How fortunate we are!!!

by gringojj 120 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jeanniebeanz

    *stares in amazement at the hypnotic qualities of the word "Resplendant"*

    Resplendant....Obey...Send Money...How Fortunate...The Bird Calls...I Obey...Resplendant...

    *husband comes into room and thwacks me upside the head with a day old trout*

    Huh?...Wha....Hey, why am I writing all these checks to the WTBTS???

    Dirty rotten programming...Thought I'd gotten rid of all of those trance words...

  • gringojj

    The marabou is the misjudged bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Oh Cawed, gringojj, I'm carrying Resplendant and How Fortunate We Are to other threads. You do have a way with .... erm ... well, I'm speechless on this one, and I am RARELY without something to say!

    Cawed, as in the Church of Cawed. Attended regularly by our local murder of about 150 American Crows.


  • iggy_the_fish

    Is there anything funnier than the well judged and well written lampoon? No! The lampooning in this thread is superb, still cracking me up now, and yes I'm struggling not to use Resplendent!!!!!!!! in other threads too

    How fortunate we are to have this fine example of well judged lampooning delivered to our table in these troubled and difficult times!! How fitting! The resplendent lampoon!


  • gringojj

    The fact that people struggle not to use these words in other threads is overwheling evidence that the holy spirit is using me to provide food at the proper time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    With this news, one should rejoice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How fotunate we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • stevenyc

    This thread hurts my sides!!!!

    How fortunate I am for our friend the corset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • iggy_the_fish

    The misunderstood corset!!!!!!!!!!!!! How fortunate we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gringojj

    What the hell is a corset?!?!?!?! I am sure its resplendent!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it misjudged?????

    How fortunate Hibiscusfire is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gringojj

    All hail the watchtower bible and tract society of brooklyn ny(trademark)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bow down when they come to your town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All hail the resplendent hibiscus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • urbanized

    How fortunate I am to have found this thread!!! Yes, friends, this resplendent thread has remained hidden for one thousand years as I have browsed through the active topics only occasionally as of late!!! How fortunate indeed!!!

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