What really bothers me about my JW research.

by ithinkisee 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    I know what you mean. The one that really made fire come out of my nostrils was back in 99(?) when they told us the "ban" was finally lifted on the Brothers in Mexico, and now they would be allowed to sing and pray at the meetings. Come to find out there was NO BAN, and it was all about the WTS wanting to own property, so they had to declare themselves NOT a religion but a "cultural society" and they had to play the part by no singing and praying. Then they tell us it's because of a BAN??? Instead of their money-grubbing???

    Selfish greedy bastards.

    I know it's nothing compared to people dying, but it clearly shows all lack of regard for INDIVIDUALS by the ORGANIZATION.

    Like I said...

  • Netty

    Yup, me too. It's not about any doctrine,false prophecies, stuff like that for me. My problem is plain and simple, lives have been ruined. That's what did it for me.

  • carla

    Great post! Aside from people dying, (not to minimize it) isn't it interstesting that if you needed a cornea transplant in 1979, to bad, go blind, then in 1980 all is well, you may go ahead with the transplant, we will now allow you the gift of sight. I applaud your research, I too am researching. Only I don't know quite how to bring what I have learned to husband. carla

  • moanzy

    And yet we sit here, some of us with broken families, some with family members who have died because of them and their unbiblical rules or suffered terrible abuse and they believe WE 'deserve' to die and are worthless. They don't care to know/hear anything other than what the WTS says and they think we are stupid and we are throwing away our 'inheritence' from Jehovah. Oh and lets not forget how we are worse than "a dog that returns to it's own vomit".

    Knowing what you know about JW and christianity doesn't it just PISS you write off that they think you need to be punished by them when they don't even have the remotest idea how much they have been SCREWED!


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Well put Ithinkisee

    Amen Gumby

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    That was very well put, and I applaude your research.

    Yes, it is the simple things that condemns the WBTS/GB the most. It is one thing to be human and make sincere mistakes, and then correct them when discovered. I could understand and forgive and handle that.

    But when brutal policies are imposed and enforced on their own sincere and believing members which destroy lives, break up families, and cause deaths and incarcerations needlessly, all based on wrong or erroneous interpretations of scripture, then I feel anger and disgust towards them. Then there are the lies and the cover-ups of the actions of the pedophiles in their midst for the sake of their own Organizational Image. Is this not the Image of the Beast?

    It is even worse that in the wake of this endless trail of destruction, they feel no remorse, no sense of wrong-doing, no pangs of moral conscience. In fact, it is all our faults for questioning and not believing. For them, the end does justify the means, no matter the cost. The whole system, and the leadership at the top is just SICK and PSYCHOTIC.

    It boggles my mind how they sleep at night, or how they can look at themselves in the mirror each day, knowing full well what they have done and continue to do.

    Rod P.

  • greendawn

    They are sick and arrogant bastards, and yet some try to justify them as being merely naive but well meaning old fools, they are obviously something a lot more sinister than that, they treat the R & F as expendible objects or machines and yet they talk about loving, protecting and taking good care of the flock!

  • FairMind
    Yes, it is the simple things that condemns the WBTS/GB the most. It is one thing to be human and make sincere mistakes, and then correct them when discovered. I could understand and forgive and handle that.

    The main thing to keep in mind is that the WTBTS/GB is all about "CONTROL" and obedience to what they are currently teaching. They really don't care about people. This isn't to say that much of what they teach and recommend is not beneficial but to expect people to unquestionably obey is unreasonable. Christians are not supposed to be masters of anothers faith but that is what the GB tries to be, leaving very little up to an individuals conscience. The Bible principle that you reap what you sew is now biting the WTBTS in the butt.

  • IP_SEC

    Sorry for breaking rank here but... teeeheee. Momofmany, is your avatar a dragon from Ultima Online?

    Great post Ithink,

    That's what it really all boils down to.


  • blondie

    That is the most compelling flip-flop doctrine. There are others but none that so clearly show the danger to life by following a man-made organization.


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