Body Piercing

by Princess 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel


    I have had two children and I'd never consider a belly button piercing for the simple fact I'd probably never see it with all the bulges on my stomach! I'm exaggerating just a little (yea right), but I'd have to hit the gym pretty hard to even think about it. Princess, enjoy it, I'm sure it's very sexy. Have you seen the rings that glow in the dark? You can wear them when you go out dancing.

    I got my piercing because I wanted to feel in charge of my body. I had read about it online at places like's Tattoo and Piercing site and BME and I was totally prepared. I made sure the person that eventually pierced me was experienced and that the place was a clean and sterile setting. I know, you can't always be sure, but you can make sure they follow proper procedures to protect yourself. And Philo, I'm not scared at all and neither is the hubby. I guess we're risktakers, :-)
    If you're thinking about getting one, make sure you arm yourself with lots of information first so you know what to expect. Read and be prepared and then only do something like this if you really want it, not for anyone else but yourself.

    And if I stumble anyone, I'm sorry, but I've already posted so I can't take it back. At least, in person, the only ones to see it are my husband and someday my doctor, but besides that, I'm not parading it in front of anyone!

    "Too much of a good thing, is wonderful."

    Mae West

  • riz

    LOL Six You are so awesome.


  • mommy

    I actually chickened out at the last minute on my belly button piercing. I saw the needle and all the supplies, and ran outta there I don't have a tat yet, but I want one very badly. I decided to choose something and stick to it for a year, before it is permanantly placed on my body.

    Now that I am preggo, I will have to wait on the belly button I want to get the glow in the dark ones as well though, if I am ever brave enough to do it.

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • AGuest

    Hey, Mulan/Marilyn... may you have peace!

    Yes, I see. But perhaps the explanation may help others who 'wonder' about it, who are trying to decide, who have decided but have met with chagrin from others... or who are chagrined at others for doing so.

    If not, then thank you all kindly for permitting me to 'vent'.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Princess

    AGuest, your input is always appreciated! Thanks for posting.


  • SlayerLayer

    Princess, yeah she's a needle phobe, lol. The celtic knot is a great idea! I have a celtic weave tatooed as a band around my left arm, with the words "Scotland Forever" above it.


  • tattoogrl333

    Eyebrow is pierced twice, tongue once, and belly button,

  • freakshow

    I once dated a guy who had what are called speed bumps on his penis. They were 8 little barbells pierced up it. Yeah he wasn't the smartest but damn he's still my favorite.

    I have my tongue, lip, eyebrow (but I usually keep it out) nipple, and belly button pierced.

    Only have 2 tats; on one shoulder a devil, and the other a angel. but the devil is 2x as big. Just to show who i usually listen too. Damn satan I always jump on his bandwagon.

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    Speedbumps, eh?

    I've been trying to convince my hubby to get something pierced...


    "Too much of a good thing, is wonderful."

    Mae West

  • philo
    I made sure the person that eventually pierced me was experienced and that the place was a clean and sterile setting. I know, you can't always be sure, but you can make sure they follow proper procedures to protect yourself.

    Good advice! I love the irony. But I had a girlfriend who had the same attitude to sex - we were not destined to stay together.

    philo (UNPIERCED)

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