An Observation About Life

by JamesThomas 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • doofdaddy

    So much of what I have read here reminds me of the ancient Vedic texts from India.Their first realisation is that there is no god(that's a big call in India) The old scholars went into the forest and meditated on who am I. Going from one layer down to the next. One great realisation was that we are made up of the influence and experience of other humans .

    Once that is stripped away......What's left is truly "I"'.

    Interestingly, once that state could be attained at will, they often went back to their previous material lives.

    Makes more sense than living in a snow cave in the Himalayas.....

  • EvilForce

    I think the snow cave was a cartoon explaination of those crazy easterns.

    The "no words" post made me remember when I first starting clearing my mind..especially late at night when I was in bed or whatnot. I would literally blow everything out of my mind and concentrate on the word " No ". Not the meaning but pictured those two letters together in my mind. The size, the shape, the color, looked at it from every angle, far out, close in, etc.... That two letter word didn't mean anything... It was picturing that and only, which allowed me to let go. If other random thoughts came into my head.....then my attention would drift from that task. So when I first started with meditation it helped to have an object to focus on to the exclustion of all else. After awhile I no longer needed an object. I had taught myself how to do it without it.

  • Daunt

    I agree with everything that has been said here, and sheesh learning a lot every second but I was just wondering. I'm big on science and understanding every detail the world has to offer. However, it seems that even this, even if it's based in reality, is distracting from the real life. Does these advancements of human kind; intellectually, physically, medically all of those "ally's", have a place in this way of living?

  • JamesThomas
    Interestingly, once that state could be attained at will, they often went back to their previous material lives.

    From what I have seen it is a mistake to assume that the "material" or phenomena expression of life, is somehow, alien to what we Truly are. There does not appear to be any other, at all. No walls to separate, other than in a practical day to day way. I mean there continues to be differences, it's just that the sense of being isolated to a specific difference or part is gone.

    In the cave, or in the hustle and bustle of the city ("material"), the difference is only superficial.


  • EvilForce

    Absolutely Daunt!!!

    But we must not forget who WE ARE to the very core. We assume all these things as a persona. I'm a doctor...he's a lawyer....she's a are an electrician. Make sense?

    I forget who's quote this was but she said that "one can live deeply or one can live widely, but one cannot live both ways". What she meant is that we have time to delve into a few things and do them very well, understand them well, experience them well....or we can live life like a smorgasboard....a little of this a little of that....but cannot experience many things and have a deep appreciation for them. Life is too short for such luxury. There is nothing wrong with either choice...but it is the realization of that fundamental truth which helps you live your life.

  • JamesThomas
    I'm big on science and understanding every detail the world has to offer. However, it seems that even this, even if it's based in reality, is distracting from the real life. Does these advancements of human kind; intellectually, physically, medically all of those "ally's", have a place in this way of living?

    Nothing wrong with that; and yes everything is included and has it's place.

    It is just that as consciousness investigates itself, it sees there is no specific and real Identity of self, other than a vast boundless purity of Consciouses awareness. Life goes on. Identity has simply shifted from a separate entity to no thing which can be objectified at all. Yet, there is no separation from things. It's all inclusive.

    Let me just say you can't really explain the damn thing! It has to be realized first hand. The good news being, It, is what you truly are already. Just needs to be seen. Then the questions end. You know you know. You just can't explain.

  • bem

    Thanks Poppers and James Thomas, To all of you that have contributed to this post,

    I am enjoying the information thanks, (((((CodeBlue)))))


  • darkuncle29
    It is just that as consciousness investigates itself, it sees there is no specific and real Identity of self, other than a vast boundless purity of Consciouses awareness. Life goes on. Identity has simply shifted from a separate entity to no thing which can be objectified at all. Yet, there is no separation from things. It's all inclusive.

    I really love your posts James.

    It is just that as consciousness investigates itself, it sees there is no specific and real Identity of self, other than a vast boundless purity of Consciouses awareness.

    Could one say that identity is being aware of the differing tendancies and potentials within consciousness? What I am groping for is the question of a single mind being aware of itself, and being aware that the self that is identified is just one way of organizing the internal mechanisms, checks and balances, equilibriums that an area of seemingly isolated consciousness would use? (names and lables used here are not taken absolutely just used for clarity and distinction within this context)

    I still don't know if I got that out right, but in the big picture, is doesn't matter.

  • EvilForce


    You have studied Taoism and Buddhism both right? Or have I confused you with someone else on that???

  • darkuncle29

    I've read some Bhuddist stuff, mainly based on Tibetan. I get the two main branches confused--greater and lesser vehicle...mayanna or some similiar word. I have read more Taoist materials, and my interest is there. I've read four or so different translations of the Lao Tzu/Tao Te Ching, and am interested in finding that work in a German tranlsation. I'd really like to get ahold of some of the older chinese classics.

    I don't like to say that I am this or that, I'll say I am Taoist to give people a reference point. When i am around people discusing concepts and ideas and it get accademic or intilectual, I usually don't get too involved, as I don't see the point. I've said before that my beliefs are not for sale, and they are for me. I try not to "have" beliefs, but stay open to possibilities or potentials.

    I could go on and on, and still not get it said clearly. I would hope that my actions speak for me.

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