here’s how its gonna be according to Russell.

    (Isaiah 65:20-21) 20 “No more will there come to be a suckling a few days old from that place, neither an old man that does not fulfill his days; for one will die as a mere boy, although a hundred years of age; and as for the sinner, although a hundred years of age he will have evil called down upon him. 21 .


    “Electrocution .

    Instant death from electric shock will be the method of electrocuting of such willful sinners during the Millennium, and not hanging nor decapitation. Thus it was that in olden times two of Aaron’s sons, having violated their relationship with God, and having disobeyed him, were smitten to death.”

    Found the above on a Bible Student site.

    Low-Key Lysmith:

    The resurrected have to be taught. So there’s gonna be “New Scroll” studies I’m told. And you wanna miss it? I’m shocked! Oh no, wait, that comes later!!!!!

    I may not be able to think of things to do forever, but one thing I'm sure of: I don't want to die.


  • MidwichCuckoo
    Sounds like what someone said on another thread--it'd be the "village of the damned!"

    My very own paradise......

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