Does God Care If We Get All Dressed Up To Worship Him?

by Honesty 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PaulJ

    If you believe in God and care enough about having a relationship with him, then you would perhaps want him to be your friend. I'd certainly make an effort in my appearance if I was going to visit a friend, but I wouldnt go OTT, cos I'd want to be relaxed. As long as you dont actively worship him looking like a total slob.....

  • Legolas

    My husband you to ask the same question, "why do we have to drees up?" I didn't really know what to say!!

  • ozziepost
    never, no never show up in backless shoes

    Or backless dresses!

  • katiekitten

    If someone was taking me on a date I would definately care whether he turned up smart or not. I wouldnt care about specifics - like if he had a tie on or not or if he had long hair or not, but I would be deeply offended if he was scruffy, dirty, unkempt, smelly.

    So YES I think God does care, it just shows natural human respect. But NO I dont think hes fussed over the details that Witnesses get fussed over, like ties and stuff.

  • undercover
    i would have to disagree with the majority so far...i think proper dress for the event is important... ... but there is a proper dress for different places, or situations. i could go before a judge in a bathing suit, i could go to a wedding in my pajama's, i could go to a nice dinner in a jogging suit and t-shirt. it is mostly about respect, and everyone nowadays WANTS it, but most do not want to GIVE it... just my opinion

    I agree with a point. One should dress for the ocassion such as going to court or eating at a nice restaurant. But even in those situations there are various forms of acceptable dress. Take a very nice restaurant. One could go all out and wear a tuxedo, or an expensive dinner suit, or maybe just slacks and a nice dress shirt. All of those are acceptable.

    What is so stifling about being a JW and going to the KH or going out in service is that through peer pressure, intimidation and indocrination, a strict dress code is enforced. Men HAVE to wear a tie to the KH or in service. Men HAVE to wear a suit jacket when fulfilling any "privilege". Women have to wear dresses/skirts...and they have to come below the knee. Women are discouraged from not wearing pantyhose. We could go on and on. The WTS uses this dress code to enforce conformity. It's not so much about showing God respect as it is to garner obedience to them. When one starts to think independantly, their dress usually shows it and that gives elders a warning to watch the rebellious one for trouble. I know, I've been there and done that.

    The original question is "Does God care if we get dressed up to worship him?" Do we have to go to the KH or a church to worship God? If the answer is no to that question I would think the answer to the first question would be no also. We can worship God at home, on vacation, whereever, but we don't have to get dressed up to do it. If one believes in attending a religous service to show that worship then yes, I agree, one should dress properly. It doesn't necessarily mean a three piece suit in the middle of summer but enough to show that you are respectful of the building and the meaning behind it.

  • Legolas

    I should rephraise my answer or clairify it. My husband just wanted to know why he had to put on the whole 'suit and tie thing', why couldn't he just wear a nice pair of slacks/kacki'e and a nice shirt, not that he wanted to show up in denims or anything.

    I remember being little (not a witness) and my parents trying to get the 3 of us (sisters)to go to church, I used to ask why can't I just pray from home? God can hear me from here can't he?

  • ozziepost

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • mtbatoon

    I'm a natural slob proud of it. I've never had a suit that doesn't look like it's trying to escape and to me a tie is a useless piece of cloth worn by men who have cleavage envy. Hitler was always nicely turned out, who was he showing respect for? If you ask me anyone in a suit isn't to be trusted.

  • freedom96

    The non-denominational church we attend has no dress code, and everyone genuinely appears to be happy to be there. Come as you are. Some dress up, most are casual, but you will see shorts, t-shirts etc.

  • gringojj

    I use the analogy of having take out at the assembly. They discourage it because they dont want people to feel bad if they cant afford to buy the same take out. Well how about all these people in fancy expensive suits? Wouldnt that make a struggling family of 5 feel bad if they came to the hall in salvation army clothes because that was all they could afford and everyone else is in expensive clothes? Sounds hypocritical to me.

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