Witnesses review books on Amazon.com

by sixsixsixtynine 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sixsixsixtynine
    one I read there was from a 13-year old JW who listed her e-mail addy and, even more scarily, gave her home address. Not good.

    How did I miss that one?

    4 of 37 people found the following review helpful:

    this is not true, November 20, 2004

    Reviewer:Johnetra Trotter (Louisiana USA) - See all my reviews
    I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I am only 13 yr. of age.I may not know want I want to do with my life with common things like with careers, but I am older enough now to know what I want to do now. My parents and my sister are also JW, but no one is forcing me to do this. This is what I want.People shouldn't let materials made by man affect their attitude against Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses are normal people, just with high standards. We are not perfect and we do fall short sometimes, but we try to live up to Jehovah's standards and that's what's important. The publications are easy to understand, straight to the point and effective if taken to the heart. I wouldn't trade my relationship with Jehovah for nothing in the world.
    feel free to contact me at [email protected] or
    Johnetra Trotter
    204 Olinde st. 204 A
    New Roads, La 70760
  • Odrade

    Not to mention the fact that some of these people seem to think that the only religion being criticized is JW. Whatever. Go look at the religious criticism aisles in bookstores. At Powells, there is a 1/3 shelf devoted to JWs, and a 1/2 Aisle devoted to other religions.

    Persecution complex.

  • potleg

    I think I see the trickle down effect from an organization that teaches rubbish and wants it's followers to look only to them. As always, vitriolic attacks are made on anyone who dares to say anything that might be negative toward the Borg. I think I see in some of the responses a definite need for more education...but then again, how much education do you need to be an eternal fruit picker?...Not that there's any chance of that!

  • sixsixsixtynine
    ...but then again, how much education do you need to be an eternal fruit picker?...

    "Eternal fruit picker", I love it!

    Don't forget, there's going to be a lot of Lion petting going on as well.

  • Matty

    On the flipside, what about the reviews of various Watchtower Society Videos on IMDB.com? In this particular video there are four fawning reviews and not a word of desent!

    IMDb user comments for Jehovah's Witnesses: The Organization Behind the Name (1990) 3 out of 3 people found the following comment useful :-
    The most important video EVER!, 2 November 2001
    Author: matchooman from Atlanta, GA

    This is a great video in that it tells by example who the true Christian organization is. It shows that Witnesses are real people with every day problems like everyone else. The shots inside of the factory are amazing and really bring home the point of that it is only by voluntary contributions and Jehovah's help that the society is going strong. Other religions CHARGE for their services like the Catholics, Baptists, and especially the Red Cross. This video shows true Christianity in action!

    It is very inspiring, 29 July 2001
    Author: Sabrina Oakley from Vermilion , Alberta, Canada

    I have been to the toronto bethal and all who have know the love and the excitement they have there!!!!! People all around the world see that Jehovah's Witnesses are the most loving people on the earth. PLease next time a Jehovah's Witness comes to your door let them in and listen to them.

    Nice to see a real brotherhood in action., 18 October 2000
    Author: maddog-43 from St-Paul MN USA

    I enjoyed seeing a religious group that practices what it preaches. Very well produced. Imagine a world filled with people like these who unselfishly give their time and energy for God, and the salvation of others.

    These people must truly be God's people.

    Jehovah's Witnesses' Video About Their Organization, 8 August 1998
    Author: anonymous from London, England

    This video explains, in a splendid way, how the organization behind the name Jehovah's Witnesses works. You get to see shots from their meeting activities, field service, service at their printing and publishing facilities, and much more. Take this chance and see what organization is working behind their name.

    "These people must truly be God's people." I love it when Witnesses write in the third person! They think that if they pretend to be a non witness writing a glowing report they will be taken more notice of by readers. Except to everyone apart from themselves it's blindingly obvious what they are! (quote from http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0162414/usercomments)

  • sixsixsixtynine
    Other religions CHARGE for their services like the Catholics, Baptists, and especially the Red Cross.

    The Red Cross is a Religion? They charge for their services?

    What services does the WTBTS provide? Free magazines that you pay for twice?


  • Matty

    Yes, utterly ridiculous! Here is the list of titles that IMDB currently list for the Watchtower Society. More reviews from non-Witnesses would definitely be helpful:

  • willyloman

    How ironic that in nearly every one of those reviews, alleged Jehovah's Witnesses -- who claim to be taught by the highest source of all intelligence -- cannot even properly spell the name of their organization nor demonstrate a fundamental command of the English language.

  • nilfun

    The most important video EVER!

    Yeah. It should have been screened at Cannes.

  • jeanniebeanz

    What do you expect from people who gasp and then applaud the announcement of the number of fruit bags sold at a convention...


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