Does God Care If We Get All Dressed Up To Worship Him?

by Honesty 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • myelaine
    How does he feel about nude worship?

    As long as your heart is in the right place it should not matter. When I'm in the tub and I find myself talking to God.....I still feel bashful. It's so silly ....then I rush to get out of there to get "decent" first. love michelle

  • heathen

    I don't think he likes naked there's all sorts of that don't let me catch you naked stuff in the bible . Naked has been out since adam and eve . I think that as long as you try your best that the effort is the important thing and not the showy display . The apostles and first century christians probly didn't even wash their clothes and just wore them till they wore out . Could you imagine that ? nobody bathing regular nor clean clothes . Today the WTBTS is the only religion real anal over clothing . I don't know why they just don't go ahead like the amish and have women hand make the clothes .

  • tetrapod.sapien

    moses was naked and drunk (same with lot), and so that should be a warning against both.

    and god dresses his angels. so that's cool. even if they are spirit creatures. so i think he prefers white, even if it's just your shirt or blouse.

    but in the end, he was happiest with the isrealites when they were wearing sack cloth and ashes, so i don't think missing a tie to the kingdumb hall is a big one for joe hoba.

    (note to you undercover aposto-comandos: make a tie out of sack cloth, and make sure the bro's know why you are wearing it)

  • greendawn

    God obviously doesn't care about external appearances but only about the inward personality, as long as what one wears is clean and tidy that's all that matters, as someone noted the nice suits and the facial shaves for men are down to being good salespeople for the WTS printing business, as with so much else here is another manmade rule.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    It takes up at least 15-20 minutes for a guy to get the 'dub look' on and maybe more for the girls. Do you think God really cares about how we look on the outside

    I think that jws generally consider 'God' as "other" - especially when you consider the "active force" thing - so I suppose they might see him as someone that they're going to see (and need to impress of course), and in fear too.

    My take on it is that I'm the one bringing him.

  • Satanus
    I'm the one bringing him

    That kind of changes the angle, as they say. Doesn't it?


  • spike2

    Let me preface this by stating that I feel bad for all children in the organization on every implicit and explicit level. I feel especially bad for the boys in the organization in terms of wearing suits and ties / long sleeve shirts in the summer, outdoor conventions, and such. Not only is it really stands out when they go out to eat after meeting or what not (especially here on the west coast, where you hardly see anyone dressed up). At least the girls can blend in a bit easier and can get away with sandals and a nice sundress.

  • googlemagoogle

    as the bible says:

    thus saith the lord: "for thou shalt wear one tie and a suit to worship me. there shall not be two ties or two suits, for one is the number of ties and suits thou shalt wear when you open the door of my house, where i live in and where you do worship to me. for the one who opens the door of my house, where i live in and where worship is done to me, and indeed enters it, and does not wear one tie and one suit, along with one blank long sleeved shirt (whoso readeth, let him understand), this man shall become a thing of disgust and laughter and a home to goatlegged deeemunz with horny horns and long tails and every sister in the congregation should know about it and make it known to the sisters of other congregations for i am jehovah your lord and your god" saith the lord.

  • Ellie

    Would anyone here go out in public wearing a 1970s style suit (other than to a fancy dress party)?

    I doubt it because you'd be too aware how ridiculous you looked, but in the 70s the witnesses wouldn't have thought twice about it.

    My point is that God too might think we look ridiculous in our latest fashions, hence why he created us nude.

    I dont think he gives a monkeys what we wear.

  • foreword

    They are always telling the kids to watch how they dress, "do not follow the world and it's fashion", yet these guys want all to dress like the world's best criminals.... businessmen, politicians, lawyers, ect.

    Do they really think that if Jesus was alive today he'd wear a suit?

    mark...of the "prefer not to be caught dead in a suit" class

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