A Christian question, but applies to all thinking Christian too!

by free2beme 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Jgnat beat me to it, in replying to you SadEmo.

    That's the difficulty of creating definitive lists of person-types. Many just can't be so simply pigeon-holed.

    You'll find that most of the Christians on this site have remained/become so, despite the denigration of their beliefs. There are few that hang around here long and remain ignorant about most anything. I would hope it would give pause for thought as to why they continue as such...

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Considering myself suitably chastised and soundly kicked up the backside.

    I's learnin'

  • jimakazi

    Hi free2beme

    In many ways I have to agree with you. I'm agnostic, I have some form of belief in 'God' but not in the Chrisitan way.

    The Bible was supposed to be divnely inspired, yet the new testiment is COMPLETELY different than the old testiment in terms of the message. A good one for those who having given up on the JW's go back to the trinity - if Jesus and God were one why was he such a ball breaker in the old testiment, and a turn the other cheek type of guy when on earth? To me if the bible was indeed insprired it would have a consistent theme - it does not.

    So even if the bibles accounts of Jesus were based upon fact [and the gospells are very different] what does that prove? Nothing I can see.

  • free2beme
    I am a Christian, but I don't believe any of the Bible is true, that is if you are decribing truth as meaning literal, or verbally infallible, as the fundamentalists & JWs etc believe. It is full of myth, errors, as well as inspired truth. Its authors were often wrong. I still believe its authors, and others were inspired

    I think I gather what you are trying to say, but I know from being a Witness, that the Bible is the text book of Christianity and to say it is in error is to develop a religion that would not really be true Christian. As I said earlier though, what Jesus teaches in the Bible is not something that is only heard in the Christian religions and it would benefit all Christians to accept that too and learn from listening to others faiths and realize there all in the myth boat, but maybe there is something good in there to listen too. Develop a religion around? No. Listen to as advice? Why not?

  • free2beme
    Frankly, free, I would ask you to stop trolling and simply respect other people's beliefs.

    Define what you think a troll is? I am saying what I think and I do not enjoy being told that I should be disfellowshipped for doing so. If my thoughts on this bother you or seem extreme by your stand-point, then my respond to me. It would make more sense to brush the dust off your feet and move on to the next house and not cast judgement upon your neighbor, for don't you believe that judgement belongs to another?

  • jgnat

    free2bme, no proselytizing here, but I do want to clarify the difference between Fundamental Christianity (based on the idea that the bible is the Infallible Word of God) and Orthodox Christianity.

    but I know from being a Witness, that the Bible is the text book of Christianity and to say it is in error is to develop a religion that would not really be true Christian.

    My definition, which all orthodox Christians ascribe to as well, is that a Christian is one who follows the Nicene Creed.
    There is nothing in the Nicene Creed that requires True Christians to slavishly follow every word in the bible. This girl don't wear a tea-towel on her head in the presence of Little Toe or any other man.

    I find this a distinguishing feature of the Jehovah's Witnesses. They do not have a similarly compact declaration of faith for their members. Instead, there is a confusing tangle of rules that every JW must follow or not be JW any more, including taking blood transfusions, attending a church, etc. etc. If the JW's were to have an alternative to the Nicene Creed it would be this:

    "Follow the FDS who is the sole mouthpiece for Jehovah in these last days." In my mind, this is NOT a Christian doctrine. Christians follow Christ, as our mediator.

  • Terry
    Only one, the Gospel according to John. Do you doubt Plato wrote the Republic?

    Jesus is about as real a person as Socrates.

    Plato's account is the only thing we have to go on.

    Let's face it; all of it....ALL OF IT is hearsay.

    Base your life on hearsay? What kind of fool does that?

    Answer: Christians

  • the_classicist
    Define what you think a troll is? I am saying what I think and I do not enjoy being told that I should be disfellowshipped for doing so. If my thoughts on this bother you or seem extreme by your stand-point, then my respond to me. It would make more sense to brush the dust off your feet and move on to the next house and not cast judgement upon your neighbor, for don't you believe that judgement belongs to another?

    You insult a given person's religion using derogatory language, if you did not do so, I would not have felt the need to say what I did. Did I say you "should be disfellowshipped for [saying what you think]"? No. But class and respect are never found with a troll, and I have found neither with you.

    Atheism or whatever you believe in now has become your new Watchtower. You immediately take a dogmatic position with no real interest in discussion. That is also an aspect of a troll and JWs.

  • free2beme
    You insult a given person's religion using derogatory language, if you did not do so, I would not have felt the need to say what I did. Did I say you "should be disfellowshipped for [saying what you think]"? No. But class and respect are never found with a troll, and I have found neither with you.

    You think I am a troll and respond to me anyway. Here is why, you are bothered by what I say on a personal belief level and this is a form of lashing out to try and make me look bad for saying something that bothered you. Perhaps a level of guilt of knowing that what I am saying must be caused by known Christian behavior in society, when we all know that Christian's claim a loving life and yet the right hand does not know what the left is doing. So call me a troll, by your definition and by what I know of Christians ... I expect it from someone. Here though it what I define a troll as.

    Someone who comes to a board and post extreme messages that make little to know sense and are direct attacks on posters. Using words that would be considered unacceptable and repeating the post over and over and over (flooding). They also post pictures that are sick and say things that are hurtful for no reason what so ever.

    Now if you are bending my stance on how I see Christianity as a religion, then perhaps you define troll as a more lower version and less harmful version from what I have said above. Also, to call someone a troll and ask them to move on when they are not being a troll. Reminds me of this ...

    Brother, your behavior is not acceptable with the congregation, so we are disfellowshipping you. We know we are only a small percentage of the congregation and no one else has said this, but we stand as judge and executioner to the congregation. Don't take it personal though!

  • jgnat


    Drowned out again. Maybe I should start smoking a pipe and cultivate a deep voice.

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