Thinking outside of what is allowed

by coolhandluke 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Carol

    Welcome Coolhandluke! As a fairly new person myself, I've got to tell've found the right place. This is the greatest group of people and no matter what, they're there for you, so hang around there's lots of good advice here and a lot of fun also!

  • jgnat

    What a heavy price to pay for your personal integrity! I hope a bit of your family is restored to you in the end.

    Have you found some things worth living for in the meantime?

  • rebel8

    Congratulations on your courage. Talking about it does help, even if it was a long time ago. Hope you will keep talking here.

  • poppers

    Welcome to JWD Luke. I am sure you will find lots of support here. In the meantime, to help get your mind off of things may I suggest you decapitate a few parking meters and follow that by seeing how many hard boiled eggs you can eat in one hour.

  • anewme

    Welcome Coolhand! This site will help you if you allow it. You may ask any question of any of us. Some of us spent many many years before leaving. Now you must think for yourself and decide what is good and what is bad. This is true spirituality! When your own heart makes choices. Best wishes to you

  • kls

    Welcome CoolhandLuke,you have got to live your life and do what is best for you ,not your gramas or anyone else's but for you. What kind of life does anyone have if they are living a lie and know it . You would have never been happy and neither would anyone around you . So give yourself the award you deserve ,because you beat a cult ,you don't live a lie and you are a stronger better and real person because of it.

  • love2Bworldly

    Welcome! We all can relate to your story in one way or another. It's hard to lose relationships with family members. But welcome to being free from the BS Society, who don't really follow Jesus at all.

  • coolhandluke

    Thank you to all of you. I have actually found lots worth living for. My own sanity for one thing. I have rediscovered the blood family that I have had to abandon because of "my" principles. I am trying really really hard to approach life with a completely open mind. That is worth living for. I play lots of guitar, run, eat, have mad monkey sex and I pray every day. My life is more content than it has been, ever. The only thing that still gets me sometimes is imposed guilt. Still trying to figure out how to deal with that. You know what I mean... "The sky is uh..The system is ending"

  • greendawn

    Welcome to the forum, congrats for realising that the org is a manipulative liar that enslaves people to its will, and that real life is to be found outside it. Your grand mother doesn't realise that, so it's her problem her beliefs are in vain.

  • coolhandluke

    LOL... yeah the eggs... I just love that nothing gets him down in that movie. Nothing beats him. Nothing breaks his spirit... even death

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