New and need a question answered before I post any other questions

by soundbox_guy 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Welcome to the real world where you sound off all you want soundbox

  • Blueblades

    Welcome to the real world where you can sound off all you want soundbox

  • JW83

    Soundbox, I tried to be a good Witness for a long time, too. But it is a thankless task & no one will care if you just up sticks & go chasing skirt. And you'll be a lot happier!

    From the female perspective: imagine being outnumbered by about 20:1 male to female, & if a guy was halfway decent (ie ms, pioneer material), the ratio was about 50:1! And sisters don't get those cosy chats with elders - they are just expected to clean toilets, pioneer & look hard for a good husband!

  • soundbox_guy

    Hey JAVA, you have the look of an elder. It's not hard to believe that you were once one. Hope you don't take that as an insult or anything. When an elder gives a person the "We Need Brothers" speech and they start saying stuff about how all males are supposed to grow in the organization, they're really just thinking about how if more people "grow", it'll be less work for them, right? I mean I keep turning 'em down in order to help them out so they won't have to have another talk with me and take away my privileges again.

  • soundbox_guy

    JW83, I never really thought about things from a sister's perspective like that until I read your post and saw that unhappy smiley face. And you're right about the toilet thing, sisters usually are the ones that are stuck cleaning the bathrooms. There are a lot of nice looking sisters out there and if most of them feel unappreciated like that, then that's sad. I usually don't try to get with any sisters, though, since I'm not as good of a brother as I used to be and don't want to be the guy that "corrupted" them.

  • JW83

    LOL - I say 'corrupt away'! They will probably thank you for it!

  • soundbox_guy

    That's pretty wild JW83, I never seen a sister talk like that before. People always keep all their thoughts to themselves and never say anything about how they may really be feeling.

  • JW83

    Yes, I have a bit of trouble with that! Meek & subservient isn't really my thing!

  • Quotes

    soundboxguy, WELCOME.

    I would like to point out that your first post (the start of this thread) is a classic example of someone who has had his free expression flattened.

    Think about it. You were afraid to express doubt, and ask questions. You felt that doing so could lead to a Judicial Committee (symbolized by the guys with Blood Cards knocking down the door and shouting FREEZE -- very funny visual image, by the way).

    In most normal, open groups and organizations, people are free to express doubt, and ask questions.

    Seriously, your first post speaks volumes about what is wrong with the group that proudly and foolishly calls themsleves "God's Channel of Communication".

    Again, welcome. Protect your anonymity, and you can speak your mind here without fear!

  • soundbox_guy

    I've always had a fantasy about being with a sister that's wild, but that's a hard thing to find since you can't just go up to any sister and ask if she is one, unless you want 4 elders busting through your door like I mentioned earlier.

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