Gilead students told...other JWs are a bunch of slackers!

by sir82 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Damn!!! You cracked me up so bad I spilled coffee all over my keyboard and monitor and my shirt and pants. Now I'm sittin' here in my shorts waitin' for my clothes to get outta da dryer.


    Rod P.

  • freedom96

    It amazes me that so many people fall for this garbage for so long.

  • TonyT
    Where do they get their enjoyment; from a weekend away from

    Christian activities with their brothers or with the brothers in

    theocratic activities?

    Remember this little gem the next time you are counseled for your lack of field service. Point out that they should be offering sympathy since by not participating in this activity you are actually missing out on an enjoyable activity.

  • potleg

    I've always known there is a 2 tier system withn the Org, The elitists and R&F, My question is...Why don't brothers want to go to the assemblies on Friday, or why would they rather spend time in leisure activities or why do many seek out a better education and ignore the Borg? Could it be that the fine spiritual food is rancid? Could it be that the flock is getting tired of being abused and led by blind guides? Seems to me that the GB should look at themselves first for the solution to these problems.

  • frankiespeakin

    Lurkers who are still trying to look like loyal JWs to keep from being shun. Copy this email and send it to all your JW friends. If any body ask you where you got it say from some JW out west or something.

    This Email has to be spread far and wide.

  • Satanus

    Baalism sounds good


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Sadly many of the R&F are lame enough to see the content of that email as a VERY SPIRITUAL viewpoint to be aspired to. They want to be as spiritual as the Bethelites!

    I think I'm gonna be sick.

    Never give up, never surrender!


  • Now What?
    Now What?

    I found this as well as the other e-mail posted like it to be very interesting reads indeed. Thx sir!

    It kinda seems like preaching to the choir though to me. The people at Gilead are already loyal dubs just to get there. So a talk like this seems outta place unless they fear that even the most loyal of dubs could leave at some point. We see the lower attendance at the regular meetings. There must also be a bit of attrition farther up that us R&F are not privey too. VERY interesting! I'll be keeping an eye out for more posts on this for sure.

  • Now What?
    Now What?
    Sadly many of the R&F are lame enough to see the content of that email as a VERY SPIRITUAL viewpoint to be aspired to.

    Sad, but true. A big stepping stone to freedom is realizing that loyalty does not imply spirituality. Seperating the two seems to be as hard as seperating God from the FDS for a R&F.

  • bother_forever

    "Baalism"? - I love these words they make up.

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