If you're vegetarian...look away..

by MidwichCuckoo 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    Compared to you all I haven't had anything particularly exotic at all. LOL When I was around 16 I had some bear meat under protest (didn't believe in recreational hunting at the time). My uncle had bagged it on some sort of guided hunting trip where they tree'd the poor animal. The whole story made me sick and I could only choke down a few bites.

    Had moose and Dahl sheep when I lived up in Alaska. Our half (he went with a friend and they only got one) of the moose we had made into sausage and beef stick (only with moose) thingys, oh and mooseburgers...it was at least edible that way. The Dahl sheep roast was something else. I had no experience cooking game, but I looked up a recipe that I though might be okay...kind of a pot roast with gravy sort of thing. It sucked big time. Very tough. I gave most of the rest away. blech.

    I made my husband angry by pointing out that with the money he spent on guns, camping supplies, transportation, and then processing the meat, we could have bought a large freezer full of the best beef.

  • Carol

    and why, pray tell, would we start in on you for a McDonald's chicken sandwich........I for one congratulate you for your bravery!

  • damselfly

    Raw eel in sushi is disgusting in my opinion It's rubbery and fatty and slippery and .....ugggg


  • DannyBloem

    That would probably be some monkey the indians shoot out of a tree in the amazon jungle. Didn't like it that much.

    Snake however tastes very good. Like chicken.

    For the vegiterians: The durian fruit is also quite exotic, especially if you can stand the smell long enough to taste it...


  • damselfly

    EEWWW!!!! Durian is the most vile smell. It makes me gag every time I pass it in the store.


  • tabbycat

    oooh midwich, you are naughty! our majesty's swans! (if i wasn't veggie I'd eat them!)

  • Bryan


    Racoon, Groundhog, Horse, Swamp Rabit, Baffalo, Allegator.

    Did I win?!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • HappyDad

    Jula said..........

    Oh Lego...shark is really good........almost like swordfish

    Don't know how true it is but I was told at a very stylish resteraunt that if the menu has "swordfish steak" listed........it is usually shark. Can anyone verify this?

    My exotic eating list only has octopus and rattlesnake on it. Not bad!

    But I really love calimari (squid). One of the most fantastic appetizers in the world. edited to say.......almost forgot! I ate groundhog and it was delicious.


  • GentlyFeral

    Well, I was deep into Chinese cooking for a while. I once owned a sure-nuff great big Chinese cookbook which frequently called for cloud ears (a curly fungus of no particular flavor) and golden needles (dried tigerlily buds; they give a kind of "vegetarian-chicken-broth" flavor to things).

    Golden needles, aka
    tiger lily buds

    Cloud ears, fresh and dried

    Cloud ears, fresh and dried

    Edited to add: the prettiest exotic dish I ever had was a beautiful plate of Sashimi at Yoshi's in Berkeley, right next to the jazz club of the same name. I think there was some yakitori chicken and some grilled salmon, but the most amazing part was a piece of tender, succulent, apricot-colored raw tuna sprinkled with tiny crunchy topaz-colored ... I think they were salmon eggs, but they sure didn't look like those little orange squishy things you buy in jars.

    I felt like I was eating a plate of jewels. It was fabulous.

    gently feral

  • Billygoat
    Raw eel in sushi is disgusting in my opinion It's rubbery and fatty and slippery and .....ugggg

    I have a feeling you ate squid. Eel is actually much like a whitefish...very light and flaky. Perhaps you had someone playing a trick on you?

    My most exotic? Octopus, squid, sea urchin (yuck!), alligator (tasted like fish with a chicken texture), ostrich (great red meat!), and rabbit.

    The only reason rabbit is a little "exotic" to me is the memory that went with it. My parents let me stay the night with the Myer family one weekend when I was a little girl. I was barely 10 years old. They were in our congregation and had a little girl my age. I was excited because all I knew was they raised bunnys. How exciting! Staying a weekend with another little girl and I got to play with all her rabbits. It was fun! When her dad asked me which was my favorite, I pointed to a young white doe with brown eyes and black tipped ears. He opened the cage and let me pet her. She was so soft and not a bit scared of me. I remember giggling as she sniffed my hands. Then Brother Myer grabbed this little cutie by the ears, took her to the picnic table in the yard and proceeded to chop her head off right in front of me with a butcher knife. OMG, I couldn't quit screaming! It truly was one of the scariest things I've ever seen. My friend, Debbie June, and her little brother and little sister looked at me like I was an alien. They couldn't understand why I was screaming. Their mother comes outside wondering what the heck happened. I'm still screaming like a banshee and crying now, so everyone is totally up in arms about their guest freaking out. Needless to say, I barely ate that night and I was so upset because my parents wouldn't come get me. It was a 45 minute drive and they'd just dropped me off. The Myer family was poor, farm family that raised rabbits as a source of food for their kids. But I was too young to understand that rabbits could be eaten. I thought they were just pets.

    I was pretty traumatized after that. And yes...rabbits still jump after their heads have been cut off.

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