who escapes more often, those born into it or adult converts?

by kid-A 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    born in

    3rd gen

    leaving at 18

  • Dan-O

    "or why doesn't jehovah care about my friends who aren't witnesses?"

    Yeah, or (one of my fav questions as a kid) "What about those aboriginal tribes living on some remote island or in the deepest jungle? Will they be wiped out at armageddon, even though they have never heard of Jehovah or read the Watchtower?"

    The response was something like "Dat's why armageddon won't happen until da good news is preached to aAAAALLLLLLLLllllllll da earf! Now, start preachin', boy! Dose folks who saw the events of 1914 are getting older by da second."

  • delilah

    Hi Kid A.....I was born and baptized (as an infant) in another religion, but my parents converted by the time I was 11 or thereabouts. I remembered celebrating all the holidays, spending time with "worldly" relatives, etc. It was a tough go of it, let me tell you. I'm with GBL, I definitely would NOT have chosen to become a JW....in fact, I'm not a religious type at all.....


  • garybuss

    I'm a 3rd generation Witness. I quit associating when I was 30 in 1974 but I messed around, due to my own stupidity, and allowed two of my four sons to get infected. So far that's my number one lifetime regret.

  • lisaBObeesa

    For the record, I was raised in and left.

    Mom was adult convert, and left.

    Dad was adult covert and stayed. sorta.

    Brother raised in, and left.

    Sister raised in, and stayed 100%.

    I think there ARE more "raised in" Jehovah's Witnesses than there are "adult convert" Jehovah's witnesses to start with, so naturally there would be more raised in ex-jws than adult convert ex-JWs.

  • Jankyn

    Born in, fourth gen, faded in teens. (For stats)


  • lilybird

    Mother started studying when I was 5,,, we didn't get seriously into it until I was about 11 as my father was very opposed. In my 20's I started to have doubts when I had my first child,, I knew I didn't want to bring up my kids in this cult...That's when my husband and I left... He had also been raised as a Dub since birth...

  • greendawn

    I went in at the age of 18 and began fading a year later left after 7 years of fading, I suppose it's much easier to leave if you don't have spouse and family in the dubs.

  • LouBelle

    I was pretty much raised from infantcy. I guess because when you are born into something you take it as truth, you take it for granted we have all the answers, yet as we grow older and start to question more.....no hold on I think it has to do with the number of brain cells or perhaps i.q or something else......we were questioners that what more.....we knew that something wasn't right.

  • garybuss

    For me the social part failed, the religious part failed, the music sucked, and the food was terrible.

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