Please help teach my Jewish friends

by Booker 45 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • z

    After at least six months' of visits

    More like never in your life time visits

  • EvilForce

    I love it how he wants to "help teach my Jewish friends". No you want to pontificate and beat them over the head. Good teachers learn and listen from their students to best know how to relate to them. Reminds me when I was a Dub....use the "Conversation Stoppers" to figure out the next objection a householder might use. I wasn't teaching. I was using a war of words.

  • z

    Sry my post just F***** out ops

  • Booker


    Okay. I can see how the JWs are not the best people to present the gospel of Jesus Christ, but the Jews that I found chose not to accept my teaching so I looked for the next best group with persistence. I feel that a Jew who knows Christ is better than a Jew who does not know Christ, and I know that the JWs are at least affective in presenting at least some teaching about Christ to people. Overall, I just want to give someone else an opportunity to testify about Jesus Christ to the Jewish people that I am talking about.

    The fact of the matter is that I am a catholic deacon in an organization that has Roman Catholic, Episcopal, and Greek Orthodox ordination lines. I just felt that some group with some strong power to evangelize would enter discussion with the Jews that I am talking about in order that at least some presentation of Christ would be given other than what I gave. Overall, many of the Jews that I am talking about are very obnoxious, so I was really hoping to bring someone serious about presenting their justification of Christ to the attention of the Jews.

    I understand that JWs do not believe in the trinity or even in a trinity, and I also understand that JWs do not believe that Jesus has a divine nature. Very frankly however JW teaching would bring many Jews from hatred to Christ to at least a strong appreciation of Christ if the JW teaching were believed. Overall, very few people at the time of the ministry of Christ appeared to believe that Christ had a divine nature, so if this problem did not upset Christ greatly, then I myself do not think that the issue should upset us as much as the issue currently does in many cases.

    What I am saying is that people that had been for Christ are people that Jesus recognized and hardly ever spoke harshly against. What Jesus did speak harshly against however had been people who had been against his teaching. Overall, the point that I am making is that I do not see any harm in some JWs trying to speak well about Christ before some Jews because at least the JWs would give some honor and respect for the person of Christ among some people that have very little respect for Christ.

    You can visit my web sights below to see the type of work that I have done.

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  • Satanus

    Ok, so you can write well. You may have misunderstood the nature of this site. We are mostly former jehovah's witnesses. As such some are atheists, some christian, some spirtualists, some buddhist, taoist, etc. Very few, if any would be of use to you in your ministry to jews. Just so that you don't waste more of your energy.


  • jula71

    The problem is, myself included but I don't consider it a problem, most people that escape a cult like the JW's cut through the shroud of religion and become agnostic or atheist. Why escape one cult only to join another? Likewise I can't see a point in assisting some-one from one religion to follow another.

  • EvilForce

    I like the excorcism part best:
    The exorcist may use blessed holy water to represent cleansing.
    The exorcist may burn incense and say, "these are the prayers of the saints."
    The exorcist may use vestments; moreover, the exorcist needs to explain the symbolism of the vestments to the possessed.
    The exorcist may read passages from the bible.
    Nothin like the smell of demunz in the morning to get EvilForce riled up!

  • jgnat

    Problem is, JW's are closet Jew-haters. They blame Jews for the death of Christ, and are taught that the Jews were permanently rejected by God as the chosen ones. Not only that, the JW's believe that they are the new Israel.

    Booker, your understanding of Jehovah's Witnesses is woefully inadequate. The JW's may be well-trained in salesmanship, but they are NOT selling Christ.

    Perhaps your problem is NOT poor salesmanship. It may be the idea that those who do not think like you must be converted or die.

  • FreeWilly

    I feel that a Jew who knows Christ is better than a Jew who does not know Christ,

    I.E. "My invisible friend is better than yours."

    Maybe you can start by explaining how if Christ were in charge he wouldn't have condoned or commanded the massacre of entire Societies. Perhaps with him in charge, the Laishites, Amalekites and people of Heshbon would have seen their children grow up, not slaughter along with themselves. Just be sure to stay away from the New Testament Scriptures that speak of Christ doing the same, yet on a "grander" scale.

