no stones please!

by almosthome 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • talesin

    Don't EVER leave your kids alone at any time at,

    kingdom hall

    field service


    parties, outings

    or with any 'brother' or 'sister' or group of same.

    Remember, the JWs Kingdom Halls are a PEDOPHILE PARADISE, as you well know.

    I don't understand how you can put your children and grandchild at risk in this way.

    Not a stone, just a reminder, 'for the sake of the children'.

  • Confession

    My Dear,

    I read, with great emotion, all of what you wrote. I'm glad you've taken the time to use your own mind and consider what some of the Watchtower opposers have to say. I'm also glad to detect that you have come into a bit of comfort in your recent decision.

    Clearly those who frequent this site express a variety of reasons for their unfavorable conclusions about the Watchtower Society. Some of them focus on negative experiences and are openly bitter. While I think they deserve all due consideration for their sufferings, to me such things can indeed be blown entirely out of proportion. All of a sudden people here are making sweeping generalizations suggesting that most all JWs are this or aren’t that, etc. Of course it's true that terrible things happen within the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, but they happen everywhere else too, don't they? And while it's also true that many men in positions of authority within the organization have used it in ways completely out of harmony with the Bible, such things again have occurred within virtually every group throughout history.

    Understand please that my family has been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses for four generations and more than sixty years. I served as an elder, giving talks throughout my state, acting as chairman at conventions and in judicial committees. Despite this, I have come to realize that the WTS is not what it purports to be—only in the last eight months. I’ve done so without an ounce of bitterness toward any of the beautiful friends and fellow elders that were the only community I knew my entire life, nor toward any of the friends who might have been difficult to appreciate at times. Was this easy? I think you know it wasn’t. I had no desire to leave this community. Where on earth would I go? What will life be like? Nonetheless I have made the decision to leave.

    I think it comes down to this: Does it matter to you whether it really is the Truth or not? This question is akin to asking, for instance, if you had a terminal illness, would you like to know—or would you rather be kept in the dark as long as possible? For me there is no question about it. I would rather know. As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I really believed the teachings. I wasn’t messing around here. This wasn’t just something that satisfied a desire to belong and gave me something to believe in. I’m positive that for some though such is not the case.

    I’m wondering if you ever watched the movie, "The Shawshank Redemption," starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. There was an interesting subplot within the movie involving a character named Brooks Hatlen. He was an elderly prisoner at Shawshank penitentiary who was let out after having spent his entire adult life there. Try as he might, Brooks just couldn’t adjust to life on the outside. He’d become institutionalized. He dwelt on ways he could commit a crime and thus return to the only place where life made sense to him: prison. Was it right for this man to want to return to prison? We wouldn’t want him to, but ultimately it was his decision.

    People can be attracted to the reasoning that the WTS publications make. When they begin their study they are encouraged not to believe in a teaching unless they first test it well. You’ll notice though that this recommended testing is restricted to the person’s previously held beliefs, and usually just to a few specific ones, namely the Trinity doctrine, immortality of the soul, and literal torment in hellfire. They come to believe these positions strongly and are amazed at how nearly all of those claiming to be Christian believe in such doctrines! The argumentation is pretty well researched and developed on these things. Because they are so impressed with what they learn, as other teachings follow, they usually accept them pretty much on trust, without requiring the same level of evidence.

    They find the opportunity to share these teachings with so many in field service or incidental witnessing that they come to feel that they are the basic doctrines of the Bible, things that form the standard for identification of the one true religion. But if you were to read the scriptures independent of influence, you will find as I did that this is simply not the case. So the average JW is well equipped to talk about the Trinity, the soul or hellfire—things that the Bible writers were never inspired to develop—but why can’t they ably discuss what Paul wrote about so strongly about salvation by faith and not works in his letter to the Romans?

    I think you’re like me, in that we are able to forgive people for the things big or small they may have done against us. And we don’t want to condemn as wicked a whole group of people for the things that some of them have done. But what can’t be excused is what the leadership of this organization has done—and continues to do. They are part of a legacy of men that have proclaimed themselves the sole channel of communication from God to the rest of the planet. Their claim that the "faithful and discreet slave" Jesus mentioned at Matthew 24:14 refers to a class of people is utterly without foundation in God’s word. Every other reference to Christian "stewardship" shows very clearly that all of us

    are expected to act as "stewards." Note how 1 Peter 4:10 & 11 reads…

    "In proportion as each one has received a gift, use it in ministering to one another as fine stewards of God’s undeserved kindness expressed in various ways."

