Music that debases

by katiekitten 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dan-O

    I used to drive away from congregation picnics with AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" playing from my 8-track. Maybe that explains a few things.

  • katiekitten

    My cousin drew a t-shirt on the woman on the motorbike on the cover of the Meatloaf album 'Bat out of Hell', that made it OK to own. I was far more spiritual, I threw mine away.

    Shes an elders wife now, I wonder if they still have it. tee hee

  • Preston

    When I was a kid I remember not being allowed to listen to Liz Phair's Exile in Guyville anymore (for obvious reasons) .... and David Bowie was considered strictly verbotten.

    Interestingly, classical took up the majority of my collection at one point (Beethoven, Handel, Holst, Tchiakovsky). I remember them actually having debates on if it was ok to listen to Handel's Messiah.I was also counseled for listening to Vivaldi because he was a priest

    - Preston

  • Nosferatu
    This really pisses me off when I think back on it. I threw out all my Blue Oyster Cult albums...there's some irony for you.


    I started buying BOC albums just before I left the troof. I bought the "On Flame with Rock n Roll" compilation, and it felt so good listening to something so evil. Transmaniacon MC, Career of Evil, Burnin' For You, Death Valley Nights all got played regularly.

    The only album I ended up throwing out was when I was about 6 years old. It was Michael Jackson's Thriller. I threw it out because I believed that Jehovah didn't like it.

    The last guy I studied with told me to throw out all my Led Zeppelin and Guns N Roses albums. I never did. There was no fvvving way I was gonna throw out the music I loved.

    As far as hiding albums go, I had to hide all the music I was creating because it was highly offensive. The only other album I can think of hiding was the Poison Clan album I had (rap group).

    Did anyone ever do the same thing I did by coloring the "Parental Advisory" boxes on the label with a permanent black album? I still have one that I colored in. It looks really stupid with the black box in the corner. I don't bother doing that now.

  • Leolaia

    You know what's funny.

    I remember in 1984 when I first saw the Jacksons' "Torture" video. It was filled with special effects and made Michael Jackson look like he had divine power or something. I went to my mom in horror saying, "Mommy, mommy, the Jacksons' video is so demonic!!"

    And she went to watch and she said, "No it's not, it's not demonic at all!" And instantly, my perception changed and I realized .... I can't think of anything specific about it that is supposedly demonic. It was just a music video!

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    for those of you who haven't pushed it out of your memory by now....i remember back around the early to mid 90's, i believe it was...there was a YPA article in the A(sleep) magazine about music. the article has stuck with me this long for one reason...they mentioned a band called Deicide that at concerts would apparently throw dead animals and blood into the audience...i believed it at first, but as i got older i thought for sure that the society just made it anyway.....10 years later....i was going through matt's cd's one night and what do i find??? HOLY SHITE! A DEICIDE ALBUM!!!! ''THEY DO EXIST!'' i yelled....matt looked at me like i had lost my mind. so i told him about the YPA article about the blood and animals and whatnot....he fell on the floor he was laughing so hard!!! he said, ''sweetie, i attended probably a million of their concerts growing up! '' me>REALLY??? did they throw blood on you??? so after he was able to calm down and regain his composure, he explained that if they had really done what the article described, then PETA and the Health Dept would be all over their arses........they did do that stuff at concerts...but it was all fake. go figure.

    luv, jojo

  • Gopher
    ELO (widely regarded as having back tracking on one song)

    ELO was my favorite group in the late 70's! No way would I ever get rid of anything from them.

    Their song in question was "Fire on High", which did indeed have these backward lyrics in the introduction leading into the instrumental, "The music is reversable, but time isn't. Turn back, turn back." Evil indeed.

    Jeff Lynne (the group's leader) was only poking fun at the backward-lyric hysteria that was raging at the time.

    Queen (well freddie was a babba stabber wasnt he)

    On the other hand, Queen's backward lyrics in the song "Another One Bites the Dust" may have been aimed at kids. The backward lyrics (at least when I listened): "Decide to smoke marijuana."

  • Nosferatu

    Their song in question was "Fire on High", which did indeed have these backward lyrics in the introduction leading into the instrumental, "The music is reversable, but time isn't. Turn back, turn back." Evil indeed.

    When I was still a JW, I looked into backwards masking. ELO did have backwards messages (and there was more than the one in "Fire on High"), but all of them were funny. I've heard "You're playing me backwards", "Thank you for Listening" and a few others in their songs. They're all very amusing. I think the Secret Messages album has the most. I'm surprised some of you had this album since the cover is "questionable".


    Again, the backwards message in "Another One Bites the Dust" is bullshit. I checked it myself. You wouldn't hear it if you weren't looking for it.

    I should write up a post on the research I did on backwards messages. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

  • Gopher
    Again, the backwards message in "Another One Bites the Dust" is bullshit. I checked it myself. You wouldn't hear it if you weren't looking for it.

    It's probably true that you wouldn't hear it if you weren't looking for it. However, I did spin the record backwards just to hear what the fuss was all about, and I thought the backwards masking was quite clear. But then again, as I was a recently baptized J-dub, maybe I was listening too hard.

  • Leolaia

    "Another One Bites the Dust" is much more impressive than other examples I've seen. The "Stairway to Heaven" ones for instance bear little phonetic resemblence with the words they purportedly include.

    It's an aural coincidence because real backwards masking leaves tell-tale signs when you listen to the music forwards (e.g. "Empty Spaces" by Pink Floyd). If you listen to any music long enough backwards, you will find passages that sound intelligible, like "brush your teeth" or what not. It's similar to how people try to see Jesus or Mary faces in wood grain, biscuits, or grilled cheese sandwiches. It's making sense out of nonsense. Tape your local congregation singing a kingdom melody, go home and play it backwards, and you just might find a backwards message!

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