Timeline of my coming out (warning!!! VERY LENGTHY)

by Jourles 39 Replies latest members private

  • Jourles

    Hey Derek! Long time no see.

    It's like being let out of jail, isn't it?

    Exactly. While I was in, I always felt sick. It probably had to do with knowing in the back of my mind that at some point in the near future the elders were going to make a move against me. It's like being an armed robber in a bank with the police outside. You KNOW that you are not going to get away and that there is a good chance that you might get killed in the process. It is just a matter of time before they storm the bank, but you don't know when. Try living with that type of feeling for a few years and see what happens to your health. Now that I'm out, my entire being is elevated. I have tons of energy once again. Before I was df'd, I thought my health would decline even more after the "announcement" was made. Quite the opposite. It feels great.

    ...you girls

  • TheListener

    Jourles thanks for your post. I really enjoyed reading it. Well, actually it made me a nervous wreck even though I knew the outcome. I'm glad you are doing well. I think the way you're handling your marriage is excellent. It's important for our spouses to know that we love them and leaving the dubs won't change that.

    I have one questions though. How did the society link your dirtclod.com site to your jwd account? Did you talk about the dirtclod site in your posts? I just don't want the elders to come over to my house with a thick binder of jwd material. It wouldn't bother me, but the spouse could get ticked.

  • Jourles

    "Jourles" and "dirtclod" used to be synonymous a couple of years ago. Just ask anyone that knew about dirtclod during that timeframe. Heck, just go back and read a few of my old topics. You will see how easy it was to link that site to me. I wasn't anonymous about it or anything.

  • Balsam

    Jourle, Thanks for your story, I loved hearing your experience. Boy you sure did some reasearch, and there is no way an Elder could ever answer your questions as most of them are not even well informed themselves. Your letter to your family and friends was great. Lordy I wish I had written one as good as yours. This way no one could say who knew you why did he end up disf'ed? You answered all their questions and was thus labeled an apostate by the Society, that should make them think. But JW's are stubborn group of people when it comes to examining anything. Ruth

  • Jourles
    This way no one could say who knew you why did he end up disf'ed?

    This was the entire point in writing that letter. I didn't want people to make wild assumptions as to why I was df'd. I tried to stay clear of coming across as being "preachy." I intentionally left out scriptural quotations and instead used the WTS's own literature to make my point instead. I felt I had to give my view on certain matters so that the recipients could understand exactly what initially caused me to question things. I'm glad I wrote it, otherwise I'm sure I would have heard strange rumors by now. I can live with being called an "apostate."

    It's strange, but I don't feel like what I thought an apostate was when I was younger. I always viewed apostates as highly-strung, crazy eyed wierdos. Now that I am part of this educated group, we're all just normal people. It's the JW's that are the highly-strung, crazy eyed wierdos.

  • toreador

    Excellent Letter Jourles

  • misguided


    Thank you!

    It is very well written, clear, conscise, sensible, and understandable. What a change from trying to make sense of "their" reasoning. It's been an intensely enlightening experience reading it, and I'll be looking for more of your stories. Thank you for sharing.


  • sass_my_frass

    Thanks Jourles! I'm especially glad that things are still great with your wife and I hope it stays that way.

    I'm a '1914 generation victim' too, and just wish I'd held onto the library I built up over the years, so I could have pulled them out and showed the elders why I grew up believing that I shouldn't get an education, build a regular life, go for a family.... but at least I'm doing that now!

    Very stylish letter... very helpful post, thanks.

  • franzy

    thanks for posting on mr. flippers thread, jourles. i just spent about
    one fascinating hour reading your posts. your writing is meticulous,
    yet also engaging. i appreciate the clear logic in your discussions
    with the elders, and also in your pre-disfellowshipping letter.

    i'm wondering if you have updated what is current with your wife?


  • joannadandy

    Glad you posted that Jourles - and glad your back posting as you.

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