JW women focused on appearance!

by Sirona 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • G Money
    G Money

    What hall were you in??

    Lose weight, 10 pounds??? Most I saw needed to lose 110!!!!

    Are you for real??? I wanna visit the hall of slim, cute JW women. I think it is a myth!

  • crazyblondeb

    Man, I have to agree with all of ya'll. The male JWs are taught to expect a submissive, quiet woman who has no idea how to think or stand up for themselves. That's what our parents attempted to do to all of us. But, for awhile in our congregation, it was slim pickings to find someone like that. Especially with me around. For a while my stepdad had to step down from being a MS. It seems he couldn't control his kids!!!

    Finally, after me and the sister next in age to me moved out, he was given those "priviledges again". My mother was so clinically depressed she couldn't function. When she went to the elders for help, it only got worse. She needed to "try harder with her wifely duties".(GAG ME!) For many years dad slept on the couch and mom locked up in her room.But of course, on meeting nights we looked like the "picture of perfection".

    Now, I still struggle with handling credit, bills, housing, etc. We were not ever taught about the outside world. How anyone could stand to be in like a vegetative state, is beyond me. Those are some of the ones I pity. They don't know of any other type of existance.

    rambling........must quit........shelley

  • hartstrings

    I always thought it was wierd that my husband "picked" me when all these submissive "yes" teenage girls were falling all over him. My husband said he knew I was the one when on our third date, I raised a cheek and let one rip. Even now since I've pulled away, he has told me that I'm a grown woman who has the right to make her own decisions and that he will love me regardless of what I choose to do.

    I often would have a silent horray session when I would see independent thinkers in the cong. I know that eventually they will figure it out too.

  • Insomniac

    Ohh, man... I'd actually managed to sort of forget about this aspect of dubism. But, yeah- Sirona's hit the nail on the head. The ideal sister was indeed slim and quiet, pretty but not sexy. I hated that all the brothers went for these girls nearly exclusively, and how it made me feel as though I'd never measure up. I had some "perfect" friends in the cong, who ended up married way too young to guys who weren't right for them. I, on the other hand, was perpetually mouthy, opinionated, and chubby- therefore, single. I think I got a much better deal, all things considered.

    One of my buds got married at 17, had two kids in two years, and was widowed at 20. She had no job, no education. She told me that she considered "finding a suitable mate" to be her full-time job. The poor girl spent every penny she had on hair and clothing, dropped twenty pounds in a hurry, and presto- married again by age 22. Unfortunately, the shallow, domineering schmuck had an affair with another Stepford sister, and my friend ended up divorced at 24, with her first two kids and a new infant. Uuuugh! If only I could go back in time and try to warn her; she deserved so much better from her life.

  • stillajwexelder

    Memorial, DCs Circuit assembles are all fashion shows - is that what you mean?

  • Agnes

    I thought they weren't supposed to be vain??? I even know an older couple and they both wear wigs in an attempt to look younger, but their hygeine is what really could use some attention.


  • diamondblue1974

    Most of the 'sisters' in the hall were superficial, shallow and had their heads stuck firmly up their own arse's irrespective as to whether they were attractive or not. Any that were any different were in the minority in my view.

    One of my best friends growing up in the Borg was stunning looking but completely down to earth, intelligent and a great sense of humour and most unlike all that Sirona has described however the jealousy and the backbiting that went on from other women in the hall because of it was unreal; she was gossipped about, ignored and generally treated like crap, so much so that her self esteem at one point was at rock bottom. Thankfully she got out when she did.

    would JW men be happier with women who are perpetually 18 who have no mind of their own? The answer seems to be yes

    Too right they would...she wouldnt answer them back if they made unintelligent decisions, she would humbly follow her fatheaded dub husband in full sheeplike subjection...she would be his bed servant (because its unscriptual to refuse him in the bedroom)...she would cook clean and do all the crap jobs around the house and if shes lucky he might mow the lawn outside. Oh yeah and she might also have a little part time job to support her pioneer work if her dubby lets her that is & of course the elders would have to be involved in that decision.

    Superficiality is a male trait as much as it is a female trait too in dubdom so perhaps your comments were an overgeneralisation but only just and you are not far wrong.


  • Sirona

    Hey Gmoney,

    Yes, I am for real.

    Don't know whether it was just UK or what, but I'll tell you that most young JW women were slim and immaculate. DC's were a nightmare because everyone had to buy new clothes and everyone was looking around at the "competition".

    The other night I went to a nightclub with my husband and we ran into a woman who used to be a JW. We thought she was still JW until we asked, and she said she'd left ages ago. This woman was always sexy sexy sexy. She wore paint on her nails, red lipstick and gorgeous clothes, plus she had a figure to die for. She is still gorgeous and well into her forties and we had a laugh talking about how picked on she was!

    She remembered being counselled over and over again, even though her skirts were below the knee and she never showed cleavage. The thing was she liked wearing bold colours and having her nails done....that was it. The jealousy abounded!

    For many JW women, it is a fashion show. Its just very very sad. Keep quiet, have long hair, be thin and you'll soon get a husband in the JWs.

    Funny, my husband rejected a few women who were like that before choosing me (I am a few years younger and at the time he had to wait until I was 18). He chose me because although I fitted the mold somewhat, he could actually have a laugh with me and I was down to earth....unlike the pioneer stick up their arse sisters who were after him (he was also a pioneer you see...)



  • Del

    You are all so right!! Aarggh, those shallow women/girls drove me nuts!! First time I went to KH (was only 14) the first thing they did was look me up and down head to toe! I couldn't BELIEVE it! To me that is so rude. Every assembly for five years it was the same thing, look you up and down before saying hello. All they cared about were their new outfits and shoes. I didn't really give a chit what I wore...I used to wear something that I knew they'd remember just to stir them (had to have some entertainment over the weekend). And almost all of them were 'boy' crazy, a lot of them got married very young. I think I was considered a trouble maker, wouldn't conform and kept questioning everything so I didn't make any real friends while I was held captive to WT. Of the few jw guys that took an 'interest' in me, three of them d'a or were d'f...like attracts like?

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    We had several fashion camps in our KH. The elders' wives all attempted a look of 'understated glamour'. They had all the nice gold jewellery and the expensive outfits, but not enough to appear too flashy. What was interesting was when one of the elders married a former Miss Scotland beauty queen. She was, as you would expect, a very beautiful woman and it was quite funny to see the waves of jealousy throughout the ruling clique.

    The other group was what I would call the ' Marks and Spencer set' - sensible skirts and cardies (floral print long dresses in the Summer) which would not reproach Jehoober's name. Being a generation Xer, my concession to fashion was to sport 'big hair' and the odd dab of blue mascara.


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