How Do You React When You Realize You Are Wrong?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Like, "I'm sorry BUT YOUUUUUUUUUU do things too"> Some people just don't know when to shut up.

  • greendawn

    Usually I admit it when I realise that I did something wrong and I apologise.

  • upside/down

    Why do I need to react...?

    u/d (of the is married so I'm never right class)

  • minimus

    You need to react because maybe you're "normal"?????

  • damselfly

    I'm usually very embarrased if during an argument I realize that I'm in the wrong so I always apologise.

    I do get annoyed if I admit that I'm wrong and apologize and the other person is a jerk about it.


  • prophecor
    I like my crow with salsa and tortillas. It goes down better.

    hahaha, very funny

  • luna2

    Pretty much the biggest thing I've ever been wrong about has been the truth (well, my choice of husband too...but I could shovel most of the "blame" for that on him ).

    I've talked to my son (the one who's been the most affected by my choice of religion) about it and apologised, but I haven't told the rest of my relatives yet (all not dubs) because I'm embarrassed.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    My point exactly. For JW's apologizing is a motion to go through to keep the boat afloat. Its all part of the "wait on Jehovah attitude." You seek peace by forgiving and apologize for some part of a situation you can settle on even when you are guilt free. Its BS and I was tired of it.

    I never tired of offering sincere apologies when necessary. I do apologize when I'm wrong. Always will. It just bugs some people I've met since leaving the bOrg. They aren't used to it. Sincerity is not thier usual experience.

    If I've offended you in any way, I'm sorry. (That's meant to be funny)

    Thanks for pointing me back to myself.


  • minimus

    The Watchtower never apologizes.

  • undercover
    The Watchtower never apologizes.

    Even when the 1975 debacle caused them to print something to explain it, they put the blame for putting too much stock in the date on the JWs themselves, as if all JWs around the world came up with the same idea at the same through some world wide telepathic communication.

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