Are You Sick of Religion?

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Markfromcali

    It's not about religion.

    There are religious people who are not in your face about it, and there are non-religious people who are still very religious in their frame of mind. I guess we call them fanatics, and there's everything in between. I'm sick of that frame of mind, but that could very well exist in someone who is sick of religion. All I can say about that is good luck, hopefully you'll see at some point that nothing has really changed. Like they say, "it sucks to be you."

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i am more sick of magical thinking and supernatural belief systems. religion falls into that, and so does do-it-yourself-just-add-water spirituality.

  • minimus

    I'm not against spirituality. But I'm not keen on the Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, Protestant or other religions, especially at this time.

  • Markfromcali

    Maybe we can compare this to people who are sick of men/women in relationships. Sure, maybe they have had a lot of bad experiences in their love life, but to be reasonable we would really need to look at the one consistent factor in that experience: YOU. It's not to place blame one way or the other, but you can't just only look at one part of the equation and ignore what's staring you right in the face. Sometimes it is a matter of abuse at the hands of those who hold power, whatever/whoever those authority figures may be, but if you don't look at yourself then you simply do not come to a complete understanding of it all.

  • minimus

    Maybe I'll be born again.

  • RichieRich
    i am more sick of magical thinking and supernatural belief systems. religion falls into that, and so does do-it-yourself-just-add-water spirituality.

    I think I am related to Tetrapod. That is exactly how I feel. No Religion. No Mystery. No Problem.

  • Terry

    Relgion is a virus. A Meme.

    Defintion: An idea that, like a gene, can replicate and evolve. (Google search)

    Religion has been a cancer.

    For every seemingly positive thing it generates there is an extreme and destructive counterpart.

    1.Religion sets you thinking in insular ways. (Good vs Evil) (Us vs Them)

    2.Religion portrays you as weak, sinful, imperfect, worthy of destruction, needy.

    3.Religion offers its own "answer" to the above deficiency on your part: SURRENDER to its mindset; OBEY; SERVE.

    4.Religion makes you bulletproof when it sends you out to destroy (the enemy) because, even if you die, you are guaranteed immortality. Religion, in this way, creates soldiers.

    5.Religion makes you stupid, superstitious and reactionary. You replace learning about actual things with learning about fantasy; you replace knowledge of how the universe acutally works with invisible and mysterious forces; to all this you are taught knee-jerk Pavlovian responses.

    6.Religion makes you paranoid and defensive. You see enemies everywhere: apostates, satanic influences, Babylonian pollutants, etc. And to all of this you snap into ritualistic behaviors.

    7.Religion shuts out the rest of the world and forces you into a tiny group, collective mindset and controlled performance status. You begin to crave this so-called fellowship because it reinforces your delusions.

    8. Religion causes you to read only that which supports your orthodoxy and converts all the rest of your thinking into rebuttal tactics.

    9.Religion penetrates your individuality and renders it inoperative. Your ability to makes choices is delimited into a robotic response mechanism that furthers the agenda of those in ACTUAL CONTROL at the top.

    10.Religion promises much and delivers nothing but depression, disappointment, delusion, destruction and deterioration of your intellect. And to all of this you will respond by insisting : NO IT DOESN'T with a giant gooey smile as drool runs down your chin.

    So, to answer the question precisely: I am sick of religion.


  • minimus

    Thanks Terry for that. You're right.

  • Markfromcali

    Are You Sick of Religion?

    Would you like to get better?

    This has nothing to do with going back to it, but the question remains are you sick, or are you healthy?

  • Daunt

    I'm more sick of fanatism than religion. Just happens that religion has most of the fanatics. Nobody can claim exclusive knowledge over everything because frankly we're too dumb of a species to claim that. So being overtly annoying and fanatic about it just leads to problems of prejudice. Mysticism displaces a person outside of the real world, which is fanatism of itself. Usually since there aren't any obvious absolutes that suggest otherwise in your fantasy, you make the absolutes and it overshadows everything. There are plenty of social and natural absolutes in this universe, but for the most part a person's mind can learn so much that it's immpossible to claim lordship over everything. Just creates crazies. Man this is the non-religious rant thread x10. And I think I maybe related to Tetrapod and Terry.

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