You Know You're Old Gertting Old When .......

by xjw_b12 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    They start making remakes of remakes.....

    I watched the original King Kong, not at the theatre but on TV. I watched the remake at the theatre and fell in love with Jessica Lange. Now they are remaking that movie.

    I watched the Superman cartoon series and the the TV series. I enjoyed the movie with Christopher Reeve when it came out. Now that is being remade.

    Now there is a new Batman movie out!!

    Anything else that makes you feel like you are getting old?

  • Undecided

    Anything else that makes you feel like you are getting old?

    Yea, but I'll never admit a thing.

    Ken P.

  • littlerockguy

    the remake of the stephen king novel based movies and the remake of the amityville horror movies after the string of bizarre sequels, lol

  • candidlynuts

    the fact that sweet lil buffy from family affair spawned paris hiltion makes me feel old..........and like maybe we HAVE been invaded by aliens from another planet!

  • sonnyboy

    I started feeling old when I noticed that a lot of celebrities and athletes are younger than me. I haven't had a younger boss yet, but that'll really be depressing.

  • mrsjones5

    your kids ask how were things in the "olden days"


  • candidlynuts

    driving by a college and all the buff guys are out there playing volley ball or something......and you realize you have kids older than them now..

    all the fun of driving by colleges has been ripped away from me by AGE! AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!

  • Swan

    I'm so old I remember when Saturday Night Live was funny!


  • jeanniebeanz

    When you make an appointment with a new OBGYN and the guy who walks in is younger than you. It's happened to me, and I looked at him and said, "Sorry, Kiddo. But this aint' happening. I'd feel like I was being 'felt up'." He just laughed and we decided to have some general blood work ordered and a physical. Serves me right for not specifying a female OBGYN.


  • carla

    When you hear Pink Floyd put to Muzak in an elevator! or when someone attempts a remake of Supertramp. Or when your kid says, "hey mom listen to this, it's Brian Adams and your scratching your head thinking, where have I heard this name. Then they play it and it's "hey, that's from when I was young!" or You shop the Jr. department cause the ladies is just too old ladyish and the jr styles are from when you were young, so which department can you go to? try to find a middle of the road I guess.

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