For me it's light bulbs --- and for you?

by Panda 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    Dust--gets to be an inch thick in one week! Also cobwebs--have a super high ceiling in the livingroom and huge cobwebs have been in the upper corners now for over a year because I need to buy a pole or something. Landlord should have given us something to use as I am sure he had them cleaned before we moved in, but he is a jerk anyway.

    Oh--and let's not forget the upstairs toilet that gets stopped up about once a month! Grrrrrrrr

  • bebu

    Our front door's storm door has a handle that keeps coming off, no matter how I tighten the teeny weeny hex screw that should keep it in.

    And the front door itself has a knob that doesn't stay on, either. Every time you open the door--either of them--the handles fall off. Visitors get embarassed, because they think they've broken our doors.

    I feel like this is George Bailey's (It's a Wonderful Life) home!


  • Panda

    I've always wondered about why those filaments were so fragile... planned obsolesence...figures.

    How about those flourescent bulbs for incandescent lights? Or those new five year bulbs?

    DUST good grief I wouldn't know what to do w/o dust bunnies to keep me company!

    Dog hair! Go to check out my 2nd album (only one pick)

    Spiders are a plus out here. We have these great looking zipper spiders who catch everything in their great big symetrical webs. Of course then we have the brown recluse (been bitten twice and have the necrotized dented flesh to prove it) and the ultra lovely black widow (I swear those gals are wearing goth!)

  • rebel8
    * likes bugs, has a problem with the arachnids .... *

    I'm the opposite. Don't mind the spiders. So all we have to do is figure out a way for your spiders to move to my house so they can eat up all my bugs!

  • bebu


    HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!


  • swiftbreeze

    My closet...i grab one item and then ten items matter how many different ways i organize it, i can never grab one item without something falling.

  • talesin

    Hey, right on Bebu.

    Happy Day, Panda!

    I'll be having the big five-oh in a few years, and am looking forward to reaching my majority!

    Fifty's the age of power, remember that. You are a strong survivor, womyn. (((HUGS)))

    I wish I could love the spider. *sigh* They bring up some 'issues' for me. :o Apparently, before I was about 4, I used to play with spiders, bring them in the house in jars and everything, but something happened... I can't talk about it, but you understand.

    I'm trying, I really am! *smiles bravely* I'm okay with them usually, but after the wolf spider infestation in my bedroom last fall they are really creeping me out. Now, I am looking around, checking my clothes before I put them on, etc.

    Whoa, Panda, the recluse! And you were bitten twice, that is strong medicine. We don't have them, but we do have the black widow. .. beautiful, yes, I agree. Wish I wasn't so repulsed by them all, they are an incredibly fascinating life-form (oops, the Spock is coming out in me). hahaha

    Rebel8, I wish there was a way! It's a nice thought, though. :)


  • Netty

    Why a grown 36 year old intelligent, capable man, is unable to comprehend the concept of changing the toilet paper roll!

    And while I am at it, same aforementioned man, passed on to our children , the lovely habit of missing the dirty clothes hamper all together. Guess its genetic.

  • Panda

    Talesin, Tell me about those spider bites! At first there was no way I believed it was a brown recluse ... then the next day the site looked just like the photos. I asked a frind and she said if it didn't hurt I would probably be fine. Then it got this blister which I immediately broke. The center cames out; the flesh around the bite turned black and gushy (and smelly)... I put some neosporin on it after a few days it started to heal as an indentation. The next week I had a doctors appt. he looked at it and said "Looks like it's healing." Yeah okay. Another week and another bite. For a person with an impaired immune system I wonder if those bites might help my chronic urticaria. I told my Vet (I worship Veterinarians) and he looked at the bites, yup brown recluse. So now I'm wondering if anything can kill me??? I've also got scars on my butt from frostbite in a very cold winter in Northern China (DaTong) because I just had to see those miles of Buddha caves and hanging temples. But no spiders and clear bare wired light bulbs.

  • Dan-O

    "I believe Ben Franklin's lightbulb is still working"

    Ben didn't invent the lightbulb. He invented the lightning rod (and the bifocal lens and a lot of other stuff). The light bulb was developed by Thomas Edison (along with the phonograph).

    Please give credit where credit is due.

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