Social Skills..... or lack thereof

by damselfly 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist

    Youre not a dork, did you know that recently knitting has become cool?

    'Tis true. A lot of men knit now too (not me) b/c you make make things cheaply when on a tuition restricted budget.

    As for having no social skills, count me in. My problem is that I can't speak up. I could literally stay quiet for weeks and not say a word to anyone (of course, I can talk normally, but I usually don't for fear of rejection; not exactly healthy).

  • hopelesslystained

    I don't believe my social fears are not so much of rejection but simply that what I have to say is meaningless and will be ignored. So I do not speak up. Also, I find that if I ask a question and get an answer, any answer, I will ask the same question again and again just in different ways. Frustrates me to know end (not to mention the other person). It's because I find it hard to simply believe any answer. The society (raised in it) lied so much that believing anything is next to impossible for me. So, I will catch myself using their circular reasoning in my questioning. arghhhhh

  • damselfly

    It's because I find it hard to simply believe any answer.

    I hear ya ! I either don't believe anything unless it's slapped me in the head or I just accept it as true. Still searching for the middle ground there.

  • greendawn

    Each one of us has got innate talents or skills which though neglected due to the WTS policies and advice they can be developped at any time after one leaves the borg. I developped many skills after leaving the borg long ago, the one I am working on now is everyday computing MS Word etc

    As for social skills perhaps many ex dubs living in the same area can get together and work on developping them.

  • kwintestal

    I've had the same problems, and very recently. I posted about it here :

    Its funny that you mention seeing people you know and hiding from them, I've done the same thing, and still do to a certain extent. I've just had to learn to take leaps of faith when it comes to friendships and force myself to be outgoing socially and it seems to be going well.

    BTW ... You will NOT catch me EVER EVER EVER belly dancing! H2H however has done a 6 week belly dancing class and was talking to Tal about doing another in the Fall at Belindance in Halifax (West end mall) cost is $60 for 6 classes. H2H will talk to you about it on Sunday.


  • MerryMagdalene

    Great post(s), Dave ! Thought-provoking and helpful.

    Book of Common Sense...I think I got a little taste of that once when the kids in my primary school classroom left Halloween candy in my desk while I was absent from the party, and, instead of throwing it away that year I ATE EVERY BIT OF IT on the way home from school the next day ! ! ! Felt guilty for weeks.

    Belly-dancing classes?!?!? I would love to try that. Would love to learn all kinds of dance.

    A few years back, I did something incredibly brave (for me, being the originator of the social retardation thread and all)...I started going to an Aikido class all by myself. I was nervous and shy and had to be prompted to partner up, but I loved it and met some really nice people.

    Later I joined a gym and, the first few times, felt as out of place as a cavewoman on board the Starship Enterprise. But that was ok. I discovered that grunting is not entirely out of place in a gym

    I've been a stay-at-home mom for over 4 years now and am having trouble getting back out and doing things like that, but I am beginning to make an effort. Baby steps to the front door. Baby steps outside. Baby steps to the car...(anybody else love What About Bob??)

    I would like to take up guitar lessons again, too. And maybe start a drumming circle. Hmmm...


  • Elsewhere

    I have long suspected the book was very large and leather-bound with a old classic look to it.

    Something like this:

  • Elsewhere

    Belly Dancing huh?

    You know you are going to have to send me some video of that!

  • RichieRich

    i have got the bowhnting skills.

    i would like to have:

    Car knowledge skills

    parent dealing with skills

    gunsmith skills

    Really... thats it...

  • damselfly

    There you go again with my private photos! How do you do that?

    Kwin~ I luv 2 already! Don't be jealous.


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