Ok we've left the Org - Now what?

by Nellie 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • daystar

    I went some steps further, realizing that perhaps the WTS, while utilizing quite overt methods for control over their constituents, may not be the only organization, religion, etc. with control over the hearts and minds of the masses as its goal, and have been attempting to clean the cobwebs out completely, questioning absolutely everything.

    I now believe that the bible, and indeed every holy book, is more used as a tool for enslaving or at least controlling the masses than anything else.

    My studies and experience in the past decade and a half have led me to understand that a truly divine connection may only be obtained through an inner discourse and that relying on any man-made device, holy books included, can only lead to misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and outright corruption ultimately.

    I feel that a course of study and practice with this goal as its focus is the only true method for gaining a knowledge of, and relationship with, God (or whatever you choose to call It).

  • Grace

    Perhaps I'm different in that I signed up for WT as an adult after I married my JW husband; indeed, I was brought up in a different faith. I always knew the WT teachings were false, but simply went through the motions of it all. When I left, my spiritual need was still great, so I went back to my former faith, and have thrived ever since.

    However, there is one author who has truly helped me become the kind of Christian I want to be. His name is John Ortberg. He's just written his fifth book, I believe. Bought it yesterday. This is the most sane, sometimes humorous, stuff I have ever read.

    I am lucky that I belong to a church/faith which does not look for answers but sees faith as being in the questions.

    My suggestion? Start reading Ortberg's writings. Start with "Love Beyond Reason". It will change you forever.

    Grace Spirit.

  • jgnat

    You've just left an organization that dictated your every move, your every thought. Why would you hand over your future to anyone else, even a friendly discussion board? This is the time to dig deep and figure out what is important to you. I am sure you can come up with a list. A good way to start is to:

    1. daydream what an ideal life would be like five, ten years from now. What will your children be doing? What will your home life be like? What will you be doing?
    2. Write down your dream. You can include your family in the new vision, too. That can be very exciting for them.
    3. Write goals for yourself to get from where you are to where you want to be. It may include reading some books to clarify what is truly important to you.

    Have fun!

  • daystar

    jgnat, those are wonderful suggestions!

  • Crumpet

    "Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and said goodbye to the circus"! tralalala

    Well done Nellie. I think you should let you r kids explore and decide what they want to believe - tell them what you believe if you know and if they ask, but other than that give them the freedom we all wish we'd had as kids!

  • LittleToe

    Just try not to overthink it too much. Kids have a habit of growing up, when you turn your back, even if you don't want them too

  • JamesThomas
    What concepts of the truth (if any) do I still believe?

    This is an area of confusion for many people, because it's oxymoronic. "Concepts" are abstracts, mind generated notions, ideas and thoughts. "Truth", on the other hand, is a word referring to that which is actual and real. Truth, is not to be believed, it is to be lived.

    I suggest to stop being concerned about what to "believe". Simply trust that the Source of this wondrous universe is present, and there is much for you to realize if you are present too.

    Be kind and gentle with yourself. Spend some quite time just sitting or walking and being very attentive to what it is to be alive. Really feel what it is to walk, or sit. Feel what it is to breath. Feel the aliveness radiate through and around you. Hear the birds, the barking dog. Feel the sun on skin and the gentle kiss of the breeze. Do not think about these things. Meet with life as a silent and nonjudgmental friend. Notice how thoughts will come and take you away from the present moment. See and feel the difference between thinking life and living life.

    Give more silent attention to life and less to the mind, and see what happens. See if you do not discover Truth alive and vibrant, that you could never ever gleam from a book or beliefs. Perhaps, just perhaps, what the word "God" points to, is not at all to tiny to be absent; and it will meet with you within the aliveness (truth and actuality) of your own Being. Then, there is no need to question what to share with your children.


  • anewme

    Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful insight by all of you!!!!!

    I am finding that EXJWs are some of the most thoughtful interesting and funny people!

  • Sheri

    All of you have such great comments and for myself it is a process of exploration and just being. I too was asked "Where will you go?" to which I said "Who said I had to go anywhere". I have been reading some of Neale Donald Walsch books, especially "What Does God Want" and "New Revelations", which for me has been the acknowledgment of what questions I always had in the back of my mind but was afraid to ask. Organized religion is not for me but a working relationship with my inner spirit and being in peace and love if what I am striving to create in the world around me. We really are all ONE.

    I am thankful to have found this sight and it has been great source of information and research in trying to get answers to the Org. teachings that I knew where not from God. I am still in the process of being accepted but not officially reject yet, to which I am going to let it just play out in due time.

    Peace to you All,


  • Honesty
    What are you doing or not doing?

    After some very lengthy biblical discussions (funny thing is, they never once quoted a scripture or mentioned the Bible) with some of the local BOE I decided it was in my best spiritual interests to leave the religious society known as Jehovah's Witnesses. That decision proved to be correct, especially since the only comments from the elders when confronted with scriptures that refuted the WTBTS were, "You do believe the GB is appointed by God don't you"?

    Not knowing what to do; I prayed to God and asked His forgiveness because I had been worshipping the WT GB. I then asked Him to help me find other people who believe Him (not just believe in Him). Within a week He led me to other believers. None of them pressured me into going to church. I called several churches in my area and spoke with the pastors, many of whom I was already acquainted with though my work. I didn't rush off to any of them but asked Jesus to guide me to a church that has real Christian love for everyone; was evangelical and mission oriented; didn't matter if it was affiliated with a religious denomination; had trained counselors who are able to help people emotionally damaged by cults such as the Mormons, JW's, Scientologists, (if you are offended that I call them cults then you should investigate their doctrines and prove to yourself what they are) etc.

    He led me to a wonderful and caring group of sinners just like me who love and worship Him as his disciples did when He was here in the first century. Our pastoral staff is the first to let a person know that we answer to God and not some self-appointed person or organisation. We are affiliated with the SBC for the sole purpose of fulfilling MT. 28:19-20. They don't control the church or its funds. Just as in the first century, we are autonomous. However, we do engage in activities with other churches to spread the real Good News and not some half-baked brand of paradise that is a pipe dream. There are literally millions of churches around the world who believe Christ and allow Him to direct their steps. There are also many thousands who, while professing to know about God do not know Him and it shows in their treatment of one another and others.

    The only way to know for sure what to do is to ask Jesus to send the Holy Spirit into your heart and life to help you live the way He wants you to.

    I wish you the best in your journey should you decide to walk with God.

    I am going to shut up now before some cult apologist starts throwing darts.

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