    For them to assume this role is quite a remarkable thing. Have you really ascertained why it is that you are willing to recognize them as such? I mean, why exactly? Are you really satisfied that the scriptures support the idea that a group of men should be in the position they’ve assumed over others?

    Furthermore, are you satisfied their assertion that 1914 was when Jesus sat down on his throne is accurate? Are you aware that they themselves have known for more than thirty years that the dates used to determine this teaching are in error? Does it matter to you that they continue to teach them anyway, hiding this fact from their adherents? Or that when a faithful, well-intentioned elder shows them the mind-boggling abundance of evidence of the error they threaten him to keep quiet about it or face disfellowshipping?

    You write, "

    A WT quote from years ago... 'Negative thinking requires little of the intellect." Oh how true! Easiest thing in the world..."

    But do you apply the same principle to the "negative thinking" the Watchtower Society uses against every other religion—as well as anyone who simply disagrees with a single doctrinal point they’ve asserted? Anyone who does this is lambasted by them as "a self-styled teacher," "prideful," "concoct[ing] their own ideas," who use "smooth, deceptive speech" and who only want "to destroy the faith." But faith in what? Jesus Christ and Jehovah? Or in their own authority?

    You also write, "In the end.. you have to make a choice, just make sure it is a choice... not just a rection against your pain, or your circumstances. Fear is very powerful. Faith is more powerful..".

    And I say to you, dear sister, in making your choice, please make sure it is a one made by a rational mind—and not an emotional choice born out of having been institutionalized. It will feel good to be able to say to other Witnesses after you are reinstated, "Yes, I actually started reading those apostate message boards for awhile, but I came back to Jehovah anyway." But what is really at the heart of your decision to return? Because you think you’ll be happier? Or because you truly believe it is the truth?

    Unlike the WTS, the people here will not demonize you for choosing a course different from ours. But also unlike the WTS we will not discourage you from looking at all the information. You are invited to do so.

    Much Love

  • homesteader

    Sounds like you need to go 'home' to do some recovery work. best wishes.

    just for the record....GRACE is God's love for us UNCONDITIONALLY. He loves us just the way we are and it can't be earned by hours in field service, meeting attendance, sucking up to elders and overseers. Let us know if you find that with JW's. It eluded me.


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Well I wish you the best on your return. I hope you get what you are expecting.

    I agree that everyone has to do what makes them happy. It is our life and if that's what you want..go for it.

    If you find things aren't what you expected..please come back. If not... I'll be happy for you. We all have to seek out what we need.

    Snoozy..who prefers to NOT go back. But this is MY personal choice.

  • Odrade

    Very kind and eloquent Confession. I enjoyed reading it. I take a little bit of exception to your second paragraph, though.

    Clearly those who frequent this site express a variety of reasons for their unfavorable conclusions about the Watchtower Society. Some of them focus on negative experiences and are openly bitter. While I think they deserve all due consideration for their sufferings, to me such things can indeed be blown entirely out of proportion.

    I'm sure you must not mean it like that. Surely those who have children who were molested by an elder, then treated cruelly, or simply not believed, while watching the elder continue serving are not "blowing it out of proportion." Surely the woman who was raped, then disfellowshipped when she was not dealing well and only advised to "pray more and study harder" rather than get real counseling, is not blowing it out of proportion. Surely the wife who leaves her abusive husband, then is ostracized by people who believed she should stay is not blowing it out of proportion. And surely the lowly publisher, who sees all of the lies they have been told, often deliberately, and are hurt and angry are not blowing it out of proportion.

    Surely you cannot mean that?

    All of a sudden people here are making sweeping generalizations suggesting that most all JWs are this or aren’t that, etc. Of course it's true that terrible things happen within the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, but they happen everywhere else too, don't they? And while it's also true that many men in positions of authority within the organization have used it in ways completely out of harmony with the Bible, such things again have occurred within virtually every group throughout history.

    This is a strawman argument. It asks suggests to us that there is logic in the decision to dismiss the wrongdoing of one group because there are many other organizations perpetrating the same type of abuse. To borrow another poster's regional phrase (which I love btw,): Sorry son, that dog won't hunt.

    It's good to be kind and validating, but soft-pedaling the rights of so many here to be angry by suggesting we may be "blowing it out of proportion" is extremely unfair.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    i wish i could wish you well, but cults just are no place to be well, sorry. i hope you keep searching, and never stop.

