Whatever happened to the KINGDOM SMILE???

by Latte 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal

    I could never stand that JWs expected everybody to be smiling - especially sisters. Some people are more smiley by nature. I wasn’t really one of them. I felt it was enough if I had a pleasant expression on my face.

    I also felt that if I smiled in the Hall it was an invitation for somebody to come up to me and bother me or ask a favor..Thank heavens I don’t have to deal with this theatrical nonsense anymore!

  • ohnightdivine

    Agree with you, LongHairGal!

    It's really awkward to be surrounded by people with permanent smiles...

    I'm someone with a neutral expression or even RBF especially when in deep focus, but I remember my 'Bible study conductor' telling me to manage my facial expressions more. :D

  • WingCommander

    Ah yes......the KingDUMB smile. Ignorance is bliss, aye?

    Make sure you put a large SMILE on your face as the Elduh's, CO, and Governing Body bend you over, fleece you for every cent you have, any free time you have, and give it to you good.

    Oh! Don't only SMILE, but be obedient, submissive, and ask for seconds!!!!

  • UnshackleTheChains

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