Does being a JW make a person physically sick?

by Gill 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Lyin'Eyes - I'm very glad to hear that you have improved now that you no longer have the crazy dub stresses on you any more. Makes me really realize that my own experience is not unique. It seems there are quite a few people who actually feel physically as well as mentally better since leaving the JWs.

    cyba-sista - The autoimmune problem, really does seem to be related to excessive stress. Everything I've managed to find out about autoimmune problems points to stress. All that Guilt as you put it just can't be good for anyone and I remember it well!

    Terry - That is such a good description of what taking on JW beliefs does to someone. It's like living in a fantasy and having to suspend your disbelief all of the time. Part of you just KNOWS that it's all lies.

    wannaexit - That's a really sad fact, that so many are ill in the congregations. I know it was the case where we used to go and so many also had the myalgic encephaly, or yuppie flu as it's known over hear. They just have no energy or will to do anything.

    Pole - You bang on that it's those who take it most seriously who suffer most. It's a bit like that scripture that says (more or less) Expectation delayed makes the heart sick!

    What about expectation that's never going to come true!

  • ChrisVance

    While a dub I had frequent low back pain and was always constipated. After I left both problems disappeared and I was able to reduce the Prozac from 3 capsules a day to one.

  • mapleaf18

    "As a witness you really have to be cynical enough to ignore WTS advice to avoid serious problems with mental and physical health. It is usually those who take it seriously that suffer most."

    EXACTLY! i never suffered because i took everything with a "grain of salt." my only problem is that i was overweight, but quickly shed the pounds after fading from the borg.

  • DannyHaszard

    Mental issues -- Just posted this 10 mins ago

    Physical --- I know of hundreds of JW's including some of my own family who have died PREMATURE deaths for neglecting their health care,diabetes,hypertension,etc.

    I have a colostomy bag as a direct result of the 1975 defaulted failure.I contracted ulcerative colitis in 1970 and let it ravage me.

  • upside/down

    Funny how my "worldly" family was never sick enough on a regular basis over a thirty year period to ever miss work or anything. Yet they smoked, were over-weight, and worked very hard.

    Join the Dubs and EVERYONE is "sick". Except the Dubs with money ( a mystery?).

    I've never seen more "flavor of the week" illnesses than with Dubs. Fibromyalgia, CFS, IBS, Krohns, Lymes, West Nile, ADD/ADHD, Lupus, Bi-Polar, Migraines....etc. I know these can be and are real illnesses...

    But the average Dub USES them to avoid the Society's harsh regimen of meetings and FS. There is no other "valid" reason to miss meetings and FS. But these illnesses rarely keep our fine bro's and sis' from "associating"... funny how that works.

    ***All of you with legit illnesses and disabilities... these comments are OBVIOUSLY aimed at those that "milk" it...the average Dub***

    u/d (of the so sick of being sick class)

  • Gill

    ChrisVance - Glad to read that you're much improved now.

    mapleleaf18 - I wish I'd had the sense to take it all with a pinch of salt! Good for you!

    DannyHaszard - I read your story the other night and can well understand why you're so angry with the WTBTS. You lost so much. However I was pleased to read that you've found a good woman to love. It makes all the difference in life.

    By the way Danny, you are a handsome dude!

  • greendawn

    It is well known that intense and chronic mental stress can cause harm to the body so with some JWs it could happen, a lot of them are on medication to alleviate the mental stress and depression caused by having to a live an unnatural lifestyle.

  • Gill

    greendawn - It certainly is a very unnatural lifestyle. Thinking back, there just isn't one sincle day in the week where the average JW can just switch off and relax. Everything is WTBTS orientated and they're either studying for, going to or at meetings. Then they've got kids to study with, if they don't they feel guilty. Field service to go to and so many hours to put in.... it just never ends.

  • cyber-sista

    even when you are on vacation you aren't supposed to relax. Remember they would tell us that being on vacation doesn't mean being on vacation from Jehova?. Even when you were sick or in pain you were told the story of others who were worst off than you but still attended the meetings. I found the WT pressure to be constant and permeating every aspect of my life. This was not the religion that Jesus christ was preaching about--the one that would lighten the load of its followers.


  • by grace
    by grace
    Wax fruit looks exactly like real fruit. Sometimes it even looks better! ; But, what happens if you eat it?

    You get sick.

    The eye can be fooled; but, not the body.

    Our MIND can live in a fantasy world and easily. But, our poor body always lives in the REAL world.

    No matter what you feed your mind, the body lives in the real world.

    Crazy thinking is "crazy" because it doesn't fit the REAL world. ; The real world is cause and effect.

    Magic thinking, fantasy, delusion, religious ideas all feed the mind on waxed fruit. The mind isn't physical and doesn't know the difference! ; But, this craziness doesn't FIT the real world and the body goes out of harmony.

    Your body is smarter than your mind. Why? Because it is rooted in the HERE and NOW. But, the mind can be anywhere and nowhere.

    You have to think REAL thoughts about real things or your performance as a physical being will be damaged and the result will by somatic and symptomatic.

    Stinkin' thinkin' leads to illness.

    Excellent explanation Terry!!!!! Thank you!

    Love, by grace

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