Honestly, do you think that JW's really like going to 3 or 4day assemblies?

by JH 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    I was in New York in 1958. Eight days of hell. I was 13. I remember it well. Awful!

  • Insomniac

    JH- dude, I was there at that Montreal assembly you mentioned on page 1! I was one of the chicks who was overcome by the heat, and it was really cool because they had this hot looking brother with a French accent accompany me down to the "cool-off" room and make sure I didn't die or anything. I hung out there for much of the afternoon, napping and sipping Shasta.

    Later during that same assembly, I took my mom into one of the smaller rooms where non-English speaking people had their mini-assemblies, as I'd discovered that those guys got air-conditioning (unlike the English and French speaking folks in the main part of the coliseum.) When I left to go get our lunches, I told my mom how to say "I don't speak your language" (in that language) in case anyone tried to talk to her. When I got back to our seats, I had her repeat to me what she'd just said to a shocked looking young bro; turns out, she'd used the wrong word and told him she wouldn't have carnal relations with people of his nationality. I laughed my tuckus off!

    I actually used to sort of enjoy the assemblies. I went alone (no family) usually, so I could wander to my seat whenever I felt like it, and I spent most of my time chatting with my friends in the hallways, and checking out the cute dub boys. At one especially fun assembly, I sat next to a fella I liked, and we acted like we were taking notes- however, the "notes" were actually just sexy messages to each other, and periodically we'd trade notebooks and read what the other had written. We were both maybe 16, and full of crazy hormones, so it was a fun way to torment each other.


    going to 3 or 4day assemblies?

    The sistas could buy 3 or 4 new outfits!



  • Soledad
    Did other congs make announcements at the KH just before the DC telling the bros what time the main gates would open and what they were not supposed to do? Without fail, in San Diego, when the gates would open at 7 am, it was like watching the Oklahoma Land Rush. The pubs were told NOT TO RUN to find seats. But everyone would run anyways to the best sections while lugging their bookbags, umbrellas, etc. Heh, some even walked superfast without bending their knees so they weren't officially "running." What was really funny was that the congregations would read a letter which said that no seats were to be reserved prior to 7 am. But sure enough, if you walked to the good sections, there were books and blankets draped all over the place - most likely from the workers that got there even earlier. I guess those announcements never applied to them...

    yeah. that happened a lot in my area. The doors opened at 7:30 then it was a bum rush!

    the attendants all look like they need a stiff drink or an enema

    LOL now that is too funny! maybe they needed a stiff enema instead?

    what Jourles says is mostly true, about repressed teenagers looking forward to the assemblies. I know I did. We never visited other congregations and mine had no single people, so the assemblies were all I had. At 16 I had no other goal in life but to meet a "good brother" at an assembly and be married after finishing high school. I cringe when I think about that, and I cringe even more when I try to imagine what my life would be like now had I accomplished that goal!

  • Netty

    Gosh, I feel bad for the people that have to go to these assemblies, outside, or places where there isn't enough air conditioning. Our assemblies were always in town, (guess we were lucky, if you could call it that, we still had to sit through 3-4 days of torture), and they were always in an over-air conditioned arena. I used to have to bring a sweater, even in the summer, it would get so cold.

    Guess when I was smaller, we got excited before an assembly. We knew kids from other halls, so we would want to see our friends. We got to buy new clothes. But I guess once the first few hours wore off, it was pretty boring. Then when I was a teenager, there was the whole checking out cute boys thing. But once I got older, no I absolutely dreaded the long assemblies.

    Glad that chapter in my life is over.

  • steve2

    It was at a three-day convention in Auckland New Zealand that I stole out of the Saturday afternoon session and went into the city, snuck into a sex shop and bought my very first porno magazine. I died before I got enough courage to walk into the shop, selected my magazine, took it to the assistant, who commented on my name badge (I had forgotten to remove it). I died again. I was so paranoid I was convinced she would tell the brothers she'd had a young JW customer.I went back to the convention grounds and, scared out of my mind by the close call, ditched the magazine in the nearest litter bin even before reading it. I promised Jehovah that I would never sin again and that I would put the kingdom first. Two days later, back home, in the security of my bedroom, I lambasted myself for getting rid of the porno magazine. Yes, I sure loved assemblies...Horny as hell and so alone.

  • Frog

    As a young person I used to love it, used to look forward to it all year...it generally meant new outfits, a holiday away, going out to dinner 3 nights in a row, catching up with all your friends, checking out the talent in the local area, staying in a swish motel (or a tent in my families case). My poor mother though, seven kids, and a pain in the ars* husband, had to get up hearly and make our lunches, iron all of our clothes and care for the littlies through the sessions so didn't get anything out of it!

  • Frog

    Steve2 I am absolutely p*ssing myself laughing at your post! That would have to be the funniest convo experience I've ever heard lol!

    Lesson learnt though, remember to slip off your identity card and tie before hiking up to the xxx shop during the afternoon session;)

    ...still p*ssing myself laughing frog

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    All JWs that I knew agreed that the assemblies left everyone physically , mentally and emotionally exhausted.

    The elders acknowledged this - without actually saying it in so many words.

    However, the party line was that this was of no concern, as the assemblies left you "Spritually Refreshed" (whatever that is supposed to mean).

    More than a few JWs in the congregation that I was with were open about the fact that the tim ethey looked forward to was when the assembly was over.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i feel like such a damn nerd in my suit with my hair combed back. i just cant hit on girls like that.

    yeh i have to go to the convention tomorrow where i'm going to college at. college station. reed arena.

    why did the rutherford dude have to create this damn religion. i want to go back in time and shoot him in the face.

    and im staying up really late tonight like its 4:30 am now. so i'll be really sleep tomorrow. i'll be getting my ass chewed out for that also.


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