How many true scholars/scientists are there really among JWs?

by zagor 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    I agree with Farkel - I can think of a few on this board who I would class as scholars but do not have PhDs. There are a few on here with masters degrees. A PhD is not necessarily a scholar

  • Amazing1914

    There are many scholars and scientists among most religions. There are some among the JWs, such as MDs, but not many according to your definition. The inventor of Teflon Tape is a JW and I knew him when we both lived in California. Another is a technical genius in Richland, Washington. I did some work for him on the side. He was a consultant for various companies, providing advance technology services.

    While I do not have a doctorate, I was an electrical engineer for 25 years. Most of my career was spent in nuclear power construction and plant operations. Primarily, I conducted both destructive and non-destructive research and testing, and teaching of fellow engineers. I wrote professional papers, and have been published in my field ... all while I was a JW. I received the highest award possible for techinical excellence from Bechtel Corporation, which is known for its advanced construction and industrial capabilities.

    I am currently back in university, working toward a degree in law. After which, I plan to practice law. The only remaining decision is whether I go into business or criminal law. Interestingly, I passed the math course at the top of my class.

    But, since I do not hold a doctorate, I guess I do not qualify according to the criteria given. I think the points made by Farkel were right on target. I have known engineers whose 20 years in the business was little more then 1 year experience repeated 20 times. Whereas, others who were brilliant, though their credentials were limited. As farkel stated, it really depends on results.

    Jim W.

  • katiekitten

    In my old cong anyone with GCSE's (high school diploma?) was considered a learned one - but as froggy pointed out they well and truly discouraged you from getting the same.

    We had an elder that was a ... gasp...manager ! and he was held in VERY high esteem.

    They love brains coming in, but they wont home grow any talent.

    Ive just got a measly old law degree, and some lousy post grad qualification in teaching, so I dont hit your richter scale.

  • VM44

    I took a mail order correspondence course, and got a "suitable for framing" diploma. :) --VM44 (who actually liked the course he took!)

  • DannyBloem

    I know two. Someone almost a professor, in information technologie. Does some reseach now at a university.

    Another is science teacher. (we do not have Phd or master, different titles here. different school systems) The last helped with the creation book. Is teacher and also replacement CO.


  • hillary_step


    I know many JW's who are professionals, some at the top of their fields. Many have degrees, some have PHD's. I personally know of at least three chemical scientists, a marine biologist, two JW's in Europe who are professional historians, published and highly respected. I know some who are the envy of their peers in the jazz musical world, many professional and listed artists, some incredibly astute and highly succesful business minds.

    Frankly, I do no see the level of academic education in whatever field as the issue. The issue is the amazing manner in which we were all prepared to aquiese our intelligence and education on the table of religious uniformity and conformity.

    How this happens is the big mystery to me.


  • Tigerman

    Knock knock.

    Whose there?

    Jehovah's Witness

    Jehovah's Witness who?

    Jehovah witness me being played.

    Mystery solved.

  • Tigerman

    Sorry . . .Who's there?

  • Carmel

    I would reserve the title "scholar" for someone who is willing to have his or her original work peer reviewed and published for common access. Don't know any ubble ewes that are in that category.


  • gumby
    "Scholars" are defined by RESULTS, not pieces of paper, or even agreement from others.

    I (fooled) talked a guy into touching an electric wire he didn't know was I'm a "fooler/trickster scholar.

    Seriously, I agree with the Farkmeister. There are athletes, singers, musicians, commedians, etc., that can out perform KNOWN leaders in the aforementioned fields, but are never recogognized.....the same as there are those who are known for their knowledge skills and considered a scholar, yet know much less than those who know more but are not considerd as such.

    Results that produce truths about matters makes one a scholar.


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