Are Jehovah's Witnesses Truly Honest?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • zulukai

    It's been my experience that a lot of JW,s are dishonest. Since the whole religion is based on lies and deceit and because we were instructed to praise the "emperor's new clothes" it's not surprising we'd find glaring evidence of dishonesty in many witnesses we knew. I have many stories of lying, embezzlement and cover-ups.I stood in my spare bathroom cleaning the fixtures and overheard my jw husband and his building partner discuss how they were going to take a newly arrived witness family to the cleaners over building their new house on a rock bed that would not allow for proper septic drainage. His problem, not theirs. They didn't know I was hearing every word, never saw me. I left this sorry sack of s*** a few days later but I did try to contact this brother to no avail. He actually contacted me at my mom's place a couple of months later to tell me he was leaving the town and that the house they had built for his family was flooded with sewage from the faulty system. I urged him to sue them as I had overheard them planning this very scam, and would gladly come to court on his behalf..but he declined. He had actually called me to warn me that I was married to a very evil man and that he wanted me to know I had been right to leave. And let's not even talk about the PO's son who was involved in grand larceny not once but three times, and his daughter's being part of a wife swapping club in the congregation or what happened to all the good people who dared to complain to the Canadian Bethel about the recreational habits of these pigs. Let's not even talk about how women were procured for my husband to date and we were'nt even divorced. And please don't even think about the fact that much worse things were done with the full knowledge of the Canadian Watchtower headquarters .They even sent a hired gun to get rid of those who kept insisting that something be done about this crap!! Dishonesty? This cult is a sewer of dishonesty.

  • jaffacake

    No JW has lied to me since my last Bible study - last week. I have ordered a Bible and asked the price. He said there was no price but I could just give a donation. I pressed him on the point that there must at least be a going rate, a cost guide or something similar. No, no such thing existed. The next day I asked someone from another congregation how much he thought I should donate. He promised to check the list, apparently he had seen a guide to donations per publication. Which of these JWs told the truth?

    And the Bible study before that ..................................

  • ithinkisee

    JWs tout their Natural Disaster recover efforts. Yet what they fail to tell you is that they STRONGLY insist the entire insurance claim (from hurricanes for instance) be donated to the Society. THE WHOLE THING.

    A friend of mine injured himself at a Kingdom Hall build - to the point where he couldn't work his regular job during the week. Thankfully his dad was head of Regional and also the boss of the large construction company he works for (and runs for his dad), so they simply filed for workman's comp.


  • LouBelle

    If on field service they are not there to just share the gospel with you - they actually don't give a damn about what you think / say / believe 'cos their ultimate goal is to convert you - so they actually lying about why they are out there doing what they do. And it's not because they genuinely love you 'cos they can just about show a superfical kind of caring amongst themselves - so that is a lie. And everything else..... - I'm sure there are honest hearted ones in the JWs' and because they don't know any better you just got to let them be.

  • doofdaddy

    When someone (or an organisation) tells me they don't tell lies I run the other way, because they are in self denial, the worst form of lying.

  • CinemaBlend

    Witnesses talk a good game about being different, but in the end they are just about like anyone else.

    There are good people there are bad people. There are honest people there are dishonest people.

    People are pretty much the same everywhere, even in the JWs.

  • greendawn

    However the top leadership are extremely resourceful when it comes to practicing deceit and they've been taking their followers out on a long long ride.

    Most of the things they tell their followers to believe they themselves know full well that they are false ideas and lies eg blood transfusion ban, 1914, the two classes of sheep.

  • Gozz


    JWs tout their Natural Disaster recover efforts. Yet what they fail to tell you is that they STRONGLY insist the entire insurance claim (from hurricanes for instance) be donated to the Society. THE WHOLE THING.

    Is this documented or peculiar to the congregation/area you got it from? Sounds new to me...


