JW women focused on appearance!

by Sirona 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sirona

    It really gets on my nerves.

    JW women used to be always focused, as their number ONE thing, on appearance. They could be crap at the rest of the JW stuff, but if they turned up at the meeting dressed nice, thin, long hair, looking nice, all was forgiven. Of course it was because of the misogyny (sp?) existing in the borg. Plus, what else is there to focus on apart from who is the best looking?

    I remember conventions where everyone bought new outfits and there were so many young women who must have spent all their time trying to look good. There are no rules against that though are there? You can't have a birthday party, but you can spend lots of money going on sunbeds and having your hair done.

    I was always really slim, with long dark hair. But I still hated listening to them talking about their weight. "Oh, I'm 125lbs, so I must lose about 10lbs! " (anyone say "anorexia"?)

    It seems that the JW ideal is a slim, figureless girl with long hair, who never asks questions. That leads me to wonder....would JW men be happier with women who are perpetually 18 who have no mind of their own? The answer seems to be yes.

    What do you think? Am I over-generalising?


  • mapleaf18

    in a word, yes.

    the more "girl like" and giggly, the better!

  • LongHairGal


    You are so right about what their ideal women is. The part about "figureless" is right on target. They have major issues if you have a "body". Always getting counsel about things low-cut, slits, etc. You are perceived to be "sexy" even if you aren't trying.

    They definitely discriminate against those types of women. Sadly, most of the discrimination comes from other women. Most of the special needs talks given are at the instigation of somebody's wife who has a problem with how certain sisters look. Jealousy in action.

  • scotsman

    There is a lot of focus on appearance I agree, but

    It seems that the JW ideal is a slim, figureless girl with long hair, who never asks questions.

    if that's the ideal they have a long way to go because there were a lot of full figured opinionated women in the KHs round here. Fortunately, that's how I like them, big and sassy.

  • skyman

    That would of been OK by me when I was in. But the reality is we can't and so they want to be what we ar not old age and fat races on. Once good looks then bad looks hits almost all of us. I enjoy the older lady's and hate the pretend world they live in some people that is.

  • Ellie

    Sirona, I couldn't agree with you more, infact if I didn't know better, I would say you just described my nephew's wife

  • love2Bworldly

    Seemed like when I was a teenager, there were a lot more cute young girls than there were boys, so the boys had their pick. I had severe crushes on several JW young men, but they always picked the ones who were shallow, had no brains, and looked like models.

  • upside/down

    Damn Jezebels!

    Next thing ya know they're gonna think they're smarter than us.

    u/d (of the "whipped" class)

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Stepford Wives.

  • LongHairGal

    Further to what you said: you are also right about them liking "girls" (not women) who don't ask questions. They are simply not able or willing to deal with a brain in a female. So some of them want an ever-childlike mate who poses no challenges.

    But you have to understand that most dub men don't have an education so therefore their knowledge is limited so they are very intimidated by a woman who is knowledgeable or has opinions. Besides, a young girl hasn't lived long enough to form many opinions anyway.

    This is the sad state of affairs there and I see no hope that it will change.

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