Phone Witnessing...

by RichieRich 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carol

    Thank goodness and Bellsouth for caller ID, this way I can see it's the Kingdom Hall calling and don't have to answer.

    For crying out loud........I stop at the market at 7:30 a.m. on the way to work and these elderly sisters surround my car, I walk two blocks to pick up lunch and they're on the street corners...if they do happen to knock on my door, I can answer or ignore....but this is too much!

    Do they still sit with the obituaries and write letters to the relatives???

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    So one phone between a group of witnesses? Is this how it's always done?

    that is how it was always done when i was a jdub. there are scripts to follow. when i was a kid and it was raining on a saturday morning, most of the time, at least one "car group" would stay at the house where the arrangement took place. the homeowner would usually boil coffee, break out some cookies, grap a token bible... and get cracking! most of the time was spent talking (of course mostly about spiritual things). overall it's a big waste of time, because it's very drawn out and social. but it's a pretty good memory of service, compared to door to door

    bethel minute

  • carla

    Here is the answer for all jw's trying to make their quota, simply marry an unbeliever. That way anytime you are short on your time, simply count every conversation with your mate. Problem solved. Heck, you could even become a full time pioneer using this method. carla

  • riotgirlpeeps
    Do they still sit with the obituaries and write letters to the relatives???

    Scarily it is common practice to do just that in Mini Soda, and yes it's encouraged from the platform.

  • Frog

    Where I came from phone witnessing was only for hypocondriac ol' ladies who used it to get out of door-to-door!

    Seriousy though, what on earth would I think if a dub called my private line trying to solicit personal information out of me to meet up in person?!...I'd think peadophile, rapists, lunatic, religious nut???

  • Legolas

    Gee I hated it! I was more nerves then being at the door!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Don't they know everyone hates telemarketers. I won't even talk to my bank or credit card companies if they call me on the phone trying to sell me something. If they send something to me in the mail I will at least look at but not when they bother me when I'm at home eating or relaxing. Have they thought of sending unrequested faxes? That is another way to get on peoples nerves if that is their intent.

  • feelinglost

    My mother does telephone witnessing, with some other gals from the KH who have a hard time getting out in service (elderly, disabled, or just have a hard time getting around). They all get together at one of the ladie's homes, and take turns. And yes, a good deal of the time is spent socializing. Their territory used to be a few high security apartment homes for the elderly where you could only get in if invited. So they'd call there instead. They got their info through some kind of directory.

    I would do it sometimes with them on school vacations and during the summer for 2 reasons usually. 1) Too lazy to go out in service- was always nice to sit around, eat some food, talk with everyone, and as said, sit in the air. 2) One of the ladies who would do the telephoning with my mother had a hot son (who at one time had gone to meetings, but stopped, joined "the world," lived it up, and dumb boy, then returned). I always enjoyed flirting with him.

  • Balsam

    Telephone witnessing was all the rage 4 years ago when I left, and I did it some but it felt weird. Lord I wish I had thought just to call my own home phone number and left a message, or used a little deceit, LOL Richy that is good calling your cell phone and pretending to talk. LOL

    O used to do the obituaries and write letters to people witnessing to them. Once when my mother died I got a letter from a witness to us not realizing that we were witness. She was from out of state and apparently wanted to count time while she was gone. I chocked up some deceit time writting letters at home. I like that then I didn't have to talk to anyone. LOL


  • xjwms


    I like your style

    Donuts and coffee good for me

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