  • DannyHaszard

    People usually imitate the God they worship don't they? My background:born 1957 3rd generation JW to pioneer parents. I have moved about and sojourned in many congregations in various States.I was a devout JW remained chaste all my years until my exit 1992.I at one point in my life developed a mnemonic technique to memorize over 2,000 scripts from NWT. I was devout and have been around the block a few times.... I also have 20 years exposure to the world in my secular employment with hard boiled construction workers. This serves as a control group for my findings. Conclusion:The Jehovah's Witnesses are the most sleazy nefarious malicious willful wanton cruel mean predators. My beloved maternal JW Grandmother ATE HER OWN YOUNG.She was the most vile vicious bitch.My JW elder dad was a complete ass-"WHOLE" they were both lying conniving psychopaths. I have seen the most cruelest abuse perpetrated by many Jehovah's Witnesses EVERYWHERE in the name of their God Jehovah. I wonder if even the demons will f**k each other over for a percentage the way that dog-eat-dog Jdubs do to each other. I took exception to Ray Franz prima facie describing JW's as basically honest decent folks.That has not been my experience. I have come to the conclusion that EVIL (Satan) must exist.That this evil is ORGANIZED and appears to come from a central source.It also cloaks the evil in deception,ministers of righteousness/angels of light.Just like the Bible say's. JW's who have never met or know each other act EXACTLY the sleazy {S+M} same! It's Uncanny! Q: Why don't they celebrate Christmas?

    A: The same reason a lot of Christians don't celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a pagan celebration; it preceded Christ. It's the pagan festival of the Saturnalia, the return of the unconquered sun. They recognize that and I give them credit for it. But, see, that's how psychopaths work; they lie 80 percent of the time and, have incredible, astounding candor the other 20 percent. So you figure, when you hear them tell the absolute total truth, "there must be something wrong with my head, I've been misjudging them, I've been imputing wrong motive. Because they told the truth this time, they must be telling the truth all the other times, too." That's the psychopath dynamic.

    The Watchtower is run by psychopaths

  • DannyHaszard

    Unedited from my guestbook
    10 Jan 2005
    Remote User:

    Taken from Email........................................... XXXXXX-XXXXX <> wrote: Dear Danny, First off I say Thankyou for having the strength to leave this evil group and warning others about them! My husband and I have been married for XX years and he is not a JW, but after while I began to see that he and his sister ACT like they are JW even though the are not! My husband is XX and likes Ozzy Osbourne, {he is very immature} he treats Oz Fest like it's the second coming. He attaches all sorts of religious significance to metal stars and music.

    He has committed adultery I don't know how many times and the last girl was half his age and friends with his DAUGHTER. OF COURSE I NO LONGER SEE HIM, BUT WHAT CREEPS ME OUT IS HE WAS NOT LIKE THIS WHEN I MET HIM, OR RATHER, He lied about what he really was like, he presented himself as a different person {sound familiar?}, he is a stealth attacker,( you don't see it coming} he feels no empathy for others, he lies constantly, honestly believes he has NEVER done anything wrong in his whole entire life, { Gee, he must be Jesus! If he never did anything wrong ever.} No never, like exploiting his daughter so he could be with her friend is not wrong!} He never apologizes for anything and never admits when he is wrong, he just blames others! His whole entire family knows what he did , but they have a code of silence that they adhere to and say I am crazy. It's like he aint one of them, but he is!! It's enough to drive you nuts!! They just cover for him and he just continues to LIE AND LIE!!

    Before his mother tells a huge lie she always announces that she is a JW and does not lie! Boy, you know there's a wopper of a lie commin now! She became a witness right after he was born and dragged him to Kingdom Hall till he was 1X. Why'd he leave?? The way he's so sociopathic he'd make a perfect JW.

    And Danny, I am so sorry that you have lost so many family to this!!!! I have been reading your articles and you are right,losing people is losing people. What I wonder is how did you get away??? The brainwashing is really strong!!! How did you not wind up like my ex, a total sociopath!!! I know what these people are, too, and you must really be smart to come up against all this!!!!!!! If anything I can do to help expose them, let me know. They truly are extremely dangerous,because to an outsider they seem so harmless, you can't see it, that is called sociopathic. Creepy!! I would never marry any man if I knew he was like this!!! Yuk!!! ~ XXXXXXXXX

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