How many true scholars/scientists are there really among JWs?

by zagor 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    Did not think this question would strike the nerve with some of you. And I think you did take me out of context. So here it is again:

    Don’t want to make anyone feel offended but this is reality. It doesn’t mean that someone is nuts if he/she doesn’t have these stratosphere degrees

    I don't have PhD either so I suppose I've included myself in this description. My point was how someone can authoritatively discuss science (or ancient languages for that matter) if they don't have adequate qualifications.
    Because lets not forget WTBS takes stuff which is often at the edge of science (biological, astronomical or some other) and paints its own picture for masses to read.

    But perhaps I'm wrong perhaps old guys up in Brooklyn have all right to question established science, at least according to what you guys write.

    And I find it difficult to believe that carpenter qualifies as a scholar any more than would a scientist qualify as a professional tradesman. Scholar is someone who has many years of recognized research, full stop.

  • cyborg

    I'm completing my doctorate in superconductivity, I can't say I'm a scholar yet but I'm getting there hopefully :-)
    In my free time I also like learning languages but don't think that makes me a "scholar" in these languages either. As for tennis ... well try me ;-)

  • Amazing1914


    One example of my work was peer reviewed by fellow professionals of the American Nuclear Society. Once reviewed and accepted, I was invited to present my paper at an international meeting of nuclear engineering professionals - all whie I was a JW. Does that meet your criteria?

    Jim Whitney

  • coffee_black

    My Dad. an elder, was an architect and and electrical and nuclear design engineer. He worked for Stone & Webster, one of the largest engineering firms in the world for 38 years. He was asked to work on the Manhattan Project, and turned it down because he was a JW. He was raised in the organization, but didn't agree with their disdain for education. He butted heads regularly with jws on that subject.


  • stillajwexelder

    I would reserve the title "scholar" for someone who is willing to have his or her original work peer reviewed and published for common access. Don't know any ubble ewes that are in that category.

    In that case I am a scholar

  • zagor
    My Dad. an elder, was an architect and and electrical and nuclear design engineer. He worked for Stone & Webster, one of the largest engineering firms in the world for 38 years. He was asked to work on the Manhattan Project, and turned it down because he was a JW. He was raised in the organization, but didn't agree with their disdain for education. He butted heads regularly with jws on that subject.

    Thanx coffee_black that was a great little experience. Would love to hear from others too.

    And again, intention of this thread is not really to measure the size of anyone's brainpan here but to find out how many true scientists are there among JW, what attracted them to the religion and how do they cope in that sort of community where education is frowned upon. Why that is such a touchy subject I really don't know . Another related question (which has been touched a little already) is how much such people have influence on what WTBS writes in its magazines.

  • jaffacake

    In any field, there is generally a geat deal of consensus about who are the greatest in that field.

    Any good pysicist knows who the truly great physicists are. The good musicians know who are the truly great musicians. The same applies to any field ncluding theology, Bible commentary etc etc. Rather than learn from whoever seems to make a reasonable argument, or from someone who claims to speak for God, the sensible thing to do would be to read what the true greats in their field are teaching. Not foolproof but the best we can do.

    I doubt you would find JWs to be prominent is any serious field, least of all Bible interpretation or commentary (especially since Ray Franz was kicked out for didcovering the truth about the truth - he produced the Watchtower's only ever Bble commentary).

  • Ticker

    Well I have four years of post secondary schooling plus other training and experience in the psychological fields. Was supposed to finish a seven year doctorate but never comleted yet.

    My other half is in the medical field in which she recieved alot of disfavour from the JW's at the time for taking the schooling. They still look down on higher education, and I can confirm this as about a year and a half ago I recieved a disfavourable look from the CO when I mentioned I was studying Bio Genetics and writing a thesis on it for the U of A. He looked at me and in a sneering way said "Bio-Genetics!! Its called being content with the basics in life". Obviously they dont like higher education, that is simple for me to see.

    They do utilize and respect thoese who do have this education as long as they use it in favour of the Org. As for psychology, touchy subject for dubs, they don't generally like psychological fields as some feel its demonized or whatever excuse they use.

    I believe personally that the GB just fear that one can decipher and recongnize their subtle uses of indoctrination. I know how all say on this board that seeing the misquotes and changing doctrines is hard evidence to motivate ones out of the Org. I wholeheartedly agree with this, but I still stress the importance of recognizing the emotional and psychological factors involved. If one can do this they can more easily adjust to their past experience and understand the emotions that they may feel.

    Emotions can run high when one is faced with critical analysis of their religious entity. If one does not understand why they have feelings of flashback, floating back and forth from cult thought, loss of reasoning and ability to make sound decisions with use of their own autonomy, they can be easily drawn back to their previous state in order to alleviate these normal and nagging emotions.

    For me the doctrines got me questioning the WTBTS but recongnizing the psychological employments they use and understanding the emotions I felt in my exit were priceless aids in a full effective emotional, spiritual, and physical escape.


  • Ticker

    Oh BTW I guess me and my spouse are another case of classic watchtower brain drain. If they dont like your higher education they view it as a threat to their logic, and will view you as someone who could be potentially harmful to the unity of the Congregation. You will soon find yourself an outsider especially if you have a background in Psychology, as I have witnessed.


  • stillajwexelder

    especially since Ray Franz was kicked out for didcovering the truth about the truth - he produced the Watchtower's only ever Bible commentary.

    I thought that was Ed Dunlap

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