Why I am SURE we made to right decision to leave the JW's..........

by Latte 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Latte

    Old soul.....LOL Yes, they were white last time I checked!

    Our closest friends were very heavily into the JW's. I agree with ALL the comments made....they desert you no matter what kind of person you are...no matter how nice a person....no matter how many times they've enjoyed your hospitality and kindness - non of these things matter.......

    Happy Latte

  • Charisma

    yes, consistent with the pattern for you and many, no one ever bothered to see why I stopped attending meetings..

  • hopelesslystained

    When I quit attending, many years ago, no one called or came by to even see if I or the children were ok. Except, for one elder, and he promptly attempted to seduce me! A very sad and sick group of people. It was very eye opening and hurtful. Even those whom I thought were such warm and kind friends, my door-to-door companions, made no attempt to ask why, or what might be going on with me. But happy to say...I now have true friends and family. Most of my natural family are twisted loyal jws. Hopeless

  • love2Bworldly

    I have only been researching the internet this past year so I know now beyond a reasonable doubt that I'm glad I left years ago. People in 'Babylon the Great' churches are more friendly than the JWs because it's not fake or based on your standing in the Kingdumb Hell or how many hours you spend preaching the 'good news'.

  • Latte


    Even those whom I thought were such warm and kind friends, my door-to-door companions, made no attempt to ask why, or what might be going on with me

    It was the same for me too! This is one of the reasons I started this thread, as so often, leaving can make you doubt yourself for a very long time. It can be quite traumatic when people feel quite happy to give you the .....cold shoulder.... (or worse!) One needs to realize that by leaving you are showing great strength and courage to leave the ....way of life......and all which that entails.... behind

    I feel very happy at the moment, and believe it or not, I have for the most part 'left it all behind' I don't care anymore.

    The joy I get from knowing that my kids are cultivating friendship with non-Jw's who, who knows.... may be around for a long time in there lives....they won't leave them for some silly reason like... beliefs.


    Great to see you again! You were one of the very first people to make me welcome on this forum...all those years ago....

  • JAVA

    With Latte as your forum name, I knew you were a good person!

    Your children's photo is great--it's nice seeing what normal looks like.

  • Englishman

    Hey, I remember those 2 at BBQ number 1!

    Lovely children, Latte, a real credit to you and hubby.


  • jaffacake

    So are you saying that if I can persuade my friends not to turn up at the Hall for a week or two, they wont come looking or calling for him?

  • benito

    When I stopped attending meetings I was a little afraid of having the elders and other brothers caliing me and visiting me to try to persuade me to go back to the KH. It was surprising to see that only 1 elder, after three months without attendign the KH, came to see how all was going. And just 2 or 3 brothers phoned (At this moment, I wasn't disassociated yet). That was good for me, because I didnĀ“t want to feel pressure on me, but it was a little sad at the same time. I worked very hard at that congregation until the last day I attended, I pioneered with a lot of them, I went on vacation, going out with many people. It was weird how all these people disappeared the day I gave up the meetings.

    But it doesn't matter, they lost the companionship of one of the kindest , most compassive, most marvelous and happiest person I've ever met: me (this is not my opinion, it's Aurelio's opinion, an old neighbour of mine who tells me that everytime we find each other on the street, after a big hug of course. And you know that old people are the wisest ones. )

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Ok how do you pull the "nobody calls when we don't show up routine"?

    My wife misses one meeting and the phone is ringing off the hook as soon as the meeting is over.

    Is that because she is newly dunked? Is it because you "nobody called us" types were considered "spiritually weak"?

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