Whatever happened to the KINGDOM SMILE???

by Latte 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Latte

    Whilst sat in my car at some temporary traffic lights recently I saw what looked like a CO doing his bit of encouraging a young boy in the F.Ministry , he had his hand on this young boys back (kinda distant for a dad) I smelt a CO immediately! LOL

    The road was narrow, and then low and behold! A load more Jw?s walked onto the pavement right beside my car!!!!! I knew most of theses people?.gasp!! My daughter was with me, and we happened to be sharing a laugh together, and were feeling very upbeat this particular Saturday morning. I caught the eye of one of the women (elders wife) who knew me, she must of mumbled to her hubby that I was there.....he eyeballed me.....

    What sent a chill down my spine about this, is the REALLY MISERABLE FACE of the elder, he eyeballed me for the duration of walking past me. I was feeling so good this morning I really didn't want to pull tongues out at him ....like I felt like doing. So I avoided his cold , miserable glare until just the last moment, when I just SMILED!!

    What struck me about this scenario is just how miserable the elder looked.... honestly ...it was a face I shall not forget!! LOL imagine opening your door to THAT on a Saturday morning!! Whatever happened to the KINGDOM SMILE????

    No doubt, they will report to other JW?s that I know, that we were laughing at them. Yes, it's true I did battle with laughing at them, but they had a gang of children with them also ....I would never want to laugh at them, just the head-up-his axxse elder and his wife.

  • JW83

    Latte, sounds like you are the healthy one! I remember walking to the KH utterly miserable, sometimes crying - I didn't know why. Definitely no Kingdom Smile.

  • Latte
    walking to the KH utterly miserable, sometimes crying

    I do hope those days have pased for you {{{{{{JW 83}}}}}}}

    I think most people (if there honest) on there way to ministry or the KH ... felt like crying! LOL

  • JW83

    Thanks Latte! Yes - now I look like this - I'm getting there!

  • steve2

    What's happened to the Kingdom Smile?

    Didn't you know that, in recent years, it's been turned on its head and now resembles a Kingdom Scowl?

  • Latte


    Love it!! I think a hat would suit you too!

    Much better than example setting elder

    This is me at the KH!

  • Latte


    Didn't you know that, in recent years, it's been turned on its head and now resembles a Kingdom Scowl?

    Darn it! I knew there would be 'new light' on this important matter.

  • Markfromcali

    To quote Michael Bolton from the movie Office Space: "Thumbs up their asses, thumbs up their asses.." Hey, I could have used this one in the movie threads too!

  • JAVA

    The "Kingdom Smile" is like the kingdom dress, it's usually put on. After the newness of being in "the Truth" wares off, the smiling faces at the Kingdom Hall becomes nothing more than required masks for "God's happy people." The face behind the mask shows through when a JW is confronted by someone not playing their game; by a person who KNOWS about their game, and is no longer playing it. As a general rule JWs are very unhappy people (as we all know), and it shows when they are face to face with a smiling ex-member.

  • Honesty

    I received the Kingdom Smile when I became a Christian 2 months after I left a world-wide demonised cult that has 2-6 million members depending on who you ask.

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