My Story.................

by whyamihere 50 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Swan

    Good going! It sounds like you learned to make the best of a bad situation, and then you got really smart and changed the situation!

    You are a survivor.


  • whyamihere


    I had some close friends but then our JW parents got in the way. I never had any life long friends that stayed. It was all taken from me little by little because of the religion.

    However, one of my close friends that I could no longer be friends with because she was DF'ed is Nancy Drake. I found her as soon as I joined on here, I am happy to have her back in my life. Soon we will meet up again and laugh and cry and crawl back to our hotel room.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    that was touching, Brooke. thanks.

  • desbah

    that's quite a story Brooke, thank-you for sharing that side of you.

    reading your experiences with the dubs, this has cause you and your family alot of remind me of that quote

    what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger...and you have endure a hard childhood and never had the time to be a child.

    now, that you found yourself and set your goals in life.

    best wishes to you


  • EvilForce

    Brooke.... I got your PM....but I can't send outgoing PM's out of my box I can only get them. If you PM me your email I can answer your PM or you can drop me a quick email too....

    [email protected]

  • chrissy

    Hi Brooke,

    Thanks for sharing your story. I admire your resilience despite such obstacles.

    I've heard t here are no mistakes in life, just unexpected paths.

  • devinsmom


    You rock, you are a strong beautiful woman and all that crap made you who you are, I hope you dont regret any of it!


  • Netty

    Wow (((((Brook))))) I was really touched by alot of your story, but especially the part where you did so much to protect your younger siblings from seeing things that would effect them negativly. How wonderful! What a loving person, and sister you are. Sad how the JW culture can make people feel like they aren't good enough. I hope you have come to learn now that you ARE good enough! Good for you for having the strenght and courage to come to the point you are at now in your life. And meeting your friend on line here at this website... Awesome! Here's to you Brooke

  • whyamihere


    I stayed at home to make sure my brothers had a normal life. I took care of them as if they were my own. I always will. They know at anytime they can call me up and I would drop everything to help them no questions asked. I have done everything I could to help them become young men. To this day they ask me why did Mom and Dad get divorced? I think I did a pretty good job when they ask that. When you hear you parents fight it hurts. When the words I hate you and your children come from your mothers mouth you become crushed. My brothers didn't have to go through that. For that I am truly happy.

    When my youngest Brother Eli finished High School I had to get up and cry. He isn't a baby anymore. He will always be a baby to me!

    These boys are the reason why I do not DA myslef. I would not be able to see them. They are my family, my brothers, my friends, my life!


  • stillajwexelder

    incredible story - thankyou

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