  • Booker

    Why exorcism should be allowed in public schools By Mathew Enoch Mount

    Today many employees of public schools, such as instructors and councilors, use practice from the field of psychology in order to work with student’s minds. Not all religious beliefs endorse any practice of knowledge obtained from psychology; moreover, for students who represent a religious belief system that does not endorse psychology some substitution for working with that student's mind should be present in order to respect his or her religious beliefs. One can see that allowing alternatives for working with student’s minds is an alternative to the exclusive practice of psychology in public schools, and allowing alternatives to working with students minds can represent and respect religious freedom in America.

    Many students go to guidance councilors in public schools in order to get some advice and guidance, but guidance councilors study psychology and use psychology on their students who may or may not be of a religion that endorses psychology. What would be ideal is that a student may be allowed to meet with his or her religious leader for guidance during school time instead of meeting with a guidance councilor in order that the student's religious beliefs are respected. In fact guidance councilors could be allowed to practice their practice based upon volunteering and the passing of standardized tests that would determine the person's ability to give academically except able advice for the future.

    With many religions believing that all people should do the will of god and people do not know the will of god because of demonic possession caused by man loving evil, some guidance councilors may feel exorcism necessary for students to know what their future goals should be. Since many exorcists feel that exorcism works best over many trials over a long period of time students may be allowed to visit a exorcist about once a week for a few years in order that the demonic forces of evil be driven out of the student in order that the student may know his or her future goals. By exorcism of students in public schools students may be able to know of their future plans just as they may with a traditional guidance councilor, but the difference is that their religious beliefs would not be oppressed during the guidance counseling process by the allowance of exorcism for the counseling process.

    Guidance counseling is not the only example of how students may have religious oppression by not going to an exorcist instead of a psychology practitioner. I say such a thing because sometimes teachers form practice of teaching on students based in knowledge of psychology in order for students to learn better. Many religious systems are oppressed by teachers practicing psychology on students so students can learn better because some religious systems believe that evil forces throw people into confusion and only man united with god allows man to know truth.

    In order to respect and represent the religious beliefs of oppressed religious systems volunteer teacher’s aids may be allowed to help students in class who represent the religious belief system of the student or students who are religiously oppressed. In fact religious systems that require exorcists could be represented by teacher's aids that drive out evil demons of students as a study routine. Teacher's aids driving out demons of students could respect the individual religious beliefs of the students during the educational process because the students could be educated with their own religious system taken into consideration in the process of education.

    Student's religious systems are not only oppressed by the teaching of public education but also by the disciplinary actions of public education, so students should have a representative of their religious system responsible for disciplining them as a volunteer program. Students who are part of a religious system that recognizes exorcism as being a way to free students from sin by driving out demons may be exercised by an exorcist as a disciplinary action that would respect their own religious beliefs. An example could be to say that students with supporting religious beliefs who get in trouble for drugs, fighting, obscene language, or little progress may meet with their exorcist in order to have demons driven out of them.

    Overall with the extraordinary problems that students face with discipline, poor education, and little goals in life such problems may be corrected for by allowing religious freedom instead of oppressing religious freedom, and students may meet with exorcists in order to have demons driven out of themselves as a way of curing the problems with respect to the student's supported religious system. By students being treated as a participant of a religious system instead of being treated as a believer of no religious system the student's religious beliefs would be taken into account by the entire educational process, so that students may be uplifted by public education instead of oppressed by public education because of their educational beliefs. Exorcism provided to public education students for the reason of religious freedom could be a integral part of education so that student's religious beliefs are no longer oppressed.

    One can rest assured that all volunteer religious leaders could be tested for academic competency before taking any volunteer position at a public school. One could also rest assured that parents could still have a part in their children's education by being required to sign permission forms before students meet with their respective religious leader or exorcist for academic success. One could also be rest assured that the public education system would improve from its failed state because students would no longer have religious oppression and would have better conduct by having the demons driven right out of them.

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