Body Piercing

by Princess 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seven

    Like Billygoat, I had my navel pierced long before it became a craze. I got the tattoo at the same time. I never thought much about the rebellion part. I like the jewelry and it looks great. I can see myself when I'm in my 70's removing my bifocals to change my jewelry.

  • COMF

    As noted by someone earlier, this is tame by comparison, but considering that I echo Seeker's sentiments in seeing little to no point in tattooing/piercing, it was a wild and carefree moment for me.

    And, Seeker, for the record, most of my friends got their ears pierced in the 60's and 70's. I held out until 1999, and then I did it because I decided on a whim that it would be fun.

    It was. But I don't have any compulsion to repeat the experience.


    Edited to add this PS:
    what's really cool is to wear a dangling skeleton earring with floppy legs and arms. I got one at Halloween, which, not terribly coincidentally, is the time of year that I got my ear pierced.

    Also ultracool, but limited to areas where you can catch one: hold a green lizard by the neck so that he opens his mouth. Face him out so that his feet can't feel your neck, and place the lobe of your ear in his open jaws. He'll bite down, but not hard enough to hurt. Let go, and sometimes he'll stay there for as long as 20 minutes. He can't see or feel anything he can "jump" to when he lets go, so he just stays in place. These little guys are all over east Texas, and are about 1 1/2 to 3 inches long, not counting their tails. It's the ultimate in stylish lobe-wear.

  • Tina

    DId you get my belated birthday wishes? Love the 'sparkly' in yer ear lol.luv,T

    ((((((((Princess)))))))) You've got a pretty kewl Mom there ya know? Treasure her(I know ya do) Mine is still in,so rarely see her. I noticed from the beginning how supportive and complimentary and understanding Mulan is with you(and others here) I wish I could have had a Mom like that....Just makes me feel good to see you and Mom interact....oh well,some of us get what we have not, what we hope for. ((((((((((((Mulan)))))))))) luv ya,T

  • Mulan

    Comf, I love the little diamonds. I think men are really sexy with an earring. Except my man. He would look silly.

    Thanks Tina ........hugs to you too!!


    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Abaddon

    I got a navel piercing the Easter after I got out. Very symbolic, re-claiming my body, sort of thing. That was in '94, so it was unusual, and very for a straight guy. More common now, damn it.

    So I got a tragus piercing as a birthday present in '98 - the little flap of gristle infront of your ear hole.

    BCR's in both. Been tempted by a tounge piercing, but never got round to it. The belly-button didn't hurt, but took six months to completely heal (i.e. no crusty stuff). The tragus hurt like hell when I had it done.

    I do reckon my local piercer should have paid me commision; I ended up taking at least five female friends (not all girlfriends) to her when they got their navel done.

    As for tattoos; I want wings. Black ink angel wings, or stylised Borneo-stylee wing shapes made from cruves, on my back between my shoulder blades, about the size of my hand.

    Then I really will be the angel of the abyss... ;-)

    Seeker; You said;

    "I'm fully in favor of anyone who wants to get a piercing (or a tattoo).
    I'm also dead set against the idea personally. Yup, a contrary opinion has reared its head in this thread. Shoot me."

    Why; you validated other peoples' rights to a contrary opinion in a non-judgemental fashion, and then said you didn't like it. That is cool.

  • SixofNine

    I have "LOVE" tattood across the nuckles of my right hand, and "MORE LOVE" across the nuckles of my left hand.

  • reagan_oconnor

    1 pierced my navel myself when I was sixteen; infected, removed.
    2 navel re-pierced by a hack; was ripped out in a mosh pit;
    3 re-re-pierced navel by a good piercer; still have it (10 years later)
    4 pierced cartilage in my right ear; hurt like hell for about a year anytime it was bumped (removed on my wedding day);
    5 pierced tongue at 21 (removed 4 months ago by dentist);
    6 tattoo at 21, right on my spine. Hurt like hell. Big-ass mofo, too!


    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    My ears are pierced just the typical once, although a friend is trying to tempt me to get another set by offering me some pretty gold hoops.

    Papa's ears are pierced two holes in each ear; he wears a combo of hoops and studs that make him look piratically fierce, and I love it.

    His pet conure (affectionately known as Norman Bates with good reason )loves the earrings; he loves to steal one of the hoops and then hang by his beak off the other one. It sure looks cute/funny when he hangs above Papa's shoulder. Norman also loves to hook his feet into a guy's beard and hang upsidedown swinging. Hilarious! As long as we have birdbrain I doubt Papa will try any body piercing; Norman would just view it as another toy for his amusement...the things we forego for our kids! (sigh) LOL. Papa does NOT need tongue piercing, his tongue is perfect as it is.

    Maybe us fat broads should try to make a fad of getting our arm flab pierced; ROFL at THAT visual!

    Snickering at the idea of my fat belly with a navel jewel,
    (who thinks nose piercing is fine for those without chronic nasal drip)

  • Englishman

    I suppose earings look OK, but the rest....YUK!

    I bet those belly things smell awful! And as for eyebrows and tongues what are you lot trying to look like? Shrapnel victims?

    What a turn off! Grugh!!!

    I've come over all peculiar..


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • messenger

    I have to go with englishman on this one. I saw a young person the other day who looked like they fell face first in a fishing tackle box. Pins and hooks and studs with chains, oh the humanity.....

    I did not know whether to smile or call 911.

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