Are You Sick of Religion?

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    THere always seems to be a dark force associated with religions that causes a great deal of harm, the christian religion is good but not those controlling it.

  • diamondblue1974

    Terry that was as usual spot on....thanks for that, I see exactly where you are coming from.


  • Angry

    Listen Ya'll I have been re-baptised,saved ,gotten the holy ghost dancin around all good spiritual time,but when it comes all the way down to it RELIGION SUCKS! The bible says to make the truth your own, does it not?I believe that we can worship God by talking the way we are right now or even in the midst of our own home. God has always been with me through thick or thin. He is my father and like earthly fathers should be he would accept me even if I had murdered somone. He has unconditional love.So no I cannnot stand religion but I have an inner peace of mind that he watches and takes things into consideration. I just hate it when people put him in a box and lable him he is so much bigger than our small minds could ever imagine. He is the ALPHA the OMEGA the FIRST and the LAST. Man I finally have enough guts to spill how I really feel. That's really calming.

  • Purza

    I want nothing to do with religion at this point. Being a dub (and associated with dubs) for more than 30 years, has totally turned me off toward god, the bible and religion in general. Maybe one day that will change, but I just don't know.

    I got married a few weeks ago and my husband wrote the ceremony. Not one mention of the bible, god, etc. I liked it that way.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    There's a Min who leads a life of danger.
    To everyone he meets he stays a stranger.
    With every move he makes,
    Another chance he takes.
    Odds are he won't live to see the New World.

    Secret Agent Min,
    Secret Agent Min,
    They've given you a number.
    And taken away your posting priviledges.

  • delilah

    In a word....YES. Religion is a personal thing, or should be....not organized....


  • LittleToe

    My, my, your jaded self is coming to the fore again. Your comments might apply to the JWs, but most other religions are a little more well rounded than the extremes which you present.

    For the flip side of the coin I'll focus my answers on the Christian religion, but I think it's fair to say that my comments also have some applcation to other faith groups:

    Religion has been a cancer.

    I'd go for symbiotic. It's been there since the beginning of history. It's no more a cancer than the human race is. Now there's a thought...

    For every seemingly positive thing it generates there is an extreme and destructive counterpart.

    That comment cuts both ways. For everything negative it generates there is a positive counterpart.

    1.Religion sets you thinking in insular ways. (Good vs Evil) (Us vs Them)

    It also unifies - God is not partial. Judge no-one. Let the one without sin cast the first stone.

    2.Religion portrays you as weak, sinful, imperfect, worthy of destruction, needy.

    And provided a solution to that attitude (an attitude which incidentally exists apart from religion - e.g."does my ass look big in this") saying, "here's a solution, dump the baggage, for free".

    3.Religion offers its own "answer" to the above deficiency on your part: SURRENDER to its mindset; OBEY; SERVE.

    Do it because you WANT to, not out of cimpulsion. If it's out of compulsion it's not out of love. That which is not out of love is not spiritual. Strainge, most human relationships work on that principle, too.

    4.Religion makes you bulletproof when it sends you out to destroy (the enemy) because, even if you die, you are guaranteed immortality. Religion, in this way, creates soldiers.

    It also has the compassion to make you bulletproof when you face terminal illness.

    5.Religion makes you stupid, superstitious and reactionary. You replace learning about actual things with learning about fantasy; you replace knowledge of how the universe acutally works with invisible and mysterious forces; to all this you are taught knee-jerk Pavlovian responses.

    Most often religion encourages you to get a good, well-rounded education.
    It's hard to contribute to the cause financially if you only flip burgers and wash windows...

    6.Religion makes you paranoid and defensive. You see enemies everywhere: apostates, satanic influences, Babylonian pollutants, etc. And to all of this you snap into ritualistic behaviors.

    Some people are paranoid, regardless of religous persuasion. Religion doesn't cause this, though it will give an "image" of an enemy for those who are.

    7.Religion shuts out the rest of the world and forces you into a tiny group, collective mindset and controlled performance status. You begin to crave this so-called fellowship because it reinforces your delusions.

    Religion opens up the mind not just to the world, but also to the afterlife and heaven.
    It encourages you to interact across generations and social groups.

    8. Religion causes you to read only that which supports your orthodoxy and converts all the rest of your thinking into rebuttal tactics.

    It opens your mind to the posibility of other worlds, and doesn't hinder you from the liberty of personal thoughts.

    9.Religion penetrates your individuality and renders it inoperative. Your ability to makes choices is delimited into a robotic response mechanism that furthers the agenda of those in ACTUAL CONTROL at the top.

    It encourages your individuality, with no two expreiences or "paths" being the same,. It rejoices in diversity - after all, there are SO MANY religions to choose from - LOL
    The paranoid think that it's controlled by men at the top...

    10.Religion promises much and delivers nothing but depression, disappointment, delusion, destruction and deterioration of your intellect. And to all of this you will respond by insisting : NO IT DOESN'T with a giant gooey smile as drool runs down your chin.

    Some people are naturally depressive through no fault of their own. Often religion has counselling services, provided free gratis.

    So, to answer the question precisely: Religion is a reality in the lives of habit-forming mankind. Remember that when you reach for your customary beer, on a Friday night...

  • zagor


  • darkuncle29

    I am sick of extremism...from all sources.

  • datsdethspicable


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