Had study with witness today

by jaffacake 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • mad max
    mad max

    I am sure he must be a really nice guy, I mean it. Prehaps it it a good thing to take it easy with him because then at least you might be able to create doubt in his mind about certain things, dont think so, but might.

    By df I meant disfellowshiped. Funny thing is though I have been out of the org. for 8 years, it feels just like yesterday as whole family are still in except Loubelle and only being DF for looking at the Bible without publications, not getting DF for doing worldly things which happens. Very very strange.

    I cannot go back, feel nothing.

    The JW say that is one of the signs God is blessing them as they have grown in numbers, a great growd, but remember the road is narrow, dont ask me how all will fit.

    Continue to study WITH HIM.

  • Sunspot
    i told the elder that the faithful slave was teaching the incorrect things, asked why this and why that. Elder said it was all in the past.

    Maybe it was "all in the past"...........BUT it was taught and enforced as "TRUTH" at one time. This makes my blood boil when I hear things like this! The WTS makes such a big stinking deal about following their policies and will DF people in a heartbeat---but---when a policy is changed----it's because they're being refined or some such doubletalk.

    AND, the DFed ones remain gone due to apostacy! It's such a messed-up and miserable lying cult!


  • mad max
    mad max

    Thats the "TRUTH"

    and hopefully jeffacake can show the JW from the bible as "the truth will set him free"

    Iam out of here, its time for home sweet home.

  • amac
    I asked why the religion I was brought up in, as well as many other Christians, have a better record of world wide translating & preaching of scriptures to the ends of the earth than JWs. JW gospel preaching represents less than half of one percent of Christian missionary & gospel work. JWs have only translated scriptures into a tiny fraction of the worlds languages compared with other Christian groups, and have only succeeded in locations where they have followed in the path of other Christians.

    This is great! I've never had a good response to the tired claim that they are the only ones really preaching. Do you have any info to support this? Or just the general knowledge that the JW religion is small and most countries were already open to Christianity. There has to be some countries where they broke ground in getting the Bible heard...Any further info on this would be helpful.

  • jaffacake
    only being DF for looking at the Bible without publications

    A couple of months ago an elder denied point blank that JWs are not allowed to study the Bible alone without watchtower publications. Was he lying?

  • jaffacake
    This is great! I've never had a good response to the tired claim that they are the only ones really preaching. Do you have any info to support this? Or just the general knowledge that the JW religion is small and most countries were already open to Christianity. There has to be some countries where they broke ground in getting the Bible heard...Any further info on this would be helpful.

    I was once a seventh day adventist. JWs are an offshoot of them. Have a look at their website, but they are one of dozens of Christian religions doing this. But they also run orphanages ec in response to Christs appeal (not just for therir own)

    But my main source was In Search Of Christian Freedom by Ray Franz - an awesome book. Ray also gives sources such as encyclopedias of religion etc. I'll see what else I can dig out.

  • Mary

    he admitted openly to me the the FDS of Jehovahs Witnesses DO NOT get any information from God at all.

    A real shocker to everyone here!...........actually that is a shocker that any Dub would actually admit that.

    They just do their best to discern correct understanding of the Bible, like other well meaning Christians

    Well "their best" sucks dead rocks............and who are these other "well meaning Christians"??

    but he said JWs are better at it because Jehovah has blessed them.

    Oh vomit, vomit, vomit ..........where is there any evidence at all that Jehovah is blessing them or ever has? These other religions also have had more converts than what we have.....does that mean Jehovah is blessing their efforts? Oh, I guess that means that Satan has just blinded their minds........it's amazing what ridiculous nonsense the average Witness can come up with without stopping to think about what they're saying.............keep us posted. That is, if they're brave enough to actually come back for another round..........

  • MidwichCuckoo
    he admitted openly to me the the FDS of Jehovahs Witnesses DO NOT get any information from God at all.

    Had similar told to me this past week - I questioned the WT changes over the years, and was informed that it's only men's ''ideas''. When I reminded the JW visitor that Knorr and Franz swore on Oath that Jehovah was the editor of the Watchtower, his answer was, ''when people swear in Court, they BELIEVE what they are saying is true, it doesn't mean that it is''.

    A ''good'' JW is one that can think fast on his/her feet.

  • garybuss

    You wrote:
    "A couple of months ago an elder denied point blank that JWs are not allowed to study the Bible alone without watchtower publications. Was he lying?"

    A Witness can look at the Bible without Watch Tower Publishing Corporation produced literature, they just can't come to any understanding different than that presented in the Watch Tower produced literature and if they do come to an understanding different that that opinion published for mandatory acceptance, they're not allowed to talk about that contrary opinion under the threat of being shunned for apostasy.

    So technically the elder was telling the truth and technically he was lying by omission, a practice not very uncommon among the Witness people.

  • jaffacake
    he admitted openly to me the the FDS of Jehovahs Witnesses DO NOT get any information from God at all.


    Yes me too, of everything we have discussed, this admission is what shocked me the most, and from an experienced PO too. If I tell this to my soon-to-be-baptised friend he wont believe me. But I mustnt stumble him


    So it is not just me, then why are they telling new converts they get information from God? Anyone?

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