Social Skills..... or lack thereof

by damselfly 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • damselfly

    Accept the fact you are different, and keeping it in mind will help you work around it.

    Thank you Dave. I am going to make that my mantra for the next few days. I shall embrace my inner Dork and introduce her to society.


  • Preston
    This is what I came up with. 1.I would like to be able to dance without looking like a spaz. 2.Musical ability of any kind would be appreciated. 3. I would like to be the greatest knitter of all time ( I know I'm a dork )


    I don't know why you would feel lack of confidence in talking to people, I mean...yeah..the dub thing but you're a good looking chick, that should help you in the confidence dept., now, as for achieving MAD, MAD SKILLZ, my suggestion is to look through the weekend section of the paper to see if there's like a day class in sewing or dancing, there should be. I recenty took a sewing class and had lots of fun, hope things work out Damsel...

    - Preston

  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey its great to read a post from you again Dave, haven't seen you around these parts in a while.


  • seven006

    There are worse problems you could have in this life than being a dork. Some of my best friends are dorks. Some of them are right here on this board. I just don’t go out in public with them. It’s a comfortable compromise……………………Dave…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….GBL, I’ve been busy. It’s nice to see you reading again……………….Dave

  • damselfly

    Hmm There is a bellydancing class offered every fall at my local community college. I shall become Damselfly the belly dancing fool! My mad mad skillz wish list is becoming longer.

    Shout out to 2, Kwin, talesin & shera, c'mon we can be aposta-belly dancings fools together! Who wants to join in?


  • Elsewhere

    Yup... I have had a long and slow battle with my lack of social skills.


    I think I know something you will enjoy... for years I have suspected that in elementary school all of the kids were given a large book of Common Sense. In this book is all of the little bits and pieces of common sense that one is lacking at birth and is what everyone around me seems to know. I suspect that I was home sick on the day that book was passed out and all of the other kids were instructed not to share their personal book with anyone else.

  • daystar

    Wow, Elsewhere, and I always thought I was the only one!

  • damselfly

    large book of Common Sense.

    I suspected as much. I believe in Nova Scotia it was handed out during my homeschooled years of High School.


  • seven006

    Elsewhere………………………….That book as well as many other socially indicative things were handed out at school holiday parties. That is why none of us got them or were aware of them. It’s all a part of the evil plan our one time cult used to keep us stupid and social inept. It’s also why we can’t , nor want to, dance.

  • mrsjones5

    I can dance

    didnt you mostly black jw congregations we danced...we even wiggled our butts!


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