What are your Healthy Releases?

by GetBusyLiving 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Healthy ... Releases ... ?



    ,,, walking, painting , dancing


  • kls

    Taking my dogs for a long walk in the woods and running from the bugs

  • what_Truth?

    Lift weights, do situps, masturbate, write another page of my diary.

  • delilah

    I love to go for long drives, go to the antique market, garage sales, anything to get outside. Tinkering in my flowerbeds is also fun, and listening to good music...i like to paint as well, so will do a bit more of that now the nicer weather is here.


  • greendawn

    Listen to my favourite music, rent and watch a film or two after checking things out on the imdb to make sure I don't get out any trash, visit/invite friends to socialise. In the summer go swimming.

  • littlerockguy

    Im a male, you have to ask?

  • desbah
    Im a male, you have to ask?

    yup...men and women sure do think differently

  • HadEnuf

    When it's decent here in WI...I can work outside in my garden. During winter I can lock myself in my room and read or watch movies. I also eat...oh yeah...that's probably an unhealty release. Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

  • Quentin

    When I've really gone around the bend... movie store...weekend marathon...otherwise reading or yard work.

  • Billygoat

    Since last summer I've discovered gardening. I am positively in love with it! It's rather like an addiction, especially when I've just planted seedlings or other younger plants. I check on them every morning and evening after work. This spring I'm growing tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, yellow squash, zuchinni, spinach, radishes, TONS of different herbs, roses and flowers. Coming home to water or weed for just a 30 minutes is one of the best ways to start my evening. It's incredibly relaxing.

    Taking a walk when the weather isn't too hot is good too. Working out doesn't do that much for me.

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