What to do??

by RichieRich 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism

    I agree with you, no human, no matter how deep and thoughtful, could live forever without gettng bored. The standard dub answer (millions of species of animals, plants, etc.) always feel flat for me, for two reasons: 1) what if you're not into zoology or botany? 2) even if there are billions and billions (as Carl Sagan would say) of things to explore, you'll still eventually run out, because billions is still an absolutely minuscule number compared to eternity. Then again, the human mind is finite, so you'd figure that after a while, we'd forget what we'd seen in the past. So eternal life would be kind of like perpetual alzheimer's--doing the same things over again every few billion years, because you'd forgotten that you'd done them before.

    What's really sad, though, is that if you ask most Witnesses what they want to do in the New System, they'll say things like 'learn a musical instrument' or 'travel the world'--things they might be able to do right now if they would stop spending all their time on Watchtower BS!

  • RichieRich
    What's really sad, though, is that if you ask most Witnesses what they want to do in the New System, they'll say things like 'learn a musical instrument' or 'travel the world'--things they might be able to do right now if they would stop spending all their time on Watchtower BS!

    Thank you Dan!!!

    that says it all... a task that could be fully mastered an accomplished in 40-60 years is certainly not much of a dent in eternity!!

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Putting aside the WT bs for a moment, you all mean to tell me that you are going to be ready to punch out of this existence at 70 or 80? That you think that is all the time in the world to accomplish everything you ever wanted to do with your life. I haven't met too many elderly people that haven't wished to be young again to do it all over again. None of you has ever watched a movie more than once or gone to the same place twice for dinner etc? Yes, eternity might be a bit of a stretch, but would some of you like to have a little more time in this realm?

  • RichieRich
    Yes, eternity might be a bit of a stretch, but would some of you like to have a little more time in this realm?

    of course. My point is that most JWs who are "paradise-worthy" don't have any hobbies beyond working for Jah. So whats the point of more time?

  • greendawn

    Humans will not be confined to this planet as they are now and they will have much greater potentials than at present, perhaps there will be many earth like planets to travel to. These are marvellous things beyond human imagination.

  • RichieRich
    These are marvellous things beyond human imagination.

    please elaborate.

  • BrendaCloutier

    This link/story was posted on another thread a while back. I loved it! It's every PO's and CO's DREAM!


    If I had the opportunity to live for ### years, without having to toil at making a living, I think it could be a bit like Groundhog's Day.... continuing my education in anything and everything I wanted to do... like Murray become a master pianist, or whatever!

    But day after day toiling. Truly Adam and Eve's curse.

  • BrendaCloutier

    The concept behind this thread is similar to the problem many have when they retire after 50 years of work. They have dedicated their lives to their jobs in the name of career, and support of a family without much side interests or hobbies, then nothing! Many men die within a couple years of retirement because of boredum. If not, they drive their wives nuts, and visa versa.

  • luna2

    I had a million ideas of what I could do forever. In between cleaning crap up (cuz I was absolutely positive from day one that us good dubs were gonna be the ones turning the earth into a "paradise"), getting younger, possibly teaching resurrected folks, and building my own little cottage; I figured that I'd learn to play guitar, travel, quilt, read and all kinds of cool stuff that I didn't have time for on this side of Armageddon.

    I stopped thinking about it after the first year or two as a JW, though, because I realized that I had no idea what Jehovah's idea of paradise or perfection really was. I pretty much hated the pictures of communal living in the literature (they always had a bunch of people and only one house, with everybody having fruit and vegi meals off of a picnic table outdoors).

  • RichieRich
    with everybody having fruit and vegi meals off of a picnic table outdoors).

    its not really paradise with no steak, and flies everywhere...

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