A few observations from the DC

by pillsbury 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully
    The WTS publishes in their literature what they want to be "on the record". The things they want "off the record" is given verbally at the conventions. Basically it is more "spiritual warfare" to prevent opponents from having hard written documents to prove what the WTS's stance is on different matters.

    When the elders see one thing written in the Watchtower and another things spoken at the convention, the elders know that the spoken message supersedes the written. In the end, the Watchtower is written with a wink.

    Must be why they are stepping up discouraging The Friends™ from recording talks. If there's no documentation, they have an easy "out" to say "we never said that" and "we didn't mean what we meant."

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee
    In the end, the Watchtower is written with a wink.

    elsewhere - I never thought about that when I was in, but it's true. They have no problem contradicting themselves over and over and over. Crooked, lying ass, evil bastards ! This college thing really has my panties in bunch. People have to be ready to leave this crooked, flip-flopping sorry ass excuse for a religion.

  • inbyathread

    Scully said: "Must be why they are stepping up discouraging The Friends™ from recording talks. If there's no documentation, they have an easy "out" to say "we never said that" and "we didn't mean what we meant."

    The only way they can stop us recording is for them to stop talking. There are so many tech gadgets now that recordings can be made quite invisibly. My recorder uses the FM station that they broadcast for the hearing impaired. No outside noises. Easy to listen to the tone of the talk. How they state something and their tone and volume can be words in themselves.

    When we start walking through security like at the airports, then I'm done going.

  • jschwehm

    Speaking with a forked tongue is all about their "theocratic warfare".

    Jeff S.

  • minimus

    I really hate this two-faced organization, too.

  • DannyHaszard
    Meaning of MEALYMOUTH
    Someone who speaks indirectly and bowdlerizes. One who beats around the bush. The opposite of a "mealy mouth" is a "smash mouth", someone who "tells it like it is".
    Thesaurus Terms
    Related Terms: apple-polisher, ass-licker, backscratcher, backslapper, bootlick, bootlicker, brownie, brown-nose, canter, clawback, courtier, creature, cringer, dupe, fair-weather friend, false friend, fawner, flatterer, flunky, footlicker, groveler, handshaker, helot, hypocrite, instrument, jackal, Joseph Surface, kowtower, lackey, led captain, lickspit, lickspittle, minion, Pecksniff, peon, pharisee, phony, puppet, sanctimonious fraud, serf, slave, snuffler, spaniel, stooge, suck, summer soldier, sycophant, Tartuffe, timeserver, toad, toady, tool, truckler, tufthunter, whited sepulcher, yes-man


    Yours truly,Smash mouth Danny Haszard Bangor Maine Smiles

  • soundbox_guy

    I could be a big time movie producer right now jumping up and down on couches like Tom Cruise talking about how much I love my job and how much I love some other fellow artist who I met while away at college if it wasn't for the Dubs! Darn it!

  • mcsemike

    Dear Elsewhere: I liked "written with a wink". Let's add "with ink, with a stink, with a blink (the light keeps blinking on and off), written with a drink (at least when Rutherford was around), written by and for finks (since they squeal on everyone else), and the most important, "written without a THINK", since they don't know how to do that at all. Sorry for being a bad jokester, but there is so much to make fun of. I hate the WT so much.

  • itsallgoodnow
    she also said that they mentioned that doctors now feel that humans actually need their appendixes and tonsils, showing how wonderfully we are made. which is a non sequitur, of course, but how would they know it is? and i am not even so sure about the tonsil and appendix "facts". i will have to do some research on it.

    I put this question out on another forum and got some pretty good information back. The WTS's argument really doesn't hold up. Hmm, that's a big surprise. Here's some of what I got...

    Humans don't need their tonsils and appendixes and live just fine without them. Doctors have not changed their opinions on this.

    The premise of the argument the WTS is using is that scientists have long considered vestigial organs as completely useless. But, "vestigial" doesn't mean that -- it means an organ's function doesn't work for humans the way it would have needed to work in our ancestors, as in the case of the appendix would have been used by our ancestors to digest foods like grass, much different from our diets. "Vestigial" is all about organs that served different purposes throughout time. As a result, the function of the tonsils and appendix is not important to our health, although these organs are still functioning on some level. Scientific opinion regarding the tonsils and appendix has not changed.