    There can't be a burning hell... etc.

    but there is an armaegedon coming, isn't there? same difference.

    take care,


  • Whiskeyjack


    I find it a little hard to believe that you've carefully read that many posts on this forum. Faith is the assured expectation of things to come (a WT definition from years ago). Do you really still feel there is enough evidence for such assurance after researching the doctrinal mess and continual "adjustments" as well as the cult style control mechanisms the GB resorts to?

    Going back to the org. may be better for you than plunging into hardcore drug use (a sad path taken by many people who feel a void and inability to find a degree of relative contentmant in their lives) but hopefully you won't stand in the way of your children getting their educations and making their own decisions.

    Like you, I do have many fond memories of JW life (even some Elders!) but then again, I'm sure there were lot's of nice, charming NAZI's in Germany too! As far as intellect goes, any group of old men who tell me I'm not allowed to think (or read books) are welcome to take a long walk on a short pier! Truth cannot, by definition, be afraid of facts.

    All I ask is that you is to continue to research some of the points others have made and don't be afraid to ask questions since I hope you noticed that there are a lot of intelligent people on this board who don't throw stones just because somebody doesn't agree with them (maybe a pebble or two from time to time but hey, we're all human!

    W. (another former lifer)

  • gdt

    How are you handling the 'stones', almost...?

    Hang on, remember that the revelation by Jesus, which God gave him, and we can read about in the first section of Revelation, did not show the christian congregation up very well at all, despite Jesus still calling the congregation 'his brothers'.

    And why? should we offer God our love and worship in our own little camp outside the city? (as it were)

    as I understand it, God wishes for a 'body', an entire association of brothers in all the world. We can choose multi poliical ones, choice of thousands of associations, and/or do our own thing and join the billions who do so.

    OR we can do a 1 Cor 1:10 thing and try to act in agreement with people of all races and nations and praise Jesus and 'his God and Father' in spirit and truth.

    So 'almost', I too publicly here want to express respect for your courage. My kindest thoughts,

    gdt Geoff (called troll, lurker, but never gutless and never ignorant)

  • freedom96

    As human beings we all need to feel secure, and in a safe place.

    I sincerely hope that you are able to find that in your husband, career, and new home. There is so much more to life than many of allow ourselves to enjoy, and guilt brings many back to the WTS.

    I encourage you to read much more of the stories here, and really investigate the teachings of the Watchtower. If you knew in your heart that this was not the true religion, would you still return to it?

    Please, check out the facts.

    Some postings you will not relate to. Ignore them. Find the ones that you can read, and allow yourself to check out what is said.

    Even the WTS tells newcombers to check out their own religion vigorously, until you become a witness, and then you are not allowed to look into it. That right there should tell you something is wrong.

    For the sake of the rest of your life, please, check it out.

    Then do what is best for you and your family.

  • avishai
    And don't direct me to the SilentLambs
    but I look back.. after suffering some bitter years and bitter tears... who were they? A bricklayer I recall for sure, a cattle farmer, and a fellow who drove for UPS I believe. Not psychologists or therapists or anyone with training... I am sure they probably did not know what they had been hit with, being told a father was molesting his girls... my sister got the worst of it, but that is all I want to say as to particulars. Spending their evenings, unpaid, trying to sort out a sordid story...
    My sister remains 'messed up.'
    But nowhere was there conspiracy

    Oh really? Prove it.

    See, that's the problem. You won't go to silent lambs. Because the stories there are identical. Except for the fact that in many cases..........

    Mother was never threatened if she went to the authorities

    This was not the case. MANY others were threatened. And that's why people like your sister are messed up. And the WTS is still, unlike the catholics that they revile on a near monthly basis, dodging the issue. I'm not gonna throw stones, but I would encourage you to read about my little brother here. the follow up here

    If you know that a site like silent lambs exists and have'nt gone, and if you have had to endure the screams of an abused sibling waking up in the night in terror.....You need to check this out. It happened, they covered it up, the orders came from bethel, allowing pedophiles to molest, often dozens more children.. Allowing more "messed up" kids like your sis. Facilitating suicides, insanity, drug abuse, feelings of worthlessness, cycles of child abuse, untold horror, all in the name of protecting their lily white book selling orginization, protecting their God's name as if HE were the helpless child, an omnipotent eternal being.. I think Jehovah can handle himself. The kid's, on the other hand, need a little help.

    It happened. It happened to you, it happened to your sister, and it happend to my brother, and countless others.

    And I am the last person to throw stones at you. ((((((almosthome))))))

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