Body Piercing

by Princess 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebody

    Hi Princess,

    I only have my ears peirced, 2 holes in each, and I very rarely wear earrings. Go figure....but..

    I got my first tattoo last Friday!

  • expatbrit


    2 navel re-pierced by a hack; was ripped out in a mosh pit;

    You've just confirmed one of my worst fears. Surely all these bits of jewellry catch in things all the time? Ick! Ripping navels! Ack!


  • Billygoat


    My navel took 3 years to heal! Not that it was an open wound the whole time, but it took that long to where I could change the jewelry without the hole closing up within 15 seconds and hurting like hell to put something new in it. So take care of it. Don't use anything on it except a mix of sea salt and warm water or a simple anti-bacterial soap. Neosporin will actually infect it (oily residue attracts dirt and fuzz). Keep it simple.

    I think it's great that you did it. Show it off! I know that my tummy is NOWHERE near perfect, but I show it off anyway. My boyfriend LOVES it - thinks it super sexy. BTW - he has both of his ears pierced and wears little silver hoops. No tattoos though. I'm workin' on him!


  • Abaddon

    Regading piercings getting ripped out;

    Never had a problem in this area, BUT, one time I was with this girl. We both had navel piercings (BCR's -the rings with a ball closure), but I had lost the ball in mine, so it was just an open ring.

    We were at it rather vigourously when she starts yelping:- turns out my open ring had hooked into her closed ring, and that the thrusting was pulling at it rather hard.

    She had a sore navel for a week or two, I was fine...

    It was rather hysterical at the time.

  • Francois

    Hey Mulan, let's get back to that tattoo of yours we were discussing a few weeks ago before my vacation!

    Is it true what is being said about what happens on the tattoo when you twitch a certain muscle pair?


  • Princess

    Yes Mulan, do tell.

    Englishman, I'm willing to bet someone with a navel piercing has the cleanest smelling navel around! No stinky!

    Thanks Billygoat, I'll keep the three year thing from the Prince. He gasped at six months to heal. So far my new look is just perfect, no crusty stuff they warned me about and no blood. Yipee. It does hurt when it catches on my jeans though!


  • Princess

    Thanks Tina! I do have a terrific mom.



  • peaceloveharmony

    somebody! woohooo, what did you get? scan a pic if you can! that's so very cool


    "If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
    ..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)

  • reagan_oconnor

    ab & expatbrit: Yup. Ripping navels hurts like hell, I can speak from experience. I'm scarred now, which removes a bit of the "cuteness" but I was never one to go for cute. It's a pretty big honkin' ring, not the delicate little ones that they pierce with nowadays. I mean, we *are* talking 10 years ago. Never fear, it will be coming out soon, as I plan to be pregnant in a year.

    Englishman: I admit, it can get kind of nasty if you don't keep it scrubbed. I'm a freak about cleanliness, so I never have that issue, but I know some who have... whew-wey!


    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Mulan

    My tattoo? Well......okay. It's so hard to take a photo of your arm, you know. Gee, I hope Dave doesn't mind.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

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