    The existence of vestigial organs is still an argument against creationism, which is why there are so many creationist oriented sites online using the same argument the WTS is using. What the creationists are doing is telling people vestigial means no function and if there is any small hint of function for these organs, they are telling us the organs are not vestigial after all. I guess this is the straw man fallacy. It's also interesting they focus on the tonsils and the appendix, but these are just 2 of many vestigial organs in humans, not to mention the vestigial organs found in many other animal species.

    I was directed to the talkorigins site, which has lots of good info on many different creationist arguments.


  • mcsemike

    Before I write this, I ask everyone's forgiveness and understanding. I am not saying these things to brag, but to point out what might have been. I have finally quit and my wife is leaving me because (I hate the WT much too much for her to return to me), even if our child died. I asked her last week that if our child died of suicide or anorexia (she has only an 80% chance of surviving until she turns 25 years old), how could she defend NOT moving back in with me. Her answer was my hatred of the WT and that "Jehovah will fix things in his time and that any bad elders would be punished". I did love her, but I cannot tolerate such idiotic thinking any longer.

    She claimed she moved out because our child feared I would kill her because I threatened to kill the man who raped her when she was about ten years old. Why would I kill my child when I loved her so much that I wanted to kill the people who hurt her? Obviously, there were marital issues as well, which I later confirmed after receiving my degree in psychology. I know many of these facts will make it easier for the WT spies to possibly flush me out at last and DF me (I'm currently reproved), but I don't give a damn anymore. My daughter, now about 20 years old, hasn't spoken to me in 2 years and has made it plain that she isn't going to for a long time. I know she might change, but I'll have to wait.

    Back to what not going to college cost. I had 3 years toward a teaching degree. I went to work to earn the money to finish. I became a JW and wanted to finish the degree, have a few kids, and have my wife quit her job forever (in the medical field). I would have been a principal or university professor by now. I love school and became a network engineer and taught at a computer school for years and won many awards and was promoted to the position over all the other instructors (over 30 of them). I play several musical instruments well enough to have taught them for a living. I was student conductor in high school and started to write a symphony at the age of 16. My IQ tested at 150 and this opened many doors of opportunity to me. My wife was working hard already after 2 years of marriage (no child yet) because I worked part-time so I could be a servant. She never complained once that I should give up all of my privileges and get a better job so she would have an easier life. Believe me, I wanted to. I asked the PO what I had to do to qualify to go from being a MS to an elder. He said to keep doing what I was doing. I mentioned college and buying a house and he unloaded on me about this being Satanic. (Yet his children all went to college and he bought a big house in San Diego shortly afterwards.)

    My wife to this day throws in my face that she earned more money than I did. Yet whenever she was complimented on having a husband who was a book study conductor because the elders wanted to use me (although there were elders who didn't have a book study), being the school counselor for the school in the back room (rarely given to a non-elder), and many other privileges, her smile of pride went from ear to ear. I can't stand the hypocrisy any longer. If I had gone to college, she and the elders would have been on my case. When I did what the WT said, she resented having to work. After 7 years of marriage, we decided to have a child, which added more work to her life. I also got blamed for that.

    How do you reason with this kind of thinking? How do you keep from punching an elder in the nose who said, "I've been in the truth since the late 1980's, and I've never heard of any ban on college." What a jackass. Well, I've been around JW's since 1971 and I DO remember the WT's attitude about college. My father is so happy that I quit this "sick, child-raping cult". He mourns for the wasted 30 years of my life and what I could have become if I had pursued my abilities. I now intend to get my master's and then doctorate, write books about WT child abuse, and to become a therapist. Better late than never. I'd be eager to hear of any other person's story if you endured something similar. And again, please, I am not writing this because of pride or to brag. I am just trying to show what could have been versus the jobs I did end up with (school bus driver, clerk, minimum wage, etc.) I thank anyone in advance for posting anything concerning this topic.

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