Another marriage bites the dust because of JW beliefs

by unbeliever 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    Somehow I just don't think the WTS stance of disfellowshipping is quite what God had in mind.

  • orbison11

    as for her getting alimony

    well i was a jw wife, stay at home, 25 yrs, 20 as a jw, raised 4 children, and i did not get a dime of alimoony, and he was making $100,000 when we broke up

    so she might find herself under a rock like i did:(

    i truly would not wish my past 5 years on anybody


  • georgefoster

    I've been commenting on this forum for a bit regarding my relationship with my jw wife. We are now officially separated after 5 years of marriage. We've had various problems, but what ultimately convinced me that the marriage was hopeless was her devotion to the organization. I know that I will never be a jw and I have no reason to believe that she will ever quit. IN the meantime, I am through being the financial support for her to waste hours on end with the meetings, magazines, and all her jw friends. All of which would be fine with me, except it makes for a shitty marriage.

    Amazingly, she absolutely refuses to acknowledge that her being a jw has anything to do with the marriage problems. She just thinks I'm leaving so I can participate in drunken orgies.

    Typical jw bullshit. They're good and everyone else is bad. I can't live with it anymore.

  • zulukai

    Sorry to read all these sad stories but I just don't get the jw BS anymore. I knew women in the religion who had it so good, never had to work, never had to lift a finger to do anything they didn't want to while their non-witness husbands kept them in style. I never understood what the problem was with these "house plants"as I called them.
    A woman I knew only in passing lost her husband in an accident and at the age of 54 was left with a fortune and hadn't the faintest clue how to write a cheque. Her male relatives had to do everything for her. All we heard was "poor me""...pardon me while I puke.

    My witness brother's first wife never even cooked a meal or cleaned the house. When they had a kid that kid ran around the house in the dead of winter in nothing but a soggy wet diaper. I saw it, I was also there when my brother asked her quietly so I wouldn't hear "Did you feed the baby today?" I saw all kinds of weird twisted BS in that marriage and my brother treated this horsefaced,unhygenic slag of a woman like a queen. She left him for a pervert
    janitor in the building where she worked,(her idea). All the while she had been seeing this wierdo behind my brother's back she was calling ME names for leaving the religion and my abusive witness husband.

    Your witness wife puts the Borg before you? She's just told you all you need to know.That isn't a woman guys, that's a freeloader, an albatross, a house plant waiting for you to feed and water her and take whatever you can offer. She wants to leave you because you aren't a witness? her pack. Tell her Santa Claus is dead. The Salvation Army just left town on the Goodwill Caravan. End of story.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Your witness wife puts the Borg before you? She's just told you all you need to know.That isn't a woman guys, that's a freeloader, an albatross, a house plant waiting for you to feed and water her and take whatever you can offer. She wants to leave you because you aren't a witness? her pack. Tell her Santa Claus is dead. The Salvation Army just left town on the Goodwill Caravan. End of story.

    This sounds bitter and a bit harsh. Witness wives aren't the only women who fall victim to becoming baby factories and cook/housekeeper/whores.

  • Frog

    Sounds like the father is a man that takes his reponsibilities seriously, staying married to a dub for all those years can't have been easy, and standing up for his daughter when he needs it the most.

  • greendawn

    I can understand how he felt and the emotional strain of seeing his daughter being shunned after he himself had been so kind and supportive to his jw wife, it would lead to a separation.

    It's one more marriage destroyed by the delusional FDS class who refuse to modernise their way of thinking and give up the silly idea that they were uniquely chosen by God since 1874 according to Russell or 1919 according to Rutherford.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    "your mom" told you about another person and their relationship troubles. I guess there's a lot of information you might be missing.

    In most instances, the WBTS has nothing to do with a couple's problems, but rather their own doing is bringing the problems about.

    The WBTS encourages to keep the union if the other party is not a JW. However, there are things that only the people in the relationship know about which caused the break up.

    It's easy to blame the religion, though.


  • feelinglost

    When my JW mother first told my non-jw father (who hates the witnesses for ruining my mother and their marriage, thinks it's a cult and that my mother is brainwashed) that was she was not coming to my wedding b/c I had been df'd, his first reaction was he told her to get out of the house. He wanted her out by the next morning and he wanted a divorce. But he said he thought about it afterwards and realized it really wouldn't help anything or solve anything by kicking her out (I think too Dad felt a little guilty- Mom is disabled- were she not, Dad might have stuck to his guns). The religion has certainly ruined my parents marriage. I have always wondered what it would be like if Mom wasn't a part of it.

  • unbeliever


    You're right I could be missing a lot of details but I think they would still be together if not for the shunning of their daughter. For the first time in probably their whole marriage the husband pulls the head of household and says no shunning/no dubs allowed in my house. The next thing you know she moves out. They live on a ranch and dubs would go there to swim, fish and ride horses all the time. When he banned them from the house I bet she was pissed about how that cut into her social life. The bitch woman had the nerve to ask the daughter to leave when she had company. God forbid a df'd person is in their eye site. That religion is the cause of this family's breakup.

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