Reason for getting disfellowshipped.

by greendawn 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I and some other "sisters" began getting together because we realized that the WT-BATS was lying and that there was no love shown to members....only judgment. The...ahem...."sisters" soon deserted me and I wrote a letter to the Governing Haughty, in which the nicest thing I said was that Jesus Christ couldn't qualify for baptism in their borganization and calling them hypocrites and white-washed graves. It took them 6 weeks from the date I wrote the letter, having given copies to the BOE, for the GB to order and enact my df'ing. Basically, it was the tremendous lack of love and their hypocrisy that led me out.


  • FreedomFrog

    Well, don't know if I'm DA'd or DF' But some still talk with me (kinda coldly though).

    I feel that it's their rules so why put in a damn letter when that is ONE of their rules. I've moved on with that. I'm not going to any JC meetings, no talking with elders on the phone on matters other than "how's the weather" and no letter signing off. I just live my life. And they are just another religion now to me.

  • Legolas

    I was not disfellowshipped. I disassociated myself last month because of many things but the clincher being the Society's involement with the UN and the 607 vs 587 date. My story of the elders vistit is on my profile (I think this is a new site for me, so I'm not sure). By the way how does one put a post on here anyway( it's probably right in front of my face so I will feel like an idiot when I do see it). Thanks Yvonne

  • GetBusyLiving

    I DA'ed a year ago after years of hardcore doubting. For me the "truth" was sheer madness and I couldn't take another second of it.


  • grissom

    The only reasons that one is disfellowshipped is for one not having a Christian attitude or heart.

    It is not for or from a particular sin. But it is from one's reaction to that sin such as non-repentance.

  • damselfly

    The only reasons that one is disfellowshipped is for one not having a Christian attitude or heart.

    It is not for or from a particular sin. But it is from one's reaction to that sin such as non-repentance.

    That is Bullsh*t.I yes, I speak from personal experience, I wanted to come back to the JW's, I begged and pleaded with them not to D/F me ,I had made my peace with God and was truly repentent for my actions. I was d/f for how it would look to the cong.


  • LouBelle

    okay grissom for one thing have you ever been disfellowshipped or disassociated??? As a matter of fact have you ever been in a judicial committee case??? Have you even been reproved????

    You clearly do not know what you are talking about. Many on here have been disfellowshipped or disapproved unfairly, many have been lied about in order for the dA or Dfing to go through.

    You're a lurker/troll - I can see it. Take your warped shunning philosophey and stick it where the sun don't shine. I grew up a JW, knew everyone by name, rank, file, showed love, was a good lil girl & these people that called themselves my brothers and sisters for 29 years were very quick to turn their back on me


    I can't stand it when people don't know what they are talking about. Take your "lord it over us" attitude and pray for your own dammed soul. And some news for you.....THERE IS NEVER GOING TO BE AN ARMEGEDDON!!!

  • Emma

    I just faded. They were full of lies and void of love.

    It seems as though most here left under their own steam, told the wts to take a hike; I like that!

  • Descender

    Not true Grissom. From my own experience, the first time I was disfellowshipped I was truly repentant. I went to the elders myself, confessed falling into fornication, and then profusely apologized over and over and told them that I'd make any changes necessary to improve my spiritual condition. I truly believed what I was saying at the time and a felt sorry. I know what my heart felt and I thought I did a good job at the time or relaying that message to the elders. I was hoping for forgivness. My sins were unknown to the public and I actually wanted reproof. But what I got instead were condesending elders that told me they didn't think that I was repentant and one told me that I could consider myself a prostitute against Jehovah.

    If I hadn't been disfellowshipped that first time, I'm very doubtfull that I would have ever questioned the teachings of the society and I'd probably be a good ministerial servant or elder somewhere. So, really in hindsight, I'm pretty glad that they did get the ball rolling by showing me how unforgiving they really are.

  • damselfly

    If I hadn't been disfellowshipped that first time, I'm very doubtfull that I would have ever questioned the teachings of the society and I'd probably be a good ministerial servant or elder somewhere. So, really in hindsight, I'm pretty glad that they did get the ball rolling by showing me how unforgiving they really are.

    Descender, I couldn't agree with you more.


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