A few observations from the DC

by pillsbury 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • pillsbury

    I have been reading over everyones posts from the DC and it made me remember a few things:

    The Drama: They definately were discouraging going to collage. Timothy had a friend named Jonathon that pursued "worldly goals"- getting an education, getting a good job and getting married and having kids. Timothy visited later in life and Jonathon was still going but was not doing enough(like servant, ect.) They even used phrases I have read here like that the GB in Jerusalem didn't have a clue about providing for themselves or have lost touch with reality and they put burdens on those in the congregation. It was a definate dig to say the the current GB know exactly what they are doing and to say different is wordly thinking.

    Friday Afternoon: A talk about not wasting your time on foolish speech. They lumped in apostate and other ideas they think are wrong. It is funny how they did a detailed explanation of why things like the cross, trinity ect are decieving ideas but never touched any things brought up by apostates. They didn't touch those with a ten foot pole.

    Saturday Afternoon: Obey the FD slave (really GB). Obey us because we say we are God's channel. If not then Jesus is going to destroy you. Don't look at faults or mistakes and just listen.

    Obey the Elders: It doesn't matter if they are idiots, you still have to obey. This is God's way of doing things. You listen to what they have to say and don't complain. Jah will take care of elders that are not doing what they should. You just listen and obey them.

    Of course this is just a paraphrasing. I got the feeling they were like parents yelling at their kids to listen to them. It is amazing to see things said and know the real reason why they are being said. Glad it is over.

  • Swan
    I got the feeling they were like parents yelling at their kids to listen to them.

    Which is why I expected and accepted it as a kid. However, when I got to be an adult I began to resent it, A LOT! It came to the point where I didn't even take time off from work to go the DC on the weekdays. I would go to work and then go to the DC on the weekend. I figured if I had to get yelled at, I might as well get paid for it.


  • frankiespeakin

    I think I might go to the Cow Palace in San Fransico, and pretend I'm a newly interested person and ask a lot of hard questions to those I meet, they will probably kick me out like the last time I went, but I just might go anyway for fun and to be naughty.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya, i had a look at my wife's program, damn if it didn't piss me off.

    the only thing that really interested me was the friday morning talk "We are wonderfully made" or something like that.

    i asked my wife what the deal was with it, and she repeated the usual crap: they round up some trivial facts about how our jaws require 200 lbs/sq.in to chew, and how so many parts of our bodies seem irreducibly complex. of course she didn't use the term IC, but that is essentially what they explain. of course, all this would seem entirely reasonable on a bunch of uneducated, scientifically ignorant cult members. how are they to know that the so-called IC, is only irreducibly complex by evolutionary hindsight. she also said that they mentioned that doctors now feel that humans actually need their appendixes and tonsils, showing how wonderfully we are made. which is a non sequitur, of course, but how would they know it is? and i am not even so sure about the tonsil and appendix "facts". i will have to do some research on it. then she said that they wrapped it all up with a bunch of scriptures that show how wonderfully we are made, which makes me laugh out loud, of course.

  • rebel8
    I got the feeling they were like parents yelling at their kids to listen to them.

    That is a perfect description of how I used to feel after conventions. I remember wondering what all the bad jws must have been doing to warrant such a lecture.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee
    "worldly goals"- getting an education, getting a good job and getting married and having kids.

    If this view weren't so pitiful It would be funny. What this says is: You don't need a life, just serve the fs, that's it. Life's a bitch (as a witness) and you die!

  • Dogpatch

    I agree with Truthseeker in another thread:

    Post 391 of 394
    since 28-Feb-03

    Just finished reading the posts on this years drama, about Timothy "pioneering" and how youths should not go to college.

    It is crucial, if you are helping any parent win custody of their children from their JW parent, that you get a copy of the Drama on DVD (someone stated it would be released at the end of the summer) and get it into the hands of a family court judge.

    The WT already has a booklet about how JW parents and children should respond in family court, over custody cases. They use twisted reasoning and scripted answers.

    This DVD will expose their lies and evil maliciouness.

  • 95stormfront

    I'd like to see how they reconcile this with what my wife describes as the WT admonition that if someone does decided to go back to college, that as a rank and file member one is to respect their decision and not be a busybody in peoples affairs.

    I'm really hate this two-faced organization.

  • rebel8
    I'd like to see how they reconcile this

    Isn't that the truth! I've noticed since participating in these forums there are many instances of being told one thing from the platform and another thing being said in the literature. It's great to be able to get tapes and transcripts, let alone a DVD produced by WTS itself!

  • Elsewhere
    I'd like to see how they reconcile this

    The WTS publishes in their literature what they want to be "on the record". The things they want "off the record" is given verbally at the conventions. Basically it is more "spiritual warfare" to prevent opponents from having hard written documents to prove what the WTS's stance is on different matters.

    When the elders see one thing written in the Watchtower and another things spoken at the convention, the elders know that the spoken message supersedes the written. In the end, the Watchtower is written with a wink.

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