Witnesses review books on Amazon.com

by sixsixsixtynine 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PaulJ

    These could be Bethelites- asked to do this on purpose- to put people off buying the books! What a cushy job! Take phrases like "Lacking Scriptual depth" "full or errors" "inaccurate to say the least" etc... then add the name of the book and the name of the author..... put them altogether and youve got yourself a review!!! Woopee!

    I could even believe they count time while they do it.... maybe even multiplying it by the number of times the review might be viewed. Easy!!!

  • rebel8
    I know that our brothers are not prone to mistakes,as we are human beings like you are.

    <sarcastic snicker>

  • sixsixsixtynine
    More reviews from non-Witnesses would definitely be helpful:

    I posted one for Jehovah's Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Persecution, very fun!

  • Matty

    So you must be sixtyninepalms on IMDB? Excellent review, wonderful quote from the 1934 yearbook!!

  • sixsixsixtynine

    Yeah, pretty amazing that they can be so harsh towards the Catholic church with that skeleton in their closet.

    For a good laugh, check out their "explanation" for it.


  • rebel8

    OMG 6669

    They don't even try to explain why they wrote that letter or what it said! Laughable!

  • ithinkisee

    I posted a review on IMDB for "Organization Behind The Name":

    This video makes me think of how the Jews were so into their temple. How they bragged about it and showed it off that they were the center of true worship.

    For anyone that has ever toured the Watchtower facilities you will notice a strange fascination with fancy buildings, fancy press equipment. It is almost ALL they talk about. They are a "works-obsessed" people and this video is prime evidence of such.

    Of course, they totally think a video like this legitimizes them as God's sole channel for mankind. Of course, anyone who actually researches the history of Christianity will learn that Jesus never pointed to an "organization". His sacrifice did away with the need for a "human organization". Besides, he said he would send a "helper". That "helper" was Holy Spirit - not the Watchtower society. Do JWs really think that God NEEDS an organization? If so then you are saying Christ's ransom wasn't good enough.

    Oh well, most of you JWs who read this will probably snicker to yourself, roll your eyes, call me a wacko, and move on.

    But you'll remember me when the Society pulls 1914 and 607BCE out from under you.

    What? 1914 you say? Preposterous you say?

    Mark my words ... just wait and see.

  • sixsixsixtynine
    This video makes me think of how the Jews were so into their temple

    What a great comparison! Truth hurts, don't it Brooklyn?

  • Matty

    Great review ithinkisee! Good to see something worth reading amongst all those nauseating sycophants.

  • anewme

    Wow! I'm new to this site. You XJWs are so funny! Your wit is intelligent and refreshing!!! I am enjoying myself immensely!!!

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