Are you now BEARDED or BEARDLESS????

by zagor 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    Twenty years with a full beard. Grew it because I could. Same reason I wore long hair for a number of years, until baldness set in(sniff). If it's a sign of rebellion, so be it. Besides, my wife likes it, she's the one who counts, not a bunch of goose-stepping parrots.

  • garybuss

    I let my beard grow for Sturgis in 1992 and I liked not shaving so well I haven't shaved since. The beard was wonderful face protection from wind and sun burn on the motorcycle.

    The Witness people don't like beards, I guess, because they are trying to project the image of the boyish door to door book salesman. Every reason for everything they do has to do with the secular book printing company.

  • DanTheMan

    I grew one a couple of years ago but I think I look better without one.

  • zagor

    Yup, definitely time to start growing some

  • Sunspot
    The Witness people don't like beards, I guess, because they are trying to project the image of the boyish door to door book salesman. Every reason for everything they do has to do with the secular book printing company.


    I've been wondering about the "why's and wherefores" of the WTS ever since before I left. The beard issue is one of those "whys". The last couple of years when I was still in, there were two brothers (one an youngish elder) that grew short and groomed beards.

    The elder was DFed just after the beard's appearance and the bro went to meetings sporadically. Eventually they both shaved them off and returned to WTS-approved duty. I often wondered what the connection between beards and/or JW behavior was. I wish now that I'd had the nerve enough to ask.

    Your explanation seems to be about the only possible one that can be offered. The idea of the throwback to the Hippy Era doesn't add up, as one poster mentioned, and beards are more acceptable now more than ever before (in recent times, that is) so what's the big problem WTS?

    Do you suppose that if we were to ask 50 different elders in as many branches---we'd get 50 different reasons?

    BTW, I LIKE you're beard Gary! It's so Kenny Rogers.........who I've had a LARGE crush on for decades, that silver-haired and silver-voiced debbil that he is!



  • tijkmo

    i had a beard several times as a jw..usually if id been on hols or ill i wouldnt shave and would keep it till next time i was on group werent bothered about it

    also had beard for couple of years due to a recurring skin problem and took watchtower and gave talks away during

    dont really suit it tho...especially not now...cos it goes multi coloured after couple of weeks..but i still go as long as poss without shaving

  • Sunspot

    Wow, Tij.........very nice!!! IMO you should keep THAT!



  • kls

    Well i guess i am bearded

    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< kinda itchy to.

  • jgnat

    Drat the other witty women of the board beat me to it.

    I am working at beardless. But it is a constant battle.

  • prophecor

    Ain't Givin Up No Ground!!!

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