What does your username mean?

by closer2fine 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kismet

    Dictionary definition:

    kismet \KIZ-met; -mit\, noun: Destiny; fate.

    i.e It's pure kismet when these two find each other.

    Much of my life has had an element of Kismet-esque happenings. When I first came online in 1989 I used another name. Kismet was introduced around 1992 as my doubts became firmer about the org and I started realizing a future with the Org was not my Kismet. My destiny/future ... my Kismet lay elsewhere.

    I have also met and befriended many online that there seemed to be some kind of Kismet thing between us. So the name has come to take on many meanings.


  • zev

    chuck d...

    we're nieghbors
    do you have your story posted on the board?
    i'm willing to bet we know lots of the same peoples.

    -Zev, honourary member, The hurling class
    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Well, mine is pretty simple. My horse is a bright red chestnut....the Red Horse....the Woman part is self-explanatory.

    Zev, your question of ChuckD just made me think of something. I know he knows my cousins formerly from the Warren cong....the Rodrigues. Do you know them, also?

  • Sunchild

    I just thought that Sunchild was a nice name for a Pagan, something nature-fied and cheery. Besides, it's also descriptive of someone with my lovely brown skin.


    http://www.dreamsphere.net/ -- See it, live it, wear it.
    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • Kismet


    the Woman part is self-explanatory.
    ROFLMAO yeah right!!!!! since when?!?!?

    Women are never .... deciding to shut up before I dig myself deeper...

    ummm just ignore this one okay?!?!? LOL


  • waiting


    the woman part is self-explanatory.
    Since when????????????????

    ROTFLMAO with Kismet! Well, not *with* Kismet - just in spirit.


  • Kismet
    ROTFLMAO with Kismet!

    Quickly looking around the floor...under the desk, the bed.... phew scared me there for a second...



  • orbison

    ahhh, these posts are so personal,,i love them

    i got mine from a friend who helped set me up on the net about 8 yrs ago,,,from one of his top hits
    pretty woman

    so i kept it,,unless i am on irc, then i am spanker lol


  • Mulan

    My name is Marilyn, and when I first started posting, I wanted to be anonymous. I chose Mulan because it was sort of close to Marilyn. I also have done business in Asia, and it's an Asian name. I've never seen the movie, so no connection.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • mommy

    Zev, Thanks for the link to the other thread.

    I chose my name, because I hear that more than I hear Wendy, it seems like. When I first came on the forum, most of the men had trouble posting me without gigling. So I was forced to give my real identity. Not that I minded, I have been pretty open about who I am. But, I was able to give Pathofthorns a pretty good guilt trip about revealing myself.

    I too enjoy hearing others reason for their choices.